
  1. JamesPrine

    Monitoring NOPD

    Hello all! I'm currently based in Ponchatoula, and am interested in monitoring the New Orleans Police Department on LWIN with my PRO-197. I am not allowed to erect a base antenna and am restricted to the issue antenna that came with the scanner. I programmed in the Hammond, Pam Am, Kenner...
  2. T

    Hollywood Police

    I am looking for information on Hollywood police and if something is in the works to add it to the Broward County scanner list? Thanks
  3. S

    Wasilla/Palmer PD encrypted, too?

    I got one of the GRE 600 scanners when our old one went obsolete with the digital conversion. I came to Radio Reference for help getting it programmed and all was well for a while, but as I see on the Fairbanks encryption thread, we may have the same problem here. Does anyone know if the...
  4. Awesomeman92

    Bloomington PD Channel Numbers

    I was just wondering if anyone had any insight into why Bloomington PD uses their Channel 3 for dispatch, and Channel 1 for backup. That just seems kind of weird to me, especially since I've seen resources that were updated fairly recently that list Channel 1 as the dispatch channel, and the DB...
  5. C

    Sallisaw Feed is now LIVE!

    Sallisaw, OK Police and Fire feeds are now LIVE! It is being monitored by a RadioShack PRO-136 at 155.790 and 154.995. If the wife will allow I will soon be acquiring 2 more scanners that will monitor Sequoyah County Sheriff's Department and the Oklahoma Highway Patrol Troop C.
  6. zippo6

    Yuma AZ

    I've been in scanning since the days of the Patrolman Pro-8, but I've fallen out of the loop lately. My last main scanner purchases were the Pro-2035 and the AOR-8000. I thought about getting back into it again, but it appears that Yuma has gone completely digital (maybe even patrol encrypted)...
  7. wsvjr

    Cobb county police feed down

    Cobb county ga PD feeds are down anyone know why?
  8. cmilian

    Police Scanner 7

    If you Own a Windows Phone 7 make sure to checkout the Police Scanner 7 app at the Marketplace. YouTube - Police Scanner for Windows Phone 7 Now Available!
  9. W

    Visiting from IL with Pro197

    Hello Arizonians, I am in town for the holidays and brought along my pro 197. I have programed in most of the phoenix pd and fire system and frequencies but I don't want to hear it all just whats a round me, I figured out the police precincts and what talkgroups to monitor but I don't know what...
  10. P

    Can someone help me out!!??

    So i live in the small college town of Pullman Washington just south of Spokane, WA. I was wondering if anyone would be able to add the Pullman Police Department to the scanner database? Currently the campus police are streamed but i know from experience that the city is busier. If anyone can...
  11. J

    Police Tracking me?

    hello, i am new to the forums here, but have used RR for my scanners for a couple of years now. i have an interesting question. im going to try to make it as short and as clear as possible. i recently bought a olympia p324. i bought it so i can use it as small 440 scanner and when i become a ham...
  12. D

    Sandy Springs PD (Where did feed go???)

    Does anyone know why the Sandy Springs PD feed went away? I bought the ScannerRaio app on my BlackBerry because I enjoyed listening to them and a few weeks later the feed went away.
  13. D


    Well i am from Odell,IL and we don't have a police department because were such a small town but police come from one of are neighboring towns called Pontiac,IL i was wondering what is the frequency for the police department and maybe someone could broadcast that frequency.
  14. N4JES

    Montgomery County Police

    Could anyone please advise me about the system that the local police and SO are now using? I am still receiving fire/ems conventional.
  15. w2lie

    Suffolk County Aux Police

    I am working a project, and need to verify where the Aux. Police in Suffolk transmit. The only information I can find in the database is for the Town if Islip 155.01000 CSQ. I'm looking for the entire county if possible, but my focus is in the SCPD 4th Pct, area. Thanks
  16. qr25det

    Helpful Hints?

    Hello, My name is Scott, I'm from the Halifax area and after a lot of reading a research, decided to go with the GRE PSR500. I ordered it about 5 minutes ago complete with rechargeable batteries, wall charger and car charger :D. I have been sifting through the other forums, but I am not sure...
  17. Bill28227

    Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Citizen's Academy

    CMPD’s Citizens Academy is now accepting applications for Fall 2010 workshops which begin on September 14, 2010. Workshops are held on Tuesday and Thursday evenings either at CMPD Headquarters 601 East Trade Street, or the Training Academy located at 1770 Shopton Road, from 6:30 pm until 9:30...
  18. jeremygburton

    A question of brand

    Hi all. I am a police reporter for a newspaper in Northeast Pennsylvania, where we're looking to upgrade our scanner tech over the old, broken mobile ones that we currently have. I've done a little research myself, but here is what I am wondering: Is there really any discernible difference...