I wonder if it will have A B C D keys on the DTMF keypad?
Our electronics industry has been based in Asia for quite some time. First Japan, then Malaysia, and now China. Sadly, we don't have an electronics industry in the US anymore....
I'm going to take a hard look at their mobile. I've been looking for a detachable head dual band mobile that is narrowband capable for railfanning.
Link keeps timing out on me:lol: I was hoping to see some interesting radios.I'm proud to say WE do produce electronics HERE in the u.s. and have been for the last 11 years,but it's mostly industrial,military class1,2 applications.
I have 1 question [not to sound stupid or a radio police] Are these radios from China type excepted here? I thought someone said they weren't.
No, the radios (at least the ones sold by the US distributor) are type-accepted for Part 97, as the firmware doesn't allow out-of-band programming, unless you perform a modification with the software.
Do the other Wouxun radios have the A B C D functions on the kaypads?
Take a peak here I found on google, Looks like they are on sale in Mexico for now. Some of the description is in spanish and english. Wish my spanish was better. Even cooler it has cross band repeat.
I suppose the real question to ask yourselves is will Yaesu, Kenwood and Icom become price competitive??
And when will we begin speaking Chinese after they call in all of our outstanding debt??? Think real hard about what you are supporting here.....
Funny you should say that, I was talking to a friend who is a dealer. Kenwood and Icom are scared to death of Wuoxon, while Yaesu doesn't seem bothered. These radios seem more like a shot against the yen as well as the dollar.
So I liked the link to the Mexican web site for this radio. But I can interprate it. Does anyone know where do find this radio on a site thats in English?
Wouxun KG-UVD1P - KG-UV2D - KG-UV920R Mobile Transceiver is one site (they're taking reservations for the radio as well).