
  1. P

    DSDPlus 1.101

    DSDPlus 1.101 is now available to everyone. ihttp://www.dsdplus.com/
  2. Forts

    DSDPlus 1.101 Fast Lane Released

    FMP now supports Airspy! This should be quite slick... And of course I got the email nicely after I left for work, with my Airspy sitting on my desk at home. Sigh.... And yes, this is a FastLane release!
  3. E

    DSD Plus Win XP support?

    Hi All, I think the latest (publicly released) version of DSD+ supports Windows XP, but does anyone know if the authors are planning to drop support for XP in future versions? The reason I ask is I'm trying to get it working better on a small netbook as it is nice and portable. The netbook...
  4. VE2NCG

    DSDPlus 1.100 Fast Lane is here!

    DSD+ 1.100 New Features ----------------------- Significant reduction in CPU usage when monitoring busy control channels. Improvement will be most noticeable on low power processors. Detection and decoding of Hytera Extended Pseudo Trunk (XPT) systems.
  5. V

    DSD not working with windows 10

    tried several things,no luck. Presently usingDSD1.074 . All was working perfectly with windows 8.1 Help please and Thanks Jerry
  6. Y

    DSD SMS Window?

    Hey Everyone who work on some kind of DSD Application here I have a big Wish. Please add an additional SMS Window. It would be very nice when i can run DSD over the whole Day and see the SMS separated from the other Voice Stuff. Thanks!
  7. R

    What this line in DSDPLUS mean ?

    Hi I got this line in DSDPLUS Emerg Enc Bcast OVCM Private call TGT = 23 src-55 slot =2s What does it mean ? what is OVCM ? and why the slot is in seconds and not 1 or 2 ? any clarification welcome Thanks Forward Ronen - 4Z4ZQ hrrp://www.ronen.org
  8. 7312345

    Dsdplus next version Feature Suggestions

    Dsdplus should increase Tetra decoding why not?
  9. M105

    DSD+ 1.095 Two new feature suggestions

    (1.) On DSD+ make the Voice Start Alert enable a command line option. (2.) Make an option on the FMP scanner such that it will stop on control channel data. The voice detection stop is nice but there needs to be a way to make it stop scanning on any signal. --- The reason for suggestion #2: I...
  10. Saint

    DSDPlus 1.095 (need set up help)

    I'm looking for someone to help me set up DSDPlus 1.095, I have had no luck figuring out how to fill in all the files to get it to run properly, if some one with some time could set up the files for me so I can see the proper way to do it would be appreciated. For some reason I just can't figure...
  11. S

    DSD+ Can't Lock To Signal More Than 5 Seconds

    Hi, I am trying put the DSD+ to decode Mototrbo/DMR signals. I have my own radio in which I programmed it to transmit to ALL(Group ID 16777215(should not matter anyway?)). I have successfully decoded all voices that comes from the radio. However, I can't seem to make it lasts longer than 5...
  12. wbswetnam

    "using" a command in DSD+ 1.074

    I wish to turn off automatic recording to a .wav file and simply listen to the audio output. In the help file, it says "Use -O NUL to disable recording of synthesized audio." OK great. How specifically do I "use" the command? Do I append it to a config file somewhere? If so, where in the...
  13. O

    DSDPLUS refuses TCP connection suddenly

    Been using this DSDPLUS.Bat for awhile upgraded versions now it refuses TCP connection no matter what port I try 20002, 20003......... DSDPlus -i20001 -1 -fa -Pwav then FMP 20001 1 53.0 155.1150 tried 2 different PC's, did something change? My Unitrunker setup works Any ideas Thanks
  14. bcradio

    New DSD Plus Problem - Win10

    So, after a few days of running a Unitrunker / DSD Plus set up, today I got this error. When I try to run DSD Plus from the command line, a Windows 10 box pops up and reads: This app can't run on your PC To find a version for your PC, check with the software publisher As far as I know...
  15. Z

    Multiple Errors While Using DSD+

    This is my first time doing this. There is a local hospital that uses a DMR repeater & I would like to find the group codes used. I'm currently using a PRO-668 scanner with the discriminator output. I am getting the sound a radio makes when it is keyed up but no voice. I am getting a bunch of...
  16. 7312345

    dsdplus1.095 problem

    dsdplus1095 canceled algID DMR mode?
  17. H

    dsd 1.095 is out!

    Just received my fast lane update, anyone know what has been updated, I'm unable to download it and look right now.
  18. B

    DSDPlu 1.092 port error

    Today I get a error when I open CC DSD+ and the others say the samething. I took some screenshots. Any ideas? Thanks.
  19. S

    DSDPlus FastLane 1.092 w/ Nexedge48

    Hi guys, ive just got the trunking working ok, but cant seem to get the voice output to work properly. All the windows seem to come up and scroll fine and have tried various ways of editing the bat files, but unfortunately to no avail. Is there something in the virtual cables i need to check...
  20. 7312345

    Where to find dsdplus1.092 download??

    I can not find anywhere dsdplus1.092 Where can I find it , please tell me thank you!