
  1. mwjones

    DSDPlus DMR Decoding challenges

    Using the latest release of DSDPlus Fastlane, and working on a few trunked systems, where I've encountered three problems and wonder if anyone has any ideas how to address this, or if it is a bug in the software. Problem 1: There is a DMR Tier 3 system in the region, Azle Communications (Tier...
  2. StaRipper

    DSDPlus DSDPlus 2.256 with SDRPlay RSP1.

    Hello friends, Got DSDPlus 2.256 (Fastlane) ... With my RTL_SDR v3 Dongle it's working fine and decoding P25 Phase II. But, when i try to do it with my SDRPlay RSP1 i get the below message: --------------------------- FMPP 1.13 -i1 -o20001 ERROR --------------------------- Can't open...
  3. A

    SDR# DSD decoder receiving data but no output

    I have been playing around with this for a while, checking forums and watching videos. I finally have to make my own post. It looks like DSD is doing something as CMD has data coming through it, but the event log doesn't show anything. I am not able to hear anything unless I check "Enable aux...
  4. Motursa

    FMP24 Is it compliant with Fitipower FC0012 Tuner?

    Hello friends, does anyone know if the Fitipower FC0012 tuner is compatible? I am using DSD + 2.246 ,,, the program recognizes the tuner FC0012 but recognizes it as unknown and does not show gain,, I am new to this and comment that I have a second r820t tuner that works perfectly
  5. ChrisBoden

    Is anyone else getting a virus warning in DSDPlus?

    Greetings everyone. I downloaded the fastlane version of DSDPlus today for the first time, and it's throwing a virus warning on one of the files in there. Is this a known issue or a real problem? Please advise :) Thank you! KD8PZH
  6. ChrisBoden

    DSDPlus DSDPlus is missing the signal?

    Greetings everyone. I dearly hope someone here can prove I'm an idiot in five minutes with whatever stupid thing I'm overlooking. I'm trying to listen to a P25 system in my local area. So, this is what I've done. I watched the set of instructional videos made by SignalsEverywhere, located...
  7. T

    Scanning in a region where no references exist!

    Pretty much the title says it all , how would one go about scanning when there’s no scanning community that shares findings? Ill walk you through the spectrum and my setup here and if you can chime in on how people managed before RR database existed i would be grateful. Aside from the scattered...
  8. M

    Strange "2nd" control channel on a P25 trunked system

    Using DSD+ Fastlane, I am seeing what looks like a 'second' control channel on a P25p1 system. This is the data stream from that channel: This obviously isn't typical control channel traffic, but does line up with what the 'true' CC is doing. Can someone explain what I am seeing? I have never...
  9. J

    DSD+ Channel Activity window never populates on one P25 trunked system

    Is there anything I can do to fix this: On one P25 trunk system (system came online in 2018) , DSD+ FL never populates the Channel Activity Window. Always remains blank. The Event Log window does, however, populate. However, if I park FMP24 on a frequency other than the Control Channel, and...
  10. S

    Mobile setups for DSDplus

    Just proved a concept I wanted to try a long time ago - a mobile setup that is comparable to a high-end radio scanner, but which costs much less. Hardware: ASUS T100 tablet (runs Windows 10, has quad-core x86 Intel CPU and 2GB RAM) SDRPlay RSP 1 900 MHz rubber ducky antenna Software: DSDplus...
  11. LD723

    DSDPLUS not decoding specific DMR marc repeater

    There is a specific repeater I tuned to on FMP24 but the decode is very bad but the signal itself looks sufficient and more than enough for dsdplus to decode. I have used different tuning options by using dsdtune and used different filtering options but in this recording I have I used 7.6 khz BW...
  12. S

    Just for Fun HamDMR FMP24

    Suppose we try to monitor a HamDMR repeater with just using FMP24 and DSD+ using the TCP internal port. I have not seen this mentioned yet. Doing this without virtual cables. What would we do to make it work?
  13. S

    DSD+ FastLane Purchase Question

    I would like to have P25 Phase II support and DSD+ Fastlane is the best option at this time as Unitrunker and Trunk88 won't support it. My local public safety is moving to P25 Phase II this year. I would like a link to send the $10 USD without the need for a PayPal account.
  14. Forts

    New DSD+ FL - Nov 11th

    Surprised there is no discussion on this yet... I'm sure the Phase II will be popular! Full release notes are with the update, but here are the highlights... DSD+ 2.145 Memory usage has been further reduced The -mp (PSK optimizations) command line option has been removed...
  15. LD723

    DSDPlus Dsdplus request to surpress background noise DMR/Mototrbo

    Is it possible to surpress the weird/annoying background wind sounding audio in dmr when someone stops talking but is still keying up? It sounds like wind and it sometimes overcomes someone's voice on some comms usually for some reason the dispatchers. I have tried many advanced commands to...
  16. AK4FD

    DSDPlus Lost

    Sorry but I don't know of a website or eMail I can send... My laptop crashed and lost all my data. How can I get the DSD+ people to re-send me my FastLane v2.98 files? It's not in my eMail either, strangely... Thanks!
  17. phyberoptics


    Just wanted to give a shoutout to the author of DSDPlus. I *finally* took the 5 mins to insert my 2nd RTL-SDR v3 dongle and got trunking working. So far I have successfully and easily tracked a CON+ system (with frequencies manually entered) and a P25 site without issue! So...THANK YOU. This...
  18. S

    DSDplus and audio input failure - please help.

    So, I'm trying to decode trunked radio, but I'm getting the error "audio input device open failed" when starting DSDplus in SDR#, so I could really use some help. First of all, let me tell you about my setup. I'm running Windows 10. My speakers are plugged into the back of my pc, in the onboard...
  19. stantorres

    Don't take my BC780 away

    I have a BC780XLT with a discriminator tap which has been great for DSDplus, and it is a great MilAir receiver. Love this radio more than many of my newer scanners. I can't enter any of my local 700mhz P-25 freqs (out of range). Some new digital systems in my area are on those new narrowband...
  20. kd7kdc

    DSDPlus New public version? 2+ years

    Hi I keep checking the DSDPlus.com site hoping to see a new version other than 1.101 that was released on Christmas 2015. Are we going to see a public release anytime soon or is it monetary only? “Fully tested public releases will continue to be released, approximately every 6 months.”