Is anyone else having an issue with EZSCAN updating the database, mine say the file is not there..
Try going to that file directory - delete the zip file and then open EZScan again and run the update.
Is anyone else having an issue with EZSCAN updating the database, mine say the file is not there..
OPERATOR ERROR on your part.
Ver 2.48 updated, the install finally working. Took THREE attempts, only after moving the install file to my desktop, did it properly install (was halting on 'config__.bin' during install). Tried looking up (site search) ezscan versions 2.45 or 2.48 here for self help, no results. Maybe Whistler should have auto update for the ezscan program, incorporate it into its startup like many other programs? Having thousands of ppl to manually update it for fixes to itself is user UNFRIENDLY. Especially if users try to use it to check for updates only to find it fail. At least, it is now queuing the servers properly again.
I wonder if Whistler sub-contracts the writing of ezscan?
OPERATOR ERROR on your part
EZSCAN does by default check for updates...someone has turned that off on your end.
I am experiencing the infamous "Invalid certificate" error while trying to update my software for the TRX-1 and the TRX-2. Will Whistler ever get this under control?
It is working right now just updated are you using the most up to date software version?
It is working right now just updated are you using the most up to date software version?
It will not update the database if the software is out of date.