Wiki News and Maintenance

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Silent Key - Aug 2014
Oct 20, 2002
Katy, TX
nd5y said:
Is the Wiki fully functional now?
I tried to edit a bad link and it won't save the page.
It does not appear so, I am not sure what exactly you were trying to change, but I do know that the pages with RR Wiki Extensions are still not working.


Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
They are for me - I purged my wiki cache before trying, and now I'm seeing the results of the extensions, not a blank page. Here's the command;


where xxxxx is your user id on the wiki. Place the question mark after your userid. (The single quotes were used to defeat the bulletin board trying post and resolve the URL; do not include them in the command)

73s Mike


Silent Key - Aug 2014
Oct 20, 2002
Katy, TX
Mike, this also cleared up the editing problem some were experiencing. Good deal!


Founder and CEO
Staff member
Super Moderator
Dec 9, 2000
San Antonio, Whitefish, New Orleans
We actually had a filesystem corruption - after the failure this week (and a result of) that I fixed early this afternoon -- this was causing the wiki problems you guys were seeing, including extensions not working and failure to edit pages.

All looks well now as of 5:07 PM CST.

Thanks for your patience guys - when it rains it pours it seems.


Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
Unfortunately this didn't clear up Tom ND5Y's problems; hopefully this can be fixed up fast, as he's contributed a great deal to the common frequencies articles. It seems the wiki is not saving the changes he's entered. Very wierd. In any case, you're welcome

73s Mike

[edit] Thanks Lindsay - I had posted this message before I had seen your response. Mea Culpa.


Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
Due to time constraints - and the number of changes on some of these articles - to hopefully quell some of the style concerns, I've changed the bolded captions on most of the pages back to sub sections. In addition, in some cases, I've added a new sub section for power requirements; it's a common enough question, with folks running scanners in cars, and lost power cords, that it's warranted. I'll migrate that logic to other handhelds in due course. I do such changes during my lunch break, and I can only do that for so long. Please try to be consistent with the use of the subsections, as listed in the Quick Guide to editing (available for download from the main article). 'nuff said.

Anyway, we've had many other changes in the intervening month or so...

  • For those folks heavy into aero monitoring on HF, I've repaired and updated the HFDL article with the new frequency tables, valid from the end of the month

  • Nonposter has modified several of our scanner articles, and added a category just for digital scanners - which should prove useful for those doing some shopping. He's also added an owner's manual link, for those that like to read before they buy.

  • Trunker has added several details to various Uniden articles. If you have a question about patch tracking in an EDACS system, he's got a short article on the subject . I also see that he's created a page for the UBC3500 scanner which is the Euro equivalent of the now-discontinued BR330T

  • Mike Oxlong has continued to put data out for various Ontario townships in the Canadian portion of the Wiki. I see Eric905416 has also done some work in the Canadian article

  • As mentioned elsewhere, Safetyobc has been migrating the Uniden and RS reviews previously on the now-defunct Scanning Arkansas website, and posting them on the Wiki. See the threads in the Uniden and RS forums for links and more details. I see he has also been migrating the various JPEGs and putting them in the articles to make them more readable. Be sure to check out his reviews and give him feedback. In addition, he's added an Arkansas link to the United States section, and a new JPEG on the AWIN

As always, thanks to all who contributed! 73s Mike
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Silent Key - Aug 2014
Oct 20, 2002
Katy, TX
ka3jjz said:
...As always, thanks to all who contributed!

I would like to thank you, first, for riding herd on the Wiki and secondarily, for providing the rest of us with these periodic updates to what is happening on the Wiki. I, for one, find them the best source for keeping up with the constant changes there.


Founder and CEO
Staff member
Super Moderator
Dec 9, 2000
San Antonio, Whitefish, New Orleans
Yes Mike... Outstanding work... many thanks for your support.

Next time, I promise to coordinate with you first before I do a software upgrade on the wiki.. ;-)



Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
Muchas Gracias to both of you. Hopefully others also find the update summaries useful. It just goes to show you how much the Wiki has expanded - exploded is probably a better word - over the last year or so. I also post the summaries to give the Wiki a little more exposure than it would normally have.

73s and stay warm...Mike


Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
A simple request - please use the 'talk' pages on the Wiki to comment on the article to which it's attached, and not to make unrelated requests. When you make a comment, be specific - 'wow this image is blurry' won't cut it. Naming it, along with the article it's on, would be very helpful. Someone can then go ahead and perhaps take action on it.

In another instance, someone was asking about where to get software to copy ALE (the answer is linked here) . Use the appropriate forum instead of the Talk pages - they aren't regularly scanned by folks that don't watch the wiki, and it simply cuts down on the chances of getting an answer.

73s and thanks....Mike


Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
Another month or so has gone by - much too quickly, for my liking - and folks have been busy working on the Wiki;

  • floydpink999999 has added some interesting information to the BCD396T
    article regarding frequency coverage for this scanner in other countries

  • Trunker has added a new article on the Alinco DJX30 handheld

  • MTindor and RFMobile has added some details to the UniTrunker article

  • I redid the Trunking article somewhat so that it's a bit easier to read by moving the FAQs up before the terminology

  • Unfortunately, due to these frequencies now being classified as being under Homeland Security, The Civil Air Patrol frequencies were dropped. This data has been replaced with links to where data - which is in the public domain - can be located.

  • I coded a new category article with links to the current crop of trunktrackers that trunk only in the analog mode. This will be useful for those areas that have not yet transitioned to digital trunking

  • There seems to be something of an upswing of available info on Motorola radios; canunkcam added a stub article for the Spectra while fogster has added several
    articles on the Saber series. See the Motorola Radios
    article for these links. In addition, he's added a short article on MDC1200 signaling protocol used by Motorola systems

  • After a brief time away, Shortwave Log has returned to the scene. This is free software primarily geared to HF desktop users (it recently added a couple of Yaesu Ham transceivers); not only is it a control program, but it allows for remote control, logging and more. I understand it's a bit tricky to set up but once done, it's very powerful. Several of the HF desktops listed in our Wiki are supported by this software

  • Heads up, Yaesu VR-500 owners. eorange has added a small section this article for undocumented features. If you know of any, don't be shy!

  • Mikan has added some details to the MVT3400/7300 and 9000 pages. These are Yupiteru (also known as 'Yupi') scanners that we rarely see in the States, so any additional detals are always welcome. Please check the Yupiteru Models page for more information.

As always, thanks to all, and CU next month....Mike
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Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
Much as I loathe to have to do this, this policy change is effective immediately, and has been approved by Lindsay; the policy regarding the removal of data from the Wiki that is deemed sensitive in any manner will be the same as that followed by the database (with the exception that we generally don't store trunked data on the Wiki, of course). That policy is outlined here

In summary, if an article is deleted without any log entries that describe why, and an official request as outlined above, the article will be restored and locked. The lock and article deletion will not be honored until that request is received.

This is being implemented to hopefully keep RR (and by extension, the Wiki) out of the spotlight. I don't like this much, but recent action by a certain individual on the Civil Air Patrol article has forced me to make this decision.

Thanks for your understanding in this matter. 73s Mike


Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
I will try to do that Ben, but no promises. Lindsay would be the one to receive the letter, since the policy states that it goes to his box. And note, email requests are not acceptable in lieu of the hard copy. It depends if I can let it slide a day or two or not, but I will try.

73s Mike


Database Admin
Dec 22, 2004
Marion/Johnson County, IN
Wiki pages with RR extensions down again

I noticed yesterday that all the wiki pages that include RR extensions are not able to be viewed right now. The pages all come up blank. They worked on Monday but Wednesday at noon those pages would not open.


Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
Yeah, I see that. Must have been a server crash. I'll send a note to Lindsay - thanx for letting me know 73s Mike
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