
  1. sjaltavilla

    "Display Settings" Option in RM

    Just noticed this in my configuration view within Radio Management There is now a sub-menu titled "Display Settings" under the "General Settings" category. There is currently no help menu that explains what this is for, nor is there anything in the 2025.1 device firmware release...
  2. APXandRailroadRadios

    DMR Conventional Networked on MOTOTRBO

    Hello, I will be going to Park City next week and wanted to monitor the Deer Valley DMR Conventional Networked System. It is listed under Summit County Trunking Systems but is called Conventional Networked. I use Channel Pool to put Capacity Plus frequencies, but you can also add analog and...
  3. YL3IM

    R5: new kid in the town

    Family Declaration External Photos Internal Photos
  4. H

    XPR I need help with reading a XPR 6300.

    I have mototrbo cps When I try to read it, it says "error code #101005, code plug not supported. I tried to hit the update button, but it says, no packages found. Help would be greatly appreciated.
  5. kickflip

    Figuring out voice and data frequencies Steamboat Resort Colorado

    Hi, I am currently programming Steamboat Resorts's Capacity Plus Multi-site system into my XPR7550e for a trip I have coming up. When adding voice channels to the Cap+ voice list I ran into the problem of maxing out the list at 8 voice frequencies. Then remembered data freq also exists haha...
  6. SOLD—Motorola VHF R2 portable radio w/ extras. REDUCED

    SOLD—Motorola VHF R2 portable radio w/ extras. REDUCED

    Motorola R2 radio. The unit is in excellent condition and looks brand new. It works perfectly. Comes with everything pictured including a lightly used battery that holds a great charge. Unit has 5 watts power output. I do not have the software to program the radio. Your local radio shop can...
  7. R

    Mototrbo SL- and XPR-Series Radios + CPS Versions + Firmware Versions

    Hi Everyone! I've seen various threads on each of the topics in my subject line, but I haven't seen them all synthesized into one conversation in a way that I understand how they relate to one another. Hopefully I can try to get there with this discussion! For starters, I've had a decent...
  8. C

    Motorola XPR7550 Advanced Features install help

    Hello. I currently have a Motorola XPR7550 VHF portable radio. I purchased the MOTOTRBO Advanced Features FPP/OTA from North Georgia Communications and need help installing it. They gave me an ID and password to go along with it and TRBOLabs CPS 5_0. Every time I go to read the radio using that...
  9. P

    Problem when programming DP3601

    Recently acquired a DP3601, luckily, I saved the codeplug that was on the radio. To test it out, I programmed an analogue and a DMR frequency into the radio, copied it to the radio, and I then got a "Not Programmed" message on the screen. I was able to put the original file into the radio, and...
  10. littlebuck17

    Beating my head against the wall with Radio Management

    I have a Radio Management Server (v2.146) running on a Virtual Machine on Windows Server 2022. For the life of me, I cannot activate User authentication. I have selected the option to add PC Admins as RM admins, no dice. The User Auth & Machine Auth stay greyed out. I have run as administrator...
  11. Motorola MTR3000 UHF 100W DMR Repeater

    Motorola MTR3000 UHF 100W DMR Repeater

    Selling a Motorola MTR3000 UHF 100W DMR in great condition. Tested and working at 100W output power with both DMR timeslots working. Will need to be reprogrammed. Does not include AC power cord, repeater only.
  12. Colin9690

    DMR: Need Some Help Understanding

    I'm looking for some help understanding what type of DMR this system is using, and how to program it into my SDS-100. It's not yet in the database, and I'm intending to submit it to the database when I get this figured out. The system in question is: Worthington City Schools. On my first...
  13. AES-256-Encryption

    Antenna question.

    I have 2 mobile radios UHF/VHF. One DMR one analog. I need both on the antenna but only the VHF one is. Is the best way to 2 diamond X50 antennas? I currently use an old TV antenna that has UHF VHF. But I would love some recommendations THANKS! XPR4550 / CDM1550-LS+
  14. A

    Data exchange between two PCs via MotoTRBO

    Hello, I'm trying to link two PCs to transfer short data by two DP4401e like in this video: While searching for a solution, I came across this discussion where the same question was raised: TCP/IP over DMR through MotoTrbo The nuance is that they stopped only at pinging, but this is not the...
  15. C

    XPR 3500e Firmware Question

    Looking at an XPR 3500e with the firmware version R02.21.01.1002. Trying to figure out how old the radio is. Thanks
  16. P

    Motorola DMR system question

    This may be a stupid thing to ask, but can you use any brand other than Motorola on any Motorola trunking system, whether MotoTRBO or any of Motorola's pseudo-trunking systems like CAP, CAP+, CAP MAX, CON, CON+, etc.?
  17. tbrownell

    XPR6350 not working as programmed?

    I have 10 XPR6350 units. All units are the same model and software (fw# R01.12.17/cp ver# 13.02.03). I was able to program a codeplug with 6 channels and clone it to 9 of the 10. Those 9 work fine. All 10 have different id#'s and names programmed. The last one says it completed successfully...
  18. R

    Mototrbo - cannot correctly terminate the call

    We are building communication system where mototrbo platform is used. We are developing the application client which can initiate individual and group calls. We have some issue related to the individual call when close call. During the call we have a lot of request/replies I will note about...
  19. D

    Reordering Zones on Mototrbo CPS 2.0

    Hello everyone, I am attempting to reorder the zones in my codeplug so that they show up a specific way on my XPR7550e. Regardless of what order I put the zones in on CPS, they keep coming up randomly on the radio. Any advice?
  20. daugherh

    XPR5550 vs NX5x00

    Hey experts, I currently am running XPR portables and mobiles for ham and commercial use on analog and DMR. We have a couple nxdn systems coming into play that are using the NX5x00 mobiles. Being able to monitor and use those systems would be nice and why I'm thinking about selling my XPRs...