That diplexer are used at the parabol dish to connect to one input and a TV antenna to the other input and at the other end of the coax another diplexer are used to take out the two signals, one 950-2000Mhz and one 25-800MHz. When using two scanners with one antenna you will instead need a 1-2 splitter that both port will handle 25-2000MHz with a 4dB attenuation and an isolation between ports of something like 20dB, 100 times.
If one scanner only receives UHF frequencies 250Mhz-1000Mhz and the other scanner only VHF below 250MHz then a diplexer designed for those frequencies will only have something like a 0.2dB attenuation.
I want to also connect two antennas to one scanner using a Diawa two position switching switch but it shows them only going up to 600mgz and I'm listening to 700-800, someone told me it won't pass the 700-800 signal ..?