
  1. Uniden BCT15 Analog Scanner

    Uniden BCT15 Analog Scanner

    Uniden BCT15 base/mobile analog VHF-UHF scanner. Great for scanning civil-military aviation, maritime, non-digital public service, etc. 25 – 512, 764 – 776,794 – 956, 1240 - 1300 MHz. Includes telescopic antenna and AC adapter. No other accessories or manual (can be downloaded on-line). The...
  2. K

    BCT15X: Programming a Trunked System on BCT15

    So I am using FreeSCAN on a windows 10 machine, I have a USB to serial cable plugged into the serial port, I've already made a connection with the scanner and programed a conventional system so I know the connection works. I am trying to upload my local P25 system. I have imported it from RR...
  3. X

    Trunked System Help Needed - Finding Control Channel

    I am new to all this so bare with me. I have a BCT15X with this trunk system programmed in. This scanner has no issues. Everything works as intended. This scanner was not programmed by me. I recently purchased a used BCT15 which I am trying to program to be identical to the BCT15X. I used...
  4. B

    Riverhead pd scanner info

    Hey guys I'm looking into purchasing the bearcat bct15 to scan Riverhead pd... what other scanners would be reasonable in price for scanning my local pd thanks
  5. C

    FDNY DoITT Monitoring

    Hello all I have a issue, I have been trying to monitor the fdny doitt trunked frequency but it's not working, I have used radio reference with my arc15 to program my Bearcat bct15 using the 400mhz layout. All the frequencie seems correct and the IDs as well. I'm not picking up anything, any ideas?
  6. C

    NJSP Trunked

    Hey All good evening, I was wondering Using the Arc15 for my BCT15 and programming NJSP Trunked via Radio Reference Do I need to upload all 16 sites ?
  7. D

    BCT15: Used Webserivce to program BCT 15 but not working.

    I used the radio reference web service to program my BCT 15 but i seems to not pick anything up? I have a Uniden Home Patrol that picks my whole county up but the 15 wont pick up anything. Does anyone have any ideas?
  8. T

    Uniden BCT15 firmware v1.06 update problems

    I have a BCT15. It's currently operating with firmware v1.03.04. I would like to update it with v1.06.00. I have downloaded the firmware and updating application, and get the following response: Error This scanner is not an object for BCT15 Rewriting is impossible Please turn off the power and...
  9. owenmcc1

    BCT15 problem/question

    I recently purchased a used BCT15, and already it appears I may have a problem. But rather than jump to conclusions, I thought I'd check and see if anyone else has had the same problem. When it stops on one of the channels I have programmed in, it acts like it loses signal right in the middle...
  10. B

    City of Alameda PD

    'bought a Uniden BCT15 - want to listen to City of Alameda PD communications. (Note - city of Alameda, KMA217, not COUNTY of Alameda.) Need a bit of help in the correct settings for my scanner - I have the frequencies, and it looks like Alameda PD uses a trunked system, and I have a TGID. What...
  11. airsquad9

    BCT15 or 996XT Software Cable Help

    I've been trying to connect my BCT-15 to my Windows 7 computer. Since my computer has NO serial ports on it, I purchased a serial-usb adapter and I still can't get the ARC15 software to recognize the scanner. Has anyone been successful getting the Uniden scanners to connect to a CURRENT...
  12. B

    Multiple BCT15 control using UASD software?

    Hello, I'm looking for any insight into this, im not really sure if it can be done. I have two BCT15's mounted in my vehicle and they are kind of out of reach. I have a laptop stand and I can control each one with the UASD software, but not both at the same time. Once the program is open, I...
  13. T

    Help: Can't Shut Off Service Searches

    Hi all, I am fairly well versed in the BCT15 & 15X scanners but I've run into a problem. We have a BCT15 and a BCT15X in our main console (public safety dispatch center). One of my well-meaning dispatchers was trying to find a nearby FD channel in the radio (they were operating at a multiple...
  14. Avery93

    BCT-15 CTCSS delay

    My BCT-15 sometimes misses up to half a second of transmissions on some frequencies with CTCSS enabled. I can set here with my PRO-136 (no CTCSS) and BCT-15 held on the same frequency, and the BCT-15 usually misses the first quarter second, and sometimes half a second of transmissions. However...
  15. P

    WA DNR Sound Level?

    Hello Everyone, I am a volunteer Search and Rescue member in Thurston County and run a Uniden BCT15 in my truck. While scanning WA DNR I normally receive really good reception, however it comes in really quite. I am wondering if anyone else has this issue with WA DNR channels? This only...
  16. G

    Another BCT15 firmware difficulty, need help please

    So I opened up my BCT15 scanner today and checked the firmware it's v 1.03.04, so I need to update it. I checked the link I found on this discussion board and doenloaded the installer and the firmware update. Useing a RS USB to Comm cable w/driver I attempted to load the firmware. I seemed to...
  17. G

    Can't hear Waterloo P.S. on new scanner

    Hi all, I'm new to the forum but am already having trouble with my new scanner, and am hoping someone here can help me out. I just bought a brand new Uniden BCT15 and have (I believe) programmed the Waterloo Region trunked system into it so I can scan the system. However, I never hear anything...
  18. O

    UASD Demo Mode

    I have the UASD software for a BCT15. I also have the software registration key. When I try to load data to the scanner, I am prompted with a window stating "Demo Mode". The write-to-scanner window will not allow me to select my configuration, although it is listed (but shaded out). Previous...
  19. C

    Resetting BCT15

    I just got a bct15 and tried programming some in it but would like to start all over. How do I do a hard reset?
  20. Z

    Best mobile antenna to replace this kind of mount?

    Is there a unique name / identifier for this kind of factory installed antenna mount, normally used for typical AM/FM radio? Are there drop-in replacements for this kind of antenna mount that will provide an antenna more suitable to the frequency range for a radio scanner (e.g. Uniden BCT-15)...