
  1. K

    City of Los Angeles General Services Department Police - Park Rangers

    I saw this article on the LA GSD PD force in the Daily News today. General Services cops shine light on the dark side of L.A. parks - LA Daily News Radio traffic for these folks is on the LA City EDACS system
  2. radioscan

    Pataskala Police going digital

    Perhaps even MotoTRBO. New license issued for emissions 7K60FXD and 7K60FXE as follows: PW WQON728 PATASKALA POLICE [WE ARE A GOVERNMENTAL ENTITY PROVIDING POLICE PROTECTION.] Control Point 1 - 430 SOUTH MAIN ST, PATASKALA OH 740-927-5011 (link) 11/30/2011 License Issued 1 - 11409 BROAD ST...
  3. scanthewaves

    Monitoring in Bernalillo County

    Hi we will be relocating to the ABQ area next month and are wondering what we will be able to monitor, we will be most likely in the Tijeras east mountain area with occasional trips into the city. I understand most of the counties Talk Group is Pro Voice with little in the clear. I own a pro...
  4. K

    Gurnee, IL Police Request

    I would like to make a request that someone set up a scanner for Gurnee, IL. This is a pretty big town now-a-days, especially with all the action at Gurnee Mills and Great America. I would really like to monitor Gurnee PD at night. I work 3rd shift and I often see them cruising down Hunt Club...
  5. wlittle

    Atlanta 800 Mhz. system

    I'm curious . . . on the Atlanta, Georgia 800 Mhz. system the (scanner) feeds for it are Zones 2, 5, and Fire / Rescue. My question is why aren't the other zones - particularly Zone 3 - included in the feed? My wife and I live in S.W. Atlanta (Zone 3) and I would like to know what's going on in...
  6. S

    Marion County Frequencies

    I currently own a Pro94, 1000 channel Radioshack Dual Trunking Scanner. I'm seeking frequencies mainly for Salem Police, Marion County Sheriff, Salem Fire, and Marion County Fire District 1. I have the most common frequencies for each of these but if any of you know any other frequencies please...
  7. C

    Mexico Information Uniden Bearcat

    Hi everyone: I have a Uniden Scanner (BCT15X) and I actually have this information for the trunking systems in Mexico City. I'm a beginner so I really don't understand and I'm not able to put this into a New System in my scanner because I really don't know how to operate trunked systems., Could...
  8. M

    Elk Grove Unified School District

    I monitor EGUSD PD along with other agencies, and when the dispatcher for EGUSD comes on, they are hard to understand at times, with a lot of background noise. Does anyone know where they are dispatched from? Also, during the day, it sounds as if they have two dispatchers talking to each other...
  9. Bote

    Pompano Beach Fire moves to Broward Dispatch 5

    Pompano Beach Fire dispatch has moved operations to Broward County fire Dispatch 5 which is served by Bote's Wild Feed. No longer will you hear Pompano fire on Bote's Mixer Board, only Fort Lauderdale fire as well as the lifeguards for both those cities (as long as I can stand it, anyway)...
  10. NFR85

    Nashua NH Feed Offline

    I'm not sure if this is the right form or not but the feed has been offline since July 14th, (10 days) Was wondering if anyone knew why? I'll try sending the person a message but looks like on the Feed alot of people were asking why its offline but nobody answered.
  11. C

    First Post - Looking for a scanner recommendation

    Hi there, Just new to the forums, but I'm a pretty technical user however I feel out of the loop with current technologies. I currently own a BC92XLT (Nearly Identical to the BC95XLT) and I'd like to get a new scanner that will allow me to hear a few more stations. I'm primarily interested in...
  12. J

    Lexington PD -North Carolina- Live Audio Feed

    Hello all, I am thinking of swapping one for my live audio feeds from monitoring Davidson County EMS to monitor Lexington Police. Since very few people listen to the EMS, since most traffic is also broadcasted on the Fire frequency which is already a live feed. Let me know if you think this is a...
  13. H

    streaming of local police service scanner

    i live in london, on, canada... and i would love to get my hometown police service streamed online. if there is anyone out there who can let me know if there will be (or already is) a streaming feed
  14. FreeOperator


    I noticed that the Buckley/Orting Law Enforcement feed left our listings? Anyone know what happened?
  15. A

    DEA & Johns Creek PD bust Mexican Drug Cartel

    Did anyone hear anything about this? Im currently isting to a search warrent info from JCPD! Lots of activity... happy scanning! Alex
  16. A

    Apd tg 19773

    Hi all, Ive reaceived a few confersations on Atlanta PD's talkgroup 19773, which is APD Unknown Surveillance. I think its there SWAT team channel? But i could be wrong??? Does anybody know what this talkgroup is and update it please? thanks, Alex
  17. NFR85

    EMS Priority Meaning

    Can someone please tell me what a Priority 1, 2, 3 means? I looked everywhere. No Luck finding it. Thanks
  18. trooperdude

    Thinking of dropping my SFO Area CHP feed, replace w/ San Francisco PD

    Since there are two Bay Area CHP feeds, and SFPD is no longer available, I am seriously considering dropping my CHP feed in favor of replacing it with San Francisco PD. My site looks across the bay, so while it would be 20+ miles away, I have direct LOS to the transmitters. I have a spare 250D...
  19. W

    Hawaii / Honolulu police monitoring?

    Hello Group: Visiting Honolulu with my Uniden Home Patrol. The radio is receiving many types of traffic however, none of which is police traffic. Sure was hoping to hear Hawaii 50 in action! Any ideas on what is going on here? Many thanks, Scott
  20. NFR85

    Reno/Sparks Police Freq

    I looked everyone and came up empty. Does anyone have a listing of Reno/Sparks Freqs? Thanks a bunch!