
  1. S

    Can't figure out what system this is running

    So while scanning around, ended up finding 4 DMR sounding frequencies. All of them seems to be being used by the same operators. Dont get much voice seems like mostly data. Also seems to be idling mostly. Any help trying to figure this system out would be appreciated...
  2. R

    Importing Canada's TAFL to FMP-FreqList.csv

    Hey guys, How can I import Canada's TAFL to FMP-FreqList.csv? I've tried to do it but it doesn't work. Has anyone had any success? I've found FMP-FreqList.csv to download but that is for the USA only, so no that is no help to me.
  3. R

    DSDplus files for Niagara, Hamilton, Halton, Toronto?

    Hi, I am not sure if this is the right place to ask but does anyone have a DSDPlus.networks and DSDPlus.frequencies for Niagara, Hamilton, Halton and Toronto that they wish to share? My main goal is Niagara for getting started and then I plan to slowly expand from there. I'm having difficulty...
  4. rbrtklamp2

    DSDPlus 2.71 Released for Christmas

    Well the new version of DSDPlus was released tonight for Christmas! Still no P25 Phase 2! :( The rest of it looks amazing :) you may need to find a new .dll file if you do not have it installed. I will supply a link to the .dll at the bottom of the post. NOTES: DSD+ 2.71 --------- Setup...
  5. L

    DSDPlus - missing file content

    I've "experienced" something weird today. I ran DSDPlus (public version) as usual - batch file with everything included, and immediately saw something strange. All priorities that were preset are gone, then I saw that all TgtAlies weren't there also. I then navigated to dsdplus folder and I did...
  6. LD723

    DSD+ P25 audio hard to understand

    On dsdplus the audio for p25 is decoding with very little errors and great but the audio quality of dsdplus for p25 doesn't sound good and sounds like the users are mumbling when talking and if I listen to a broadcastify version of someone broadcasting the same or similar system I am listening...
  7. AK4FD

    DSD+ issue

    Hello folks! I'm having a little bit of an issue here. I have the subscription-based DSD+ FastLane w/ current version 2.39 and current FMP24 version. The issue I'm having is I can't seem to get the Over-the-Air Aliasing to work properly... My signal is good, no errors showing, and it's...
  8. C

    DSD+ 2.39 won't exit

    I can't get the program to exit by pressing ESC. The decoding just stops and at least one time a line reading "writing .bin file" or similar appeared. The only way to exit then it is to click the "X" at the upper right corner (F4 doesn't work either). I'm using a 64-bit Windows 10 PC. I thought...
  9. B

    DSD / DSDPlus P25 Phase II

    Are there any immediate plans to implement P25 Phase II in either DSD or DSD+? If not, is there another decoder available?
  10. Y

    [DSD+][Unitrunker]Issues with hearing decoded audio from DSD+

    Hello all! I currently have a setup of SDR# running with Unitrunker being fed the audio which is controlling SDRSharp. I used this for reference: https://sites.google.com/site/policescannerhowto/ So every little thing has been working just as I believe it should...except for the fact that I...
  11. S

    DSD+ Fast Lane v2.32 Released

    DSD+ Fast Lane v2.32: Several critical bugs have been fixed Decoding of additional NEXEDGE AVL messages has been added
  12. M105

    DSDPlus 2P29 Released

    I see DSDPlus 2P29 in the mail this morning. Thanks for the Christmas update Santa. I am on the road and away from my setup so not able to really try it out. I am a little disappointed that P25 Phase II is not supported yet. Maybe next year.
  13. AD9O

    DSDPlus Can RID Priority Override TG Lockout?

    Hello: I'm using DSDPlus Fastlane 2.15. Curious if there is a way to set up priorities to say that I only want to hear traffic on a TGID if a certain RID shows up. In my testing, it seems a TG ID set to "L/O" will override a RID priority of "High", which makes sense. A scenario: I don't want...
  14. M

    DSDPlus 2p10 link version error

    Hi all, I've had success with DSDPlus 1p101 for some time, and paid for and received the latest (2p10) Fast Lane version, but I can't get it to work. My starting setup is W10, with a working DSDPlus1p101 install decoding a Con+ system. I downloaded 2p10, copied the files over to the 1p101...
  15. M105

    DSD+ FastLane 2p10

    FANTASTIC! I can't wait to see if it follows my NXDN control channel when it changes at midnight. I also now have a 3 dongle setup monitoring both a P25 and NXDN system with a shared VC. Three copies of FMP24 and 3 copies of DSD+. Now if I can only figure out how to arrange the screen! ---...
  16. S

    DSDPlus CC decoding - "Raw Data" and "Rate 1/2 Data" messages

    On a large system in NorCal that I have been monitoring (268-18), over the weekend I have noticed a difference in what is being logged by DSDPlus when it's decoding the CC. I constantly see "Rate 1/2 Data" messages on slot 2 of the frequency that has the CC in slot 1. Every now and then I am...
  17. lurch89

    DMR in Fargo/Moorhead Area

    I just got a Tytera MD-380, after all the posts and news about the firmware being reverse engineered. I know it doesn't do it now, but hoping someone comes up with DSTAR/P25/SystemFusion, etc for it. I tried putting a couple of conventional DMR channels in, and can't seem to get it to decode...
  18. K

    Dsd plus (beating a dead horse)

    Hello I have dsd Plus installed i use a gre psr-500 with a tap on tp-4 when i start up dsd it decodes nxdn for 30 seconds then quits it will never decode dmr or p25 i have tride it on an xp laptop and on a dell laptop one with a sigmatel audio cand and the other with an hd audio card what could...
  19. mrscanner2008

    DSD+ new FastLane release 1.112

    DSD+ 1.112 New Features ----------------------- DSD+: Added per-call recording to MP3 files; use -Pmp3 on the DSD+ command line DSD+: Added detection and audio synthesis of MotoTRBO Dual Capacity Direct Mode (DCDM) signals You can use the -1 and -2 command line options and the...
  20. V

    DSD+ new public release - version 1.101

    Haven't seen this announced yet. Download – DSDPlus