
  1. melona380

    [BAND PLAN MATH] Trunk Recorder - Find Median Band Plan

    I'm trying to use trunk-recorder to record site 28's traffic from this system South Dakota State Radio System Trunking System, Statewide, South Dakota - Scanner Frequencies...
  2. S

    TTC Radio Data With SDR Receiver

    Does anyone have any information or insight they can share with regard to using a SDR dongle to receive data being transmitted on TTC frequencies (particularly the CIS data channel 423.7375?). Myself and a friend are looking into this using a SDR software but he thinks that the radio data output...
  3. M

    All This for $25!

    I'm new here, and new to SDR, and I'm having the time of my life. Way back in the late 1960s, the USAF had me sitting at a console, staring at VHF and UHF frequencies on a spectrum display, for reasons I can't really discuss still. My guess is that console cost half a million dollars or so...
  4. D

    Multiple pipes from one SDR device

    I am trying to monitor a number of different radio signals in a tight bandwidth at once. I would like to be able to use one device, like the SDRplay devices that can monitor 10MHz and separate the output into multiple streams around the desired frequencies. Their software allows this but only...
  5. D

    Red Pitaya stand alone TRX "DiscoRedTRX"

    Hello everyone, my name is Wolfgang, located in Germany (DH1AKF). With assistance of a hard working programmer, Pavel Demin (Belgium, Catholic University Louvain), we developed together a stand alone solution, consisting of the Red Pitaya and a STM32F7Disco board with touchscreen. I invite you...
  6. R

    Interested in setting up a Discone Antenna

    Hey RR users, I've been playing with SDR, And it's really a lot of fun, and a great entrance to the Radio world. I'm wanting to set up a Discone Antenna for general listening, I'd obviously want this on my Roof. I don't come from any engineering or electrical backgrounds, However I know the...
  7. vabiro

    App for Toronto TPS/TFS

    Hi all, I hope the mod will be OK with this post due to the inclusion of SDR use/integration, and that it may be of interest to those that are interested in radio tech (like me) Since TPS went encrypted I have been trying to use other technologies to make-up for this gap in information, so I...
  8. M

    Problems in decode SDR signal with dl-fldigi

    Hi everyone, I am new in the HAB world and I want to track one with a SDR. I am following the Pi In The Sky Manual ( and the ukhas web to configurate the SDRsharp and the dl-fldigi but I am having some troubles to decode the signal. I...
  9. S

    Scanning Analog frequencies

    Hi i have 2 SDR's using unitrunker and dsd+ fastlane to pickup an edacs96 trunking system. all working well. My main question I would like to be able to scan through a list of analog non trunking stations for fire brigade and other standard frequencies. I have seen I can use sdrsharp to tune...
  10. H

    Unitrunker SDR System ID'd & SID??

    Before I can download a SYSTEM into unitrunker, you have to know the system ID number and the SID number, example: Texas Wide Area Radio Network (TxWARN) (P25) System ID is BEE00-1A7 and SID is 4563. How do I find this same information for system Texas Wide Area Radio Network (TxWARN) Motorola...
  11. H

    System ID and SID number indentification unitrunker

    Before I can download a SYSTEM into unitrunker, you have to know the system ID number and the SID number, example: Texas Wide Area Radio Network (TxWARN) (P25) System ID is BEE00-1A7 and SID is 4563. How do I find this same information for system Texas Wide Area Radio Network (TxWARN) Motorola...
  12. H

    Unitrunker SDR newbee needs help!!

    I've been trying off and on to get unitrunker to work first with my PRO-668 with no luck and more recently with my SDR RTL2832U R820T. Turned it on this morning and low and behold I'm getting a channel communication coming thru!! No idea what talkgroup it is or TGID. I guess it may be working...
  13. K

    RTL-SDR and Raspberry Pi - Choppy Audio with rtl_fm

    Howdy! I'm new to both RTL-SDR and setting up a scanner provider. I've been following the instructions on the RR Wiki, Raspberry Pi RTL-SDR Broadcastify - The RadioReference Wiki and wanted to ensure the setup was working before I started the feed. As such, I've tried piping the rtl_fm feed to...
  14. H

    RTL-1090 file missing rtlsdr.dll

    I already had my dongle installed and working with sdrsharp program and decided to look at setting up for aircraft tracking-mapping-listening to. I needed two additional things: Virtual Radar Server and RTL-1090 program. I downloaded Virtual Radar Server with no issues but when I downloaded...
  15. S

    NOOELEC NESDR Smart Rant

    I ordered my Nooelec NESDR Smart last Wednesday morning and it arrived yesterday moring. Was excited to see the mail courier deliver it to my door. I ran to my room and diosconnected the old rtl2832u r820t dongle and plugedd in the smart. It is smaller than the original dongle measures 5/8ths...
  16. H

    RTL2832U Aircraft Track-Map Software??

    I'm new to the sdr world and need some advise. I recently purchased the RTL2832U R820T DVB-T setup with antenna and remote with a disc. abt $11.00 I downloaded the SDRSHARP and have been playing around with the system, pretty neat but now I would like to do more, learn more. I tried to open...
  17. D

    New P25 SDR Setup Advice

    Hi All, I am wanting a SDR with P25 setup on a new PC. I require assistance on what devices and software that is needed for this setup (if you can help?). I want to pre-define channels/frequencies in the software. I want a GUI or even just shortcuts on desktop that will automatically goto a...
  18. Q

    Sequencing Simultaneous Talkgroup Transmissions in order?

    I've done all manner of Google , forum/RR and SDR related searches for this but have come up with nothing. I've heard several BC feeds that receive a ton of talkgroups or maybe even a mix of conventional and digital transmissions, and they somehow record the whole mess and then streams them out...
  19. B

    Specific Talk Group Not Working

    Hi guys, first time poster here. I've been getting really into SDRs and radio monitoring in general, recently I finally got everything I need to monitor my local trunked police radio successfully and everything's working great, I even started my own live broadcastify feed! I have one problem...
  20. C

    Dual band antenna for scanning?

    After quite a bit of searching online I'm stumped and request some assistance from the forum. I'd like to set up a base station for lack of a better term at my home and listen to as many frequencies as possible with the most interesting ones for me being at approximately 155mhz, 455mhz and...