
  1. F

    NX-5200 Programming

    Our department has received 6 NX-5200 radios on a grant, traditionally we have utilized Motorola's so I'm not too familiar with these radios. They continuously break squelch and all throughout the night our firefighters are woken up by the station identifier beeping away in Morse code. None of...
  2. F

    888s as backup fire pager?

    Looking into the baofeng 888s as a budget friendly fire pager/scanner for a VFD. Price point and lack of features (aka buttons for people to press and mess something up) are very attractive. We have no dealers nearby to program and I'm familiar with CHIRP on the uv82 and have a good prog cable...
  3. Buttabean

    Morrow/Lake City Old Public Safety Frequencies???

    Im hearing radio tests and kerchunking of radios and a new repeater courtesy tone on 154.0700Mhz(Morrow Fire Disp) and kerchunking on 158.7900Mhz(Lake City PD) frequencies as if theyre prepping them to be used by public works or some other city entity. Can that be the case or does public works...
  4. S

    rcmp scanning

    I am interested in getting a scanner that can hear everything! Used to have one years ago that I could hear rcmp, fire, ambulance, and mb hydro (for some reason). Can anyone reccomend a scanner with these capabilities please? Or let me know if this even still possible? thank you
  5. K

    Buncombe County P25 - Fire Tac

    Hi all, I am a big scanner listener, especially on fire frequencies. I live in Buncombe County, NC. Recently, I heard fire dispatches that told units to go to Fire Tac 3 and Fire Tac 4. However, the RR page for the Buncombe County P25 trunk system only covers Fire Tac 1 and Fire Tac 2, not 3...
  6. Z

    wouxun kg-uv9d+ as an 800 mhz public safety scanner

    This is a weird request so hear me out completely. Looking into buying this for ham radio use. I just got my license, and this was recommended to me as a decent entry level. Im also a volunteer firefighter. I saw this can...
  7. fdnyfish

    Fire Tone Out

    Do any of the digital scanners do Fire-Tone-Out?
  8. G

    Clark County/SNACC system

    I see the term "deprecated" after all references to this system. Does that mean it's no longer in use? Thanks, Gregg, N2UUP
  9. P

    Paducah Fire

    Does anyone else listening to Paducah City fire not hear any kind of alert tone before a dispatch? I realize two-tones won't be heard on a trunking system but I at least expected a warble.
  10. X

    Cumberland County Maine

    I will be heading up to Naples Maine soon for the summer. Wondering if anyone knows about weather or not Naples fire is part of the state trunking network as well as Cumberland county Sheriff, and weather or not they are the law enforcement agency for the area. Thanks!!
  11. AK4FD

    Lincoln County database page update...

    Hello all The Lincoln County, NC database info is slightly out-dated by a few years, so I am going to update you on it. I have verified this information with my own eyes & ears, radios & scanners... I will make a chart below of what is currently on there, and below that I will make a chart of...
  12. AK4FD

    Lincoln County Fire VHF

    I have a question y'all. I'm visiting family from out-of-state, and I am tuned in to Lincoln County Fire Dispatch. There have been several times today on calls where the FireFighters advised on the radio they were switching operations to Tac 2. However I am not able to find Tac 2 anywhere. I...
  13. D

    New P25 SDR Setup Advice

    Hi All, I am wanting a SDR with P25 setup on a new PC. I require assistance on what devices and software that is needed for this setup (if you can help?). I want to pre-define channels/frequencies in the software. I want a GUI or even just shortcuts on desktop that will automatically goto a...
  14. S

    TK-2312 VHF

    Hi all! New to getting a radio for fire service. My Mo V pager is not up to getting great signal, and I need something future proof, as we may be responding to calls directly or need to communicate with dispatch. I have the radio, programming cable, and latest software. I have only limited...
  15. AK4FD

    Dade County/Aventura

    Hello all... Does anybody know the fire station tones frequencies for Aventura Station-8? The A-Tone and B-Tone in Hz? I am trying to use my scanner as a fire tone-out alert mode and want to see how it works. I don't live in the area but I work in the area so I'm trying to save a lot of time...
  16. T

    Temiskaming District FD

    Hey everyone, I am looking for some info. It's been a very long time since I have been able to hear local fire departments on any of my scanners (BCD396t, BCD996P2 and an older Uniden analog scanner), everything was always programmed through ProScan and I was able to hear them just fine until...
  17. H

    Carroll EMS freqs

    I am looking at getting my wife, who is an EMT, her own 2-way radio that she can keep with her medical gear while off duty. Looking at the database here it seems carroll EMS dispatch is VHF and trunk channels are around 770 MHz P25 phase 2. Most radios I have seen, like Motorola XTS 3000 don't...
  18. R

    McCreary County Ambulance Service

    Used to get it on freq 155.385. Now all I get for it and the local FD is a low frequency pulse. Do I need to adjust something to get the voice signal?
  19. D

    Lexington Metro PD encryption and Uniden BCD996P2

    Greetings one and all. This is my first post ever on RadioReference and I need some help. Lexington Metro PD and Public Safety has transitioned to the new P25 Phase 1. I bought a new Uniden BCD996P2 scanner in hopes of picking them up, but I'm losing hope because they're encrypted. Is there...
  20. AK4FD

    South Florida Encryption!

    I want to post a news article here. Now even tho it is from Connecticut, we are starting to find that South Florida public safety departments are starting to switch to the trend of encrypting radio traffic more and more commonly now as new Systems are being switched to over the next year...