
  1. C138NC

    Road Trip Planning

    Hey all, long time since i posted but I plan on taking a trip either up to the mountains or down to the coast soon but I know everyone is on VIPER but is there any agencies who are using 800mhz analog but is not on a trunking system that i can use my PRO2066 to listen to? Im only listening to...
  2. R

    bc860xlt antenna/squelch issue

    i happen to have an older bc860xlt and i have an issue with the antenna/squelch. the issue is that any antenna i hook up to the unit make the squelch not useable at times for the 800mhz and 900mhz frequencies. the automatic setting does nothing at times. i have tried different antennas and wire...
  3. C

    How a pager operates question

    Ok i want to program my motorola advisor to recieve my fire departments pages i know the frequency our county pages on but do not know the cap code if i just enter this frequency and no cap code will i recieve all the fire departments in the county pages and the pager will just not go off or...
  4. Eastie

    Scanning HAM freqs.

    Hello all, I would like to scan as many HAM frequencies as possible. Are HAM freqs the same all over the US? (I'm not talking about call signs, just a range of freqs) Does anyone have a list or point me in the direction of a list of each individual frequency? I don't see any list in RR...
  5. HavanaScanning

    Programming Help for Yuma County

    I live in Florida and have had a request to program a scanner (Pro-97) for someone in Yuma. While I could do it, I believe that someone local could do better job! Please PM me if you are interested and I will forward your info to the guy who needs help. He works for one of the local TV...
  6. G

    Need help programming my scanner (radio shack pro-64)

    I can use the basic functions however I can't get it to work with smartzone II. Can anyone help me this scanner? I will even pay you.
  7. S

    Motorola HT1000 receive problem...HELP

    Hello! Ok, so i bought a used ht1000 and it has an issue. I had the first 8 channels programmed to gmrs and the other 8 programmed to local police frequencies to scan. Well, whenever the radio is receiving conversation there is an annoying clicking noise that occurs whenever the red led light on...
  8. A

    Scanner Clubs in Your Area?

    I would like to see a listing of scanning/receiver clubs by state with contact information provided (e.g. E-mail address, web-address, etc.). Is this something that would fit within the scope and guidelines of ?? I hope so. Reading about the hobby by reading posts, etc. and obtaining...
  9. K

    vhf low red cross freqs

    Does the red cross still use the low band frequencies. If so, I'm thinking on days when six meters opens, if it opens during this Irene mess, I will try to receive some propagation, and that seems like something to listen for.
  10. E

    PSR-800 scanning issue

    Just picked up the 800, and I'm quite impressed so far. However, there is one major issue I've noticed when scanning, especially with the local trunked 800mhz system here in Madison, WI (moto II). The issue is that when the scanner picks up a transmission, I hear the first second of audio...
  11. wsk1990

    Pro-164 issues with EDACS

    I've been messing around with my new scanner and have figured out how to program and scan the Motorola II system which controls all of the county (Pinellas, FL) fire, EMS and law enforcement agencies. However, the city of Clearwater is on a separate, EDACS standard system. I added the...
  12. S

    Royal Caribean Cruise

    I am going on the Monarch of the Seas in April going to Coco Cay, and Nassau. Looking for fire, ems, and ship frequencies. Hope to load the scanner for interesting listening. Any help would be appreciated.
  13. MetalGear753

    Preventing Frequency Scan BCD996XT

    BCD996XT Whenever I do not have system hold on, it scans through HAM Frequencies, CB Frequencies, and then the selected systems that I have programmed (If their system key is enabled). How do I stop my scanner from looping into the HAM Freqs and the CB Radio and just scanning my systems listed...
  14. K

    RS Pro-528 Analog Scanner still good for Detroit?

    Just got this radio as part of a trade/sale. Will this handheld work for scanning Detroit precincts? If not, I'd appreciate any suggestions from the forum on what it will take to start listening to the Detroit cops again. Thanks in advance, Jeff
  15. 2

    New to scanners. New Pro-106

    I found out I was getting a scanner for Christmas and signed up for this website. I've been reading some of the past questions that folks have posted but I havn't really found anything thatdescribes what I've gotten myself into. So here goes. Equipment: Radio Shack Pro-106 scanner Radio Shack...
  16. MaddChatter2608

    Question Reguarding Scanner Freq

    I was wondering.....My local FD just switched to a NFM band rather than the conventional FM....i have the new frequency and it works fine. However, i cannot pick up their Tones only their Speech!!! I have inputted the DPL the database has listed but next to the Frequency Description it has...
  17. D

    Need Help

    I am a newbie to this trunking/P25 stuff... I live in Bruce County,ON,CANADA Can someone help me for a few minutes of your time.... I got a lot of information here but can't seem to put it all together.... Computer equipment.... LOTS.... I run servers.... LOTS! Scanner Uniden Bearcat...
  18. C

    California Scanning Laws?

    Hi all. My father lives in an assisted living home. He's a retired firefighter and scanner buff. With his scanner(s), he's found the frequencies that are in use by the staff at the home and has been listening in to the local chatter. Managment has learned of this and has now issued a memo to...
  19. C

    Uniden BC780XLT

    I have a Uniden BC780XLT hooked up to my server using a Antennacraft ST2. When the scanner is scanning, I and others hear like thumping noise or sounds like someone going down a hallway with high heels at a constant rate. I have moved all my cables around away from any other cables or power...
  20. K

    VX-920 (924) Scanning

    Hello- I am a new user of a VX-924 portable. Coming from using strickly Motorola (ht1250 and mt2000), I am pretty pleased with the radio. The one thing I can't figure out is scanning. Using the Motorola radios, I would set it up so my selected channel is the prioity channel. I wouldn't have...