
  1. AngWay

    Is there a way to get these DMR channels to scan faster, And why is my scanner skipping frequencies?

    Alright this has been a problem for awhile i have tried programming every way you can i have used OFT and conventional but i get the same results. HERE is the system and on dsdplus there is a data signal on all the channels it will go away at times but stays constant but when the my 536HP or...
  2. AngWay

    Help with a couple frequencies DMR/NXDN/IDAS

    Can some of you all look at these frequencies and tell me what you think. one is showing up as cap+ on my sds100 and the other is showing it's way to far away for me to be picking it up but everything that comes back on it is right. 461.6500 shows This on my scanner and shows This as where it's...
  3. D

    DSDPlus DSDPlus 2.444 - The -P command line parameter is no longer supported?

    Hello, I have a question to those who use DSDPlus built-in recording feature. My aim is to tweak bat file and achieve per-call recording in wav ( not IQ and FM files, just wav). I found this thread DSD+ Audio Recording and followed suggestion kindly provided in this message DSD+ Audio...
  4. AngWay

    Locked on control channel but no sound.

    So i found this control channel and identified it as the "WV SIRN: West Virginia Statewide Interoperable Radio Network" i have a strong signal but i'm getting no audio it's showing group calls and it doesn't say it's encrypted i get a static sound and sometimes i hear pieces of someones voice...
  5. N

    No decoded audio dsd+

    Bit of a newbie question as I just got DSDPlus up and running with latest release as of today and piping the audio (VB-Cable) from SDR# in the 70cm band. Very strong signal nearby apparently coded in DMR. DSSPlus seems to be decoding it fine with almost no errors, but running it all day, I...
  6. AngWay

    Some help on inputting data ?

    I'm using dsdplus and i'm listening to this DMR channel i put the info into sentinel so i could listen to is on my sds100 but i'm not hearing it on my sds100. does anyone know if i'm putting it into sentinel the correct way? Next is when i set my sds100 to the same freqs and it's hooked to...
  7. AngWay

    DSDPlus IDAS

    Can someone with more knowledge than me maybe help me with this, this is a problem that i have noticed for awhile now and i can't figure out what is going on i have tried searching it on google and i'm stumped I have all these frequencies popping up every where and they pop up really fast and...
  8. AngWay

    What does LRRP mean?

    I have tried searching online but i can't figure out what this means in dsdplus fastlane does anybody know? Thanks in advance
  9. AngWay

    DSDPlus and NXDN48 and 96

    With DSDPlus Fastlane do i have to set anything up in order to decode NEXEDGE, i have been able to listen to NEXEDGE sometimes but sometimes i set it to a NEXEDGE channel and it doesn't decode. like NEXEDGE48 CB it will decode those and NEXEDGE96 CB i will add a screenshot showing the NEXEDGE...
  10. AngWay

    DSDPlus is sinking out but the event log is not decoding.

    Can anyone help me out here i have been trying to get dsdplus up and running on linux mint i got it setup with my RSPdx to where it's detecting the audio from gqrx and i have it set on a P25 control channel i know their is traffic on it because my other radio is working but the dsdplus event log...
  11. AngWay

    Some help please on RSPdx and sdrtrunk

    So i bought a RSPdx and to be honest it has been a nightmare, i thought it would be just like the RTL-SDR dongles that i was using but it's a whole other beast "at least for me" so far i have been able to get it to work with sdr++ and sdrconnect and i got it working with sdrtrunk the nightly...
  12. AngWay

    Why is my audio so choppy?

    Hi can anyone help me with some directions here. my audio sounds choppy when scanning a set of freqs. can anyone tell me if this my computer or could it be the signal of the people thats talking. I'm using DSDPlus Fastlane with a i3 10gb ram laptop. Many Thanks! Clip 1 Clip 2 Clip 3
  13. AngWay

    DSDPLus Fastlane and setting up scanlist

    I'm wondering if when i scan a set of frequencies with dsdplus fastlane. if i set it to scan only two different freqs will it miss less of the traffic compared to if i set it to scan say 6 different freqs or does the software go to the freqs that is currently active? is their a way to set it up...
  14. AngWay

    DSDPlus Fastlane and recording

    Hello everyone i have a problem i can't seem to figure out. i'm using dsdplus fl and i'm letting it scan and i'm trying to record everything, so far i notice that it's recording NEXEDGE48 and NEXEDGE96 and it'll record P25 but it's not recording DMR or regular analog or anything else, and i can...
  15. AngWay

    DSDplus and scanning

    Hey guys i'm using dsdplus fastlane and i set my scanlist up but when i put p25 CC in it i notice my scanning will get interrupted by getting stuck on the p25 channel it only does this with a p25 freq if i leave out the p25 it scans just fine. is this how it's suppose to work or is their a fix i...
  16. AngWay

    Help! with SDRSharp and DSDPlus.

    Can someone please help me with this i am trying to stream audio from sdrsharp to dsdplus with the sdrsharp plugins but i'm having problems with the input and output audio. i have already got everything set up the way it's suppose to it's just my settings that is messing me up i will add some...
  17. K

    DSDPlus - what would cause the saved wav to be corrupt?

    DSDPlus appears to be working, though its unfortunate that there's no integrated streaming feature. I just noticed this morning that the saved wav files are flagged as corrupt - by Media Player. I'm unfamiliar with MS versions of windows (switched to Linux way back at win xp). Where should I...
  18. J

    Event log status window DSDplus, site in red.

    Hi All, In the DSD+ event log status window on the bottom bar where it says the modulation mode (P25), site ID, NAC and the neighbouring list (NL), what does it mean when one of the NL sites is in red? Does that mean the site is down or giving off some type of alarm? Thanks, jets
  19. J

    DSDPlus Airspy & DSDPlus new user help please

    As a new user getting used to my Christmas present of an RTL-SDR blog V3 I was pleased to be able to set-up and monitor a pub watch 456Mhz frequency using free version of DSDPlus which gives me 95% clear audio using the settings in my screenshot. However, another 453Mhz frequency is of interest...
  20. E

    DSDPlus Is DSD+ still being updated?

    What is the current situation with DSD+, especially the paid "fastlane" version? Is the project still being updated and supported? The last post on the website is from 2018 and the last entry in the changelog on the website is from 2015. Is it still actively supported and worth paying for?