ham radio

  1. millrad

    Ham Club at ESPN HQ

    Some hams working at ESPN Bristol have started their own club. See the article: ESPN headquarters becomes (ham) radio active! - Hartford Hobby Radio | Examiner.com
  2. KC9SGV

    Great Lakes Marine Mobile Net - Ham Radio Net for boaters.

    Hi All, Please join us on Saturday and Sunday mornings during the summer boating season on the Great Lakes Marine Mobile Net. We are on HF, VHF, Echolink, IRLP, Skype, CQ100 and Ustream. Times are 0830 a.m. ET and 1030 a.m. ET on weekend mornings. 7.263 MHz LSB +/- QRM Echolink node # 528436...
  3. K

    Dalton Live Audio Question

    Forgive me if this has been asked, but... I was attempting to monitor radio traffic about an auto accident in Dalton today when the feed was locked up by a ham radio user rag chewing for 5 or 10 minutes, thus making it impossible to hear anything about the accident. Has this concern been...
  4. gradybruton1819

    New Ham Technician, what kind of radio to get?

    I just passed my Technician class ham radio exam, so now I am wondering what kind of radio i should buy to get started. I was thinking maybe a 2 meter mobile for storm spotting or something but I'm not sure. I'm also wondering if its possible to get a ham radio that I could also talk on my...
  5. A

    HT1000 for ham

    I was searching for a long time. I am a new ham. I need to know if it is legal to use a wideband HT1000 or any wideband radio for ham frequencies. I know that the fcc says 5-15Khz but I would love to get better use out of my Motorola collection with ham radio instead of just listening to police...
  6. millrad

    ARES active in Region 2

    Shoreline ham operators learn about emergency communications - Hartford Hobby Radio | Examiner.com
  7. K

    Rag Chew Group For Amateur Ops/Hams

    I am trying to start a late night rag chew group using the SCHEART system....if you can get into one of the repeaters listed on their website then please do so and use DTMF *71 to link your repeater to the Conference back-up reflecter....the Rag chew late night insomniac group will start @ 11pm...
  8. millrad

    ARISSat-1 is falling

    Popular radio satellite about to become silent - Hartford Hobby Radio | Examiner.com
  9. S

    Question: Can ham radios receive the same channels as those on a scanner?

    I am relatively new to this and i was just wondering if a ham radio can be used as a scanner to listen in on local law enforcement and fire channels. If anyone can answer this please let me know. Thanks.
  10. R

    regency hx1500

    i recently have aquired an old regency hx1500. i found it as-is in a computer recycle store in the as-is section. the way it was found was with super old leaked corroded ni-cad rechargeable batteries still in it. i had taken the batteries out and cleaned the corrosion off as best i could and i...
  11. K

    Charleston,SC Area Amateur Repeaters

    New feed up for Amateur radio operators in Charleston, SC area. Frequencies on feed are 147.105MHz which is linked to SCHEART statewide linked system. 146.985MHz located at Summerville Medical Center, 147.150MHz located in Monks Corner and 147.505MHz which is W1GRE echolink node.
  12. K

    D-star regional ga/sc healthcare net

    D-STAR REGIONAL HEALTHCARE NET Every Thursday at 8:30 AM Check in to the D-STAR Regional Health Care Net at 8:30 AM on Thursdays. This net meets on Reflector 030B and is sponsored by the Coastal Georgia Health District. The net currently has at least 15 check-ins to the net. AIKEN KR4AIK C is...
  13. K

    HAM Radio at the Aiken BIT Exposition, July 17, Saturday

    As part of Celebrate Aiken, the 175th anniversary of Aiken, South Carolina, the Aiken Public Schofield Middle School Radio Club N4SMS, the Aiken County Emergency Management Office, and the Aiken ARES Ham Radio Support Team will be on display at the Business, Innovation and Technology Exposition...
  14. squirrel911

    Newbie Wanting To Learn

    I am just getting into all this stuff and would like to get my HAM Radio License. How do I go about doing that? I live in Tullahoma Tennessee. I also would like to do SKYWARN if anyone could help out with that to? And one more thing, where can I get a HAM radio? Thank YOu all for the help.
  15. jpryor

    TMRA Toledo Hamfest this Sunday

    The Toledo Mobile Radio Association's annual Radio, Computer and Electronics Hamfest is this Sunday, March 21st, 2010. The Toledo Hamfest takes place at the Owens Community College – Student Health and Activity Center (SHAC) at 30335 Oregon Road in Perrysburg, OH. The hamfest hours are from 8:00...
  16. A

    CB radio VS Ham Radio

    I caught a good chat today on Ch 6 with a cool guy who seemed to like cb for what it is. Apparently we both opened a topic that lasted for an hour. If we should move on to ham radio cause CB was just plain silly with the flat out cursing, everyone stepping over each other. And some people just...
  17. robertecline

    iPhone Ham Radio Repeater Lookups

    Does anyone know of an app or a website to lookup ham radio repeaters geared towards the iphone? Something like RR's version they have for commerical radio? Thanks!
  18. WA6IJD

    Database Question

    There was some discussion regarding putting up a repeater database for ham radio. Who would I contact if I wanted to be the DB admin for AZ or part of ? Thanks
  19. F


    Does anying body know where to get an ham radio license at , in the terre haute area ?
  20. N

    CQ de N6TT

    Hello, Sure some beautiful shacks that were posted. Been a ham operator for 45 years, and into scanning just as long. I thought Id post a picture of my new shack I set up in 2007. I am 56 yrs old and work cw or high speed Morse code 100% , but I always have several scanners running. 73, Steve...