
  1. Delta

    Shortwave Receiver / General Coverage.

    Hello. =) What shortwave or general coverage receiver would you recommend? I have search through many different types such as the Grundig Satellit 750. I really enjoy the look of the FRG-100, but I realized it was long discontinued. Now I'm looking at radios between the Satellit 750, The Yaesu...
  2. G

    Icom ID-880H: What 3rd Party GPS to use?

    I want to do some D-Star operation with GPS positioning (I'm a D-Star newbi, but think it could be useful during SAR ops). I have a new Icom ID-880H on the way, and I need to obtain a "3rd party" GPS receiver/antenna for input during mobile operation. I would appreciate input which would...
  3. L

    Icom 756proiii

    Any thoughts or opinions on the ICOM 756PRO-III? Can this be used as a SW receiver as well, covering the same bands as that of the ICOM-R75? Thinking of getting a Ham License but given that will take some time and study, I do want to be able to listen as well. Am I correct in assuming that as...
  4. N

    ICOM PCR1500 and Unitrunker

    Has anyone been able to use a PCR 1500 with Unitrunker. If so, how did you do it? Thanks for any help.
  5. Bote

    P25 "compliant"--how compliant?

    When Icom states that their F1721, 2721, et al are "P25 compliant", what exactly does that mean? They are coy in their descriptions, but they do state that a UT-120 module is required. What other gotchas are there? In other words, if I buy an Icom F1721 can I start talking to a P25...
  6. S

    Icom or Yaesu

    some guy wants to trade me either his Icom 207 and a scanner or a Yaesu ft 1802 for my tk-880.. i don't know anything about the 2 radios he is offering my. are they any good and which one is better? thank you
  7. linkinpark9812

    Icom Software Compatibility Question

    Hello, I had a question about the Software versus the Firmware on the Radio. I plan on getting an Icom F-5061 mobile Radio. The Software, which all that comes up on a Google search, is a revision 1.0, and I am unsure if this is the latest or not. Now I have heard that there is a newer version...
  8. D

    icom f3201s programming dual tone paging?

    I have just ordered an Icom F3201S commercial VHF radio. I plan to use this radio at work for the department I am on. This will be my first time programming a radio with software. I was wondering if anyone knows how to program this perticular radio to decode two tone paging. I was wanting this...
  9. S

    Reaction tuning? Huh?

    Been playing around with the "reaction tune" feature that the ICOM R20 has when paired with the Optoelectronics Scout. It works through the headphone jack, and so far it does fine with the tuning. Whenever the Scout picks up a new freq, the r20 goes right to it. Except something's plugged...
  10. jon_k

    ICOM 2820 Diversity Reception?

    The Icom 2820 sports a 'diversity reception' feature. Documentation on the internet claims this can all but eliminate fading signals and spotty reception. They claim it could be the difference from a signal going in and out in reception to being fully readable. This sounds great for simplex...