
  1. S


    looking at purchasing this radio from marketplace. Will any APX4000 work on a regular conventional system. Or is there something I should be looking out for. Looks to be flashcode. R8206SG314801
  2. H

    Monitoring individual trunked site with APX

    Hello, I know about the NAS method being such a hot topic so I'm not going to get into that. I have done ample amounts of reading many threads and have learned a lot so I appreciate everyone's knowledge on this forum. From my research, it seems that while not the most precise but the most...
  3. Cashanova48

    TPS on Motorola XTS 2500?

    Dear People of the Radio Reference forums, I was wondering if the XTS 2500 was capable of doing Tactical Public Safety, where the radio will send a burst of P25 at the end of transmission with an identifier with it. I've heard of fire departments in cities like New York and Chicago using this...
  4. F

    Updating the FLASHcode on the Motorola APX7500 radio to accept TDMA

    Hello all, I have been trying to figure out what the process is if there is any on how to update the FLASHcode on my APX7500 to add TDMA Trunking. I already have FDMA but the system we use here is TDMA and unless I'm on the channel, I don't get audio from it. Any sight in this matter would be...
  5. A

    Good dealer to purchase APX lineup

    Hello everyone. I was wondering if anyone can recommend a good dealer to reach out to the purchase an APX radio. I have seen way to many counterfeit radios online such as no tags. Makes no sense to me. Any help or names to reach out to would be great. Thanks in advance
  6. RadioCheckk

    Unknown Motorola Spectra Model

    Team, I am in need of help with my Motorola Spectra. I bought from eBay 20+ years ago and had it running into my 2000 Jeep Grand Cherokee until I had to pull it. I am at the point where I'd like to hook up an Amp to it and listen to local traffic. In order to pick up the correct Amp, I would...
  7. rjvalenta

    APX 7500 O3 channel colors

    I'm pulling out what's left of my hair trying to accomplish something which seems would be easy but I must be doing something wrong... Basically... I'd like to change the color of the background by channel using an O3 control head (and possibly an O9): current CPS settings: Display- Advanced-...
  8. C

    Eldorado Arkansas 71730 monitering

    I am decently new to this. I am trying to scan/moniter my local PD/Sherrif office transmissions im not sure what I need I was wondering if I could moniter the PD and the SO with just a Motorola XPR 6550 DMR VHF radio or what do I need to do please help me. 2nd part how can I moniter Troop F...
  9. APXandRailroadRadios

    APX6000 Fail 01/A2

    Hello RadioReference, I took apart 6000 to put a new RF board in due to the old one having P25 conventional disabled. Now that I have the board in it says "Fail 01/A2". I put the original RF board back in, and it still says fail. I have tried both multiple times now, but even on the original...
  10. M

    Help needed with Programming ASTRO Spectra

    Hello! I am having troubles being able to program my Motorola ASTRO Spectra high power radio. I had bought the necessary equipment for the radio. When I have it connected and powered to read the codeplug, the CPS software says it cannot communicate with the radio. I looked at the RIB box and it...
  11. Motorola MTR3000 UHF 100W DMR Repeater

    Motorola MTR3000 UHF 100W DMR Repeater

    Selling a Motorola MTR3000 UHF 100W DMR in great condition. Tested and working at 100W output power with both DMR timeslots working. Will need to be reprogrammed. Does not include AC power cord, repeater only.
  12. R

    What is stopping me from programming my Motorola CP 1600

    My attempts to link my Motorola CP 1600 to the CP Series Customer Programming software I discovered online has proved unsuccessful. Despite receiving a disk with the device, I've encountered issues with the setup.exe file on it. Every time I try to run it, I'm met with an error message...
  13. A

    Motorola XPR 3300e Beeps and Wont Read

    Hello all, I recently purchased an XPR 3300e "ebay special" that looked good cosmetically and there was no mention of malfunction. When I turned it on, it went through the normal self-check startup, but instead of the normal TRBO jingle, it gave me one short medium-pitched beep. I tried...
  14. K

    Astro Spectra/XTL W-Series Keyloader Pinout

    Keyloading an Astro Spectra using the Kfd tool shield. I am attempting to build a connector for the w series control head mic port. Does anybody know what the sense, ground, and signal on the Kfd tool shield should go to on the w series control head mic port?
  15. Cashanova48

    XTS3000 What is needed to program a Motorola XTS 3K?

    Is there anyway to see what the firmware is on the radio via the screen?
  16. Cashanova48

    XTS3000 Motorola CPS

    I apologize if this is not in the right forums area. I own a Motorola XTS 3000 and would like to legally own the CPS for it from Motorola, the only problem is, I can't find it anywhere. I don't want to get into hot water with Motorola, non the less for software for a radio that's ten plus years...
  17. A

    Quantar Autopatch

    Hello everyone. I was curious to see if the Motorola Quantar has a built in autopatch function. I can see in the software there is an option to enable or disable the phone patch function. I know Auto patch is very old but I wanted to give it a try just for a learning opportunity. I do not see...
  18. X

    Baofeng Antenna on a Motorola XTS - 5000?

    The title may seem kind of weird but this is a genuine question I wanted to know if a standard UV-5R Baofeng Antenna could work on an XTS 5000 This Motorola Radio I am getting supports 700/800 MHZ and the bottom of the antenna says "FM/136-174/400-520 MHZ." I am not looking for any responses...
  19. curtisdevault

    O3 Control Head Ignition Issue

    I have two XTL5000s that I’ve switched to O3 control heads from O5 to not take up so much space in the new truck. Radios are on constant 12v and the ignition sense cable is hooked to a confirmed circuit that has 12v when the ignition is on. The radios do not power on when the vehicle is turned...
  20. F

    Motorola Mission Critical RSM firmware update failure

    Has anyone had any issues upgrading firmware on APS? I’m upgrading a Bluetooth earpiece (nntn8125) from R01 to R01.03.10 and it will get to the end and fail. Now the RSM won’t turn on and I cannot revert back to R01 due to the firmware not available anywhere. I’ve contacted MOL with no...