
  1. matty909

    listening to lojack on a scanner

    I recently programmed the lojack frequency into my scanner and was wondering if im within receiving range of a vehicle with its lojack activated will i here a "beep" (vehicle transmitting its i.d.) for a while now i hear what sounds like a data burst which im assuming is the towers identifying...
  2. F

    RF Links?

    Hi All, I'm relatively new to scanner land and was noticing on a lot of the RadioReference frequency listings for my area that the fire departments each have their VHF frequency, but then there is also a UHF frequency labeled as RF Link or Link. I am not able to receive many of the farther out...
  3. V

    New ws1088

    Hi, new to this scanner, lots of interesting info on the forum, very useful. One feature that seems to be missing from this scanner, is the ability for it to do a scan and store the frequencies it stops at, you seem to have to be listening to it and then store each one. I do not seem to be...
  4. E

    Old Yagi TV Antenna

    Hey All, Not too familiar with antennas so I was wondering if you could help. Have an old Yagi TV Antenna mounted to chimney from way back when (was there when we moved in). Found the old coaxial cable today and was wondering if I can set it up for scanning? Images If it is able to be used...
  5. RadioGuy1951

    Yaesu: FT60: scanning police & fire bands

    Help please...I want to set up some of the channels into scan banks for police & fire freqs (receive only, NO transmit) on my Yaesu FT-60... Using FT-60 Commander, I'm able to set up the 2 way ham freqs OK... But it won't accept non ham band freqs, even though the manual says it can receive...
  6. saboken

    BCD325P2/BCD996P2: Drop Out Due to WX and PRI scanning

    I know this issue has been mentioned I thought it was just having Priority Scanning on that was doing it but when I turned it off it got better but didn't go away until I turned the WX scan off! I just purchased a BCD996P2 for the S.A.M.E feature but the dropouts make the feature unusable. Is...
  7. N

    Baofeng UV-6R

    I recently purchased this UV-6R and set it up to be a scanner for local police, etc. I do have it working and scanning but sitting it next to my radio shack scanner I find that it never stops scanning even when it should. It will receive traffic when not scanning and just sitting on a channel...
  8. V

    NSW Police Radio Scanning (Australia)

    There has been a lot of talk over many years about the NSW Police Force going digital encrypted state wide. It has been dragging on for more than ten years with the remaining analogue areas of the State only going digital in recent months. Some areas of the State have been using encryption with...
  9. I

    Seminole Fire / Sheriff ?!?!?!

    What happened to the Seminole County Sheriff broadcast feed? The Seminole County Fire feed is still running strong but the Sheriff feed has been down for almost a year and a half now. What is the legality of setting up my own feed to broadcast those talk groups?
  10. K

    old discone?

    Just getting back into scanning, mostly because of the fires here in rural Washington. Expecting a Uniden HP-2 today. I already have a 30+ year old discone antenna on the roof that does not appear to be missing any radials. Has the technology changed so much that this will be a waste of time...
  11. R

    What is the best scanner for the Houston, tx area?

    Folks, I have been an on again-off again scanner enthusiast; My dad was a Ham radio operator and I hadan early trunked hand held scanner back around the year 2000. I don't know if it still works; the battery pack is dead, and it connected to my computer back then with a serial cable, and I...
  12. H

    New to Scanning in London, Ontario

    Hi All, I am new to the London, Ontario area, coming from Waterloo Region, and I am wondering what the best options are for scanning emergency services in London/Middlesex area? I have a Realistic Pro-2001 and Uniden Bearcat BC346XTC. I am wondering if there are any older setups which the...
  13. S

    I Love Scanners!

    I Love Scanners And Hope They Will Be Around For A Long Time To Come!
  14. S

    Where Will Scanning Be In The Future?

    Where Will Scanning Be In The Future?
  15. S

    business freq compilation/archives?

    Forgive me if I'm posting in wrong area I was looking at taverns but since it's general about scanning and not particular model of scanning I figured I'd post here. If wrong I know WayneH will move and scold so I appoligize upfront. I searched but didn't find a general list of what business used...
  16. N

    BC125 AT Scanner Help

    Hey guys, first post following the purchase of my first scanner! Need some help figuring this out. I downloaded the software on my computer and programmed my scanner as such: Bank1: police (all)/fire/ems dispatch Bank 2: Fire dispatch, fire 2,3,4,5 Bank 3: Sheriff disp, Sheriff Car-to-car...
  17. K

    Miles City, Montana trip soon ??

    hey everybody i was wondering if there is any GMRS repeaters up along highway 212 and highway 59 from the state line on the south east side up near miles city Montana ? i don't think there's hardly any ham repeaters up there now days.. there used to be one in Broadus on 146.620 years ago is that...
  18. T

    EX600 XLS Scanning

    Hello, I have a Moto EX600XLS Portable Radio. Right now, when I am in a certain bank, when I go into scan mode, it scans all banks. For example when I am in my EMS bank, I receive stuff on my Fire channels. How do I make it so the radio only scans the channels in the current bank? Thanks
  19. S

    How can I pick up the walkie talkies at my school?

    I have a baofeng uv-82 radio and can go from 400 to 520 megahertz in the UHF band. I can scan, but its pretty slow, probably 2 steps a second and I can change the frequency step. I can program up to 127 channels, and scan between those at the same rate, about 2 per second. I have 45 minute...
  20. A

    Looking For Some Help

    I live in Huron County near Exeter Ontario and hopping to find some people in this area I could connect with? I have a Uniden BC785D Scanner that I have brought out of the closet and blew the dust off. Winter is coming and like to get back in the hobby. I have a small TV tower beside the house...