I'm starting to think that even the official information on the forum regarding NAS should maybe be redacted and/or altered to further discourage such experimentation. And I'm one of the guys who went public with it, back in the day!
The game has changed, stakes are higher, laws are different, there's simply more trouble to be had and the method has, if anything, only become more complicated to properly implement in Phase 2 systems.
Maybe this needs to become a topic where formally there's no support for it at all within the forum. Not even a basic discussion. "You can't do it safely or legally, we do not discuss it, that's the end. Buy any scanner on this list. (Attach list of current models of P25 capable scanners)."
It's become like those ads on TV for certain medications, where the benefits take five seconds to list, but the list of possible side effects up to and including death take up the rest of the ad time.