
  1. Z

    Missouri State Highway Patrol Troop C Question

    Is MSHP Troop C using both conventional and P25 now? I just saw that they are posted under the STL P25 page now. What is the difference between all of their dispatch talkgroups (1-7) and car to car talkgroups (1-7)? I'm not trying to program their SWAT or DDCC, just their basic patrol division...
  2. fivemotorthree


    I picked up a Radio Shack Pro-404 scanner a little while ago, I can't seem to get ANYTHING I program it with. I'm really wanting to pick up Hawthorne Police's dispatch and/or radio traffic. Is distance the problem? ( I'm 20 miles away ) not too far. Is it the scanner or just distance itself??
  3. Dustybill69


    I have read some people talking about hearing Troop C on the new P25 MOSWIN system, and I myself have not heard anything yet. Anyone know what site/frequencies they are using?
  4. J

    Help with feed

    My feed is ran through a ham 800 mhz trunk radio and it is 24/7. It's an online feed ran through the internet. How do I use the address for the feed and put it into my feed on here? Cerro Gordo County Public Safety Dispatch The link for the feed ran through the internet is...
  5. L

    Conneaut (Ohio) Police New MARCS Digital

    My wife and I are heading out to the store and we're strongly considering purchasing a new Uniden BCD396XT with hopes of picking up the Conneaut Police Department's traffic after recently upgrading to the MARCS digital system. Can anybody confirm that we'll be able to pick them up? Does anyone...
  6. H

    $19 Police/Fire/Medical Digital Radio Scanner Howto Guide

    I just put together a somewhat comprehensive howto on creating a Police/Fire/Medical radio scanner on instructables.com. It uses a single receiver and works pretty well for the price. Hope it can help anybody interested in putting one of these together! How to Make a $19 Police Radio Scanner
  7. emt1299d

    Pickens City PD

    Can anyone out there put Pickens City PD on here? The freq is 453.7000 as far as I know. Beyond that I'm not sure what else is needed. I'd love to be able to hear what's going on around the corner. Thanks!
  8. Z

    Missouri State Highway Patrol Programming Help

    Can someone help me with the frequencies for Missouri Highway Patrol? I've read the wiki and it's confusing. I want to strictly monitor Troop C (STL County to be exact). Does MSHP use digital or analog frequencies? If they use analog frequencies, could someone give me the exact frequencies to...
  9. NFR85

    Desk Mount for 2 Mobile scanners

    I know I've seen them but all I can find is one for 3 and 4 on scan master.com Does anyone have an idea where I can desk mount for 2 mobile scanners?
  10. mgolden2

    Flightaware and helicopters

    This might be a "duh" question, but can you look on FlightAware or another similar site and see when a Police helicopter/aircraft is in the air much like how you can look up a commercial flight and track it? Another question along the same lines, can you do this with TV news...
  11. mgolden2

    Overland Park PD radio numbers

    Has anyone else noticed that Overland Park PD has changed their radio number format? It used to be something like "1-Adam-14 respond to........." and "2-Boy-2", I assume for their North and South division units. Now they are regular 100, 200, or 300-series radio numbers. Again, I assume the...
  12. J

    Puerto Rico State Police input frequencies and tones

    I would like to know the new frequencies of the Puerto Rico State Police still operating in the 154 Mhz. I have some of them but apparently they are changing the input frequencies and tones. This information is solely for educational purposes. Any help is welcome.
  13. I

    RadioShack Pro-97

    Hello, I am posting this because I am purchasing a RadioShack Pro-97 1000 Channel scanner and I just wanted to know if anyone has it and what their opinion is about it, I also want to know if anyone has any knowledge of it. This is my first scanner, I am new to the scanning world, and I am only...
  14. R

    Florence County Codes

    I have been listening to Florence County Public Safety daily, and I need some codes - MOSTLY signals because it seems they're using those a lot more now. Official 10-codes and EMS codes and lettering would be appreciated as well.
  15. I

    Perth Amboy

    Hello, I am just wondering if anyone from here happens to know what happened with the Perth Amboy Police live feed. It was up a few weeks ago then it disappeared. Secondly, not sure if anyone knows if this is true or not but I went to RadioShack to buy a scanner and I was told that I was not...
  16. Z

    Help programming P 25 STL City

    I just got a Uniden BCD396XT digital scanner and have no idea how digital trunked systems work. I'm trying to program STL city P25 public safety (Fire, Police, EMS) and don't know what a talkgroup vs a site vs system frequencies are. Could someone please help? Thanks!!!
  17. J

    Allegan County Sheriff

    Hey guys, I stopped listening to my scanner for a long time and recently decide to turn it on again. My only problem is I don't hear anything on my Allegan County frequencies and groups. I still have 3211 as central but haven't heard a single thing from it. Did they make a change to where we no...
  18. K

    UT Dallas Police

    I noticed the UT Dallas police are no lo longer on UHF. The rumor is that they are using the Richardson backbone, but all I can have found out is that they are on 800 mhz. I have a Pro-106 is there a way I can have it search for new talkgroups?
  19. S

    Scanner help

    Hey first time poster looking for any Calgary police freq. in the 000.000 format all i can find on here is programing codes just kinda wanna see if anyone has found the freq. yet also looking for new airdrie fire digital freq. any help would be great thanks
  20. S

    Uniden's BCD996XT Digital Mobile Scanner

    Hey first time poster and im having issues looking for anyone who has the new calgary police scanner frequencies in the 000.000 format and im looking for the new airdrie fire digital freq. I do have Digital scanner Uniden's BCD996XT Digital Mobile Scanner But i don't have any programming...