
  1. D

    Interference on Brevard County Radio System

    Recently I have noticed that in the evenings, it's not uncommon to hear loud intermittent zapping noises on the police scanner, covering some officers transmissions, sometimes completely. I didn't think much of it until I realized that no matter where I was in the county, I still hear it, as do...
  2. B

    New NYPD Feeds

    Hi, Just wanted to let y'all know about two new NYPD feeds I started streaming today: NYPD Brooklyn - 72nd, 76th, and 78th Pcts Live Scanner Audio Feed and NYPD Brooklyn - 66th and 70th Pcts Live Scanner Audio Feed These five precincts cover a sizable chunk of west and southwest Brooklyn...
  3. S

    Camden County DPS 4

    Camden County Police Zone 3 occasionally broadcasts "... switchover to DPS 4..." and goes silent. Does anyone know the frequency for "DPS 4"?
  4. T

    Garbled Audio at random times

    I was listening to my Pro-197 scanner on the police and sheriff channels the audio sometimes garbles for some reason. It happens at randoms times just whenever. Both systems are P25 single channel no trunking. I was wondering if this has happend to anyone else and if there are some settings to...
  5. gr8rcall

    Burlington Police: B&E In progress. Suspect has 3 warrants on him!

    Saturday 6/16/2012 6:15 PM Burlington Police Respond to a B&E in progress. Two supects have broken into a vacant building across from (name of restaurant). After they arrive unit xyz asks for a 10-29 (warrant) check on one of the suspects. Communications advised that the suspect had warrants...
  6. gr8rcall

    Burlington Police 10-Codes

    I have noticed that Burlington (NC) police use SOME of NCSHP 10-codes. Here's a link to the SHP ones and I will list the ones that BPD use: http://wiki.radioreference.com/images/c/cf/NCSHPcodesdistricts.pdf BPD Uses: 10-4 10-5 10-6 10-7 10-8 10-9 10-10 10-14 10-17 10-20 10-21 10-22 10-23...
  7. fwfdengine2

    Eden Prairie Communications

    From the looks of the status on the Eden Prairie Police and Fire feed saying "THIS FEED IS DONE!" I think there is a great chance that it's not coming back online. Is there someone else that would be willing to host the feed? EP-FMAIN EP-FGND1 EP-FGND2 EP-FGND3 EP-FGND4 EP-PTRL1 Thank you...
  8. scseh

    James Crockman, the Human Antenna of the Breaking News Network - NYTimes.com

    NOSE FOR NEWS James Crockman of the Breaking News Network. A Human Antenna of Breaking News Scanner Radio story from NY Times Published 5/18/2012 http://www.nytimes.com/2012/05/20/nyregion/james-crockman-the-human-antenna-of-the-breaking-news-network.html I came across a cool story on NYTimes...
  9. Bill88

    Police Standoff - Elgin

    Elgin Police at the scene of a standoff near May and Grace Street on Elgins East side. SWAT units arrived on scene and advised they were switching to "Starcom Tactical Encrypted' Church members and Family at Police Command post to assist.
  10. N

    Meriden, Ct. PD goes encrypted

    Greetings fellow scanner listeners, As of 4/24/2012 Meriden,Ct. Police Department has gone encrypted on all its digital frequencies. It is not known if this is a trial or permanant. N1LEU
  11. C

    Round Lake police F-? Code

    when i look at the frequencies for round lake some have a Police: [F-4] under descriptions. does anyone know what these mean
  12. S

    How Do You Reset The Pro 404 Scanner?

    Im new to this scanner and need help? Thanks a lot!
  13. B

    Dallas District Maps

    Does anyone know of any maps or websites that show the different police districts ie.. central, south, west and so forth. just moved her and trying to figure out where I should be listening to what.
  14. B

    Dallas Scannign question

    I just moved to Dallas and have been listening to Dallas FD and PD dispatch. So is the fire dispatch automated because it sounds like a computer and after every dispatch it sounds like she says something about a map then a letter, not sure what that means. also does dallas send an engine and...
  15. M

    Island Lake PD - any updates

    Hello, new member here and also new Island Lake resident. I have been browsing around on the topic of scanning the Island Lake PD. Nobody seems to know where they went, and haven't seen any discussion on the topic in 3 or 4 months. One note on the Lake County EDACS page says "Island Lake PD...
  16. BCasto

    Town of Cary

    Monitoring Town of Cary TG 4464 this afternoon. This is unlisted in the DB and sounds like PD. Anyone know this TG?
  17. B

    Dallas Fire and Police

    I am moving to Dallas and programming my scanner for the area. I was curious why Dallas Police and Fire are still using conventional UHF systems and not digital or trunking. Just seems like a city that big would need more police channels than those that are shown. There is also a conventional...
  18. J

    OPP Time Team

    I've heard the OPP refer to their "Time Team" on a few occasions, when there's a particularly bad 10-50 and it looks like there may be a 10-45 involved. What is this "Time Team" and what do they do? What call signs and talk groups do they use? Anyone know? Rob
  19. aspclay

    All Pulaski County Agencies switching to AWIN

    The following is from the AWIN Quarterly Newsletter-January 2012 Proposals Approved to Add Little Rock , Jacksonville Systems..... The end of 2011 marked the beginning of some big changes for the Arkansas Wireless Information Network (AWIN) as the city of Fayetteville became a full time...
  20. S

    Police Monitor

    Hi all! I have released a new app for Windows Phone 7.5 called Police Monitor. The link to the app is http://www.windowsphone.com/en-US/apps/7fdbc02d-a38f-4af1-be0d-804b3fbef684. This release is the first and I plan to offer more features soon such as the ability to add your own streaming url...