VHF Low Band Log for 2011/12/03
VHF Low Band Log for 2011/12/03
San Antonio, Texas
Uniden BCD996XT Scanner with Dipole Antenna
30.2200 131.8 Taxi - San Jose, Costa Rica
30.3700 CSQ Unidentified language - likely fishermen - band open to US west coast
30.4800 110.9 XLL780 - Wendigo Lake Expeditions, South River, Ontario, Canada
30.6000 103.5 Unidentified US business
30.6000 107.2 Unidentified US business, Chillicothe, OH
30.6000 162.2 Fuel oil delivery
30.6200 136.5 Unidentified US business
30.6400 84.5 "on your way back South Hampton, if you want to go by Grubbs"
30.6400 110.9 Unidentified - Southeast US "30 West Patrick St, past the fairgrounds"
30.6400 114.8 Unidentified US business
30.6400 162.2 Drillers operating from a barge "get a spud on it"
30.7600 156.7 Taxi dispatch "Jefferson" "10th and Buffalo" "Atlantic" "Willoughby" "Rochester"
30.7600 D331 Unidentified US business
30.9600 D051 Unidentified US business
31.0000 82.5 Stone business
31.0000 151.4 Unidentified US business
31.1000 131.8 Repeater (33.700 input) - Fire mutual aid network for northern Worcester County, Massachusetts
31.1400 123.0 KMA672 San Francisco Municipal Railway Transit, Maintenance & Inspectors
31.2000 203.5 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to Central / South America>
31.2000 D025 Unidentified US business
31.2000 D132 Unidentified US business "6 Partridge Ct, cross is Spring Rd"
31.2600 D174 Spanish
31.2800 127.3 Taxi dispatch in Spanish
31.3600 91.5 KGY574 Concord Oil Co, Concord MA.
31.6000 173.8 Unidentified US business
31.6400 71.9 Unidentified US business
31.7600 74.4 Unidentified US business
31.8800 100.0 Plumbers
31.9400 131.8 KCF918 Fire Dispatch - Uxbridge MA
32.0800 100.0 Spanish <band open to Central / South America>
32.1800 77.0 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to Central/South America>
32.3400 127.3 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to Central/South America>
33.0200 100.0 School buses
33.0400 114.8 WQDR782 Fire Dispatch - West Barnstable MA
33.0400 179.9 WPMG350 EMS Dispatch, Mohegan Tribe of Indians of CT, New London
33.0400 D311 School buses
33.0600 118.8 School buses
33.1000 131.8 Fire Dispatch - Lancaster MA
33.2200 110.9 Spanish <band open to Central/South America>
33.4400 71.9 Fire Dispatch
33.4400 131.8 EMS Dispatch, Possible Paxton MA
33.4400 179.9 KCD346 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Tolland County CT
33.4600 CSQ "This is only a test."
33.4800 114.8 KCB781 Barnstable Fire Department, Barnstable MA
33.4800 123.0 Fire Dispatch - Athol MA
33.5000 203.5 Fire Dispatch - Wilton CT
33.5200 131.8 Fire Dispatch - East Haven CT
33.5400 110.9 KCE357 Fire/EMS Dispatch, Bethany CT
33.5600 131.8 Fire Dispatch - Rutland MA
33.5600 179.9 WPDZ517 Fire/EMS Dispatch, Univ of Connecticut, Tolland CT
33.5800 179.9 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Ledyard CT
33.6200 131.8 KBT465 South Worcester County Fire Net, MA
33.6200 136.5 Fire Dispatch - Lower Providence Fire Dept, Montgomery Co PA
33.6400 114.8 KNAW393 Fire Dispatch - Bourne MA
33.6800 114.8 WNWQ580 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Mashpee MA
33.6800 127.3 KBQ744 Fire Dispatch, Northbridge MA
33.6800 179.9 KNNT266 Fire Dispatch - Stonington CT
33.6800 203.5 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Pembroke MA
33.7000 114.8 Fire Dispatch - Farnsville, Chatham
33.7200 82.5 WNQU666 Fire Dispatch - Redding CT
33.7200 136.5 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Greenville NH
33.7200 141.3 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to Central/South America>
33.7400 107.2 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Barre MA
33.7400 136.5 WPZB382 - Fire/EMS Dispatch, Greenville NH
33.7400 192.8 Fire Dispatch - Lambertville, NJ
33.7600 186.2 KCF310 Fire/EMS Dispatch, Chelmsford MA
33.7800 77.0 KCF415 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Cheshire Co NH
33.7800 114.8 KNGE459 EMS dispatch - Falmouth MA
33.8000 77.0 " LZ is 40 24 28.139 N, 75 55 8.95117 W" This is 4800 Kutztown Rd, Temple PA and likely Berks County Department of Emergency Services
33.8000 179.9 KXV431 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Windham Co CT
33.8200 103.5 KEF984 Fire Dispatch - Woodbridge NJ "report for the Woodbridge Christmas Parade"
33.8200 141.3 KCO372 FD/EMS - Calvert County, MD
33.8400 114.8 KCD760 Fire Dispatch - Centerville/Osterville/Marstons Mills, MA
33.8400 131.8 KCF918 Fire Dispatch - Uxbridge, MA
33.8600 94.8 KCE518 Fire Dispatch - Shelton Fire Dispatch, CT
33.8600 131.8 Fire/EMS Dispatch - East Brookfield MA w/ voice ID
33.8800 127.3 Fire Dispatch - Possible Litchfield CT
33.8800 167.9 Fire Dispatch - Possible Princeton MA
33.8800 179.9 EMS Dispatch - CT
33.9000 91.5 KKL552 Fire Dispatch - Broome Co NY w/ voice ID
33.9000 131.8 EMS Dispatch - Rockville Centre NY.
33.9000 136.5 KGB393 EMS Dispatch - Radner PA to "101 Abderdeen Terrace"
33.9000 179.9 EMS Dispatch - Possible CT
33.9400 77.0 KNBX247 Fire Dispatch, Berks PA
33.9400 114.8 Possible KCJ825 - North County Dispatch, County Fire, Somerset NJ
33.9400 179.9 WNHR373 Fire Dispatch - Waterford CT
33.9600 179.9 WQF238 Fire Dispatch - Lyme/Old Lyme, Middlesex County CT
33.9600 206.5 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Westchester Co NY
34.0400 127.3 Taxi - Turrialba, Costa Rica <ID by Paul in Ireland>
34.2000 203.5 Spanish <band open to Central/South America>
34.5000 150.0 US MIL
34.8200 CSQ Portuguese - Brazil
35.0600 123.0 Taxi dispatch - "Kings Highway Hospital, main entrance"
35.3600 127.3 Trucking business
35.4000 79.9 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to northeast US>
35.4400 107.2 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to northeast US>
35.7000 94.8 Spanish <band open to northeast US>
35.7800 192.8 WPPU665 Cibao Express Car & Limo, Queens NY
35.8000 192.8 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to northeast US>
35.8200 114.8 WPNY352 Puerto Rican Car Service, Brooklyn NY
35.8200 146.2 HVAC company
35.8800 131.8 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to northeast US>
35.9400 79.7 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to northeast US>
35.9800 100.0 Unidentified US business
35.9800 146.2 Unidentified US business
37.2200 141.3 "Dunkin Donuts"
37.8200 186.2 Repeater w/ unidentified business
39.8800 136.5 Morse ID "XMM362". Société De Protection Des Forêts Contre Le Feu, Quebec. (ID'd by mbstone99).
VHF Low Band Log for 2011/12/03
San Antonio, Texas
Uniden BCD996XT Scanner with Dipole Antenna
30.2200 131.8 Taxi - San Jose, Costa Rica
30.3700 CSQ Unidentified language - likely fishermen - band open to US west coast
30.4800 110.9 XLL780 - Wendigo Lake Expeditions, South River, Ontario, Canada
30.6000 103.5 Unidentified US business
30.6000 107.2 Unidentified US business, Chillicothe, OH
30.6000 162.2 Fuel oil delivery
30.6200 136.5 Unidentified US business
30.6400 84.5 "on your way back South Hampton, if you want to go by Grubbs"
30.6400 110.9 Unidentified - Southeast US "30 West Patrick St, past the fairgrounds"
30.6400 114.8 Unidentified US business
30.6400 162.2 Drillers operating from a barge "get a spud on it"
30.7600 156.7 Taxi dispatch "Jefferson" "10th and Buffalo" "Atlantic" "Willoughby" "Rochester"
30.7600 D331 Unidentified US business
30.9600 D051 Unidentified US business
31.0000 82.5 Stone business
31.0000 151.4 Unidentified US business
31.1000 131.8 Repeater (33.700 input) - Fire mutual aid network for northern Worcester County, Massachusetts
31.1400 123.0 KMA672 San Francisco Municipal Railway Transit, Maintenance & Inspectors
31.2000 203.5 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to Central / South America>
31.2000 D025 Unidentified US business
31.2000 D132 Unidentified US business "6 Partridge Ct, cross is Spring Rd"
31.2600 D174 Spanish
31.2800 127.3 Taxi dispatch in Spanish
31.3600 91.5 KGY574 Concord Oil Co, Concord MA.
31.6000 173.8 Unidentified US business
31.6400 71.9 Unidentified US business
31.7600 74.4 Unidentified US business
31.8800 100.0 Plumbers
31.9400 131.8 KCF918 Fire Dispatch - Uxbridge MA
32.0800 100.0 Spanish <band open to Central / South America>
32.1800 77.0 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to Central/South America>
32.3400 127.3 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to Central/South America>
33.0200 100.0 School buses
33.0400 114.8 WQDR782 Fire Dispatch - West Barnstable MA
33.0400 179.9 WPMG350 EMS Dispatch, Mohegan Tribe of Indians of CT, New London
33.0400 D311 School buses
33.0600 118.8 School buses
33.1000 131.8 Fire Dispatch - Lancaster MA
33.2200 110.9 Spanish <band open to Central/South America>
33.4400 71.9 Fire Dispatch
33.4400 131.8 EMS Dispatch, Possible Paxton MA
33.4400 179.9 KCD346 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Tolland County CT
33.4600 CSQ "This is only a test."
33.4800 114.8 KCB781 Barnstable Fire Department, Barnstable MA
33.4800 123.0 Fire Dispatch - Athol MA
33.5000 203.5 Fire Dispatch - Wilton CT
33.5200 131.8 Fire Dispatch - East Haven CT
33.5400 110.9 KCE357 Fire/EMS Dispatch, Bethany CT
33.5600 131.8 Fire Dispatch - Rutland MA
33.5600 179.9 WPDZ517 Fire/EMS Dispatch, Univ of Connecticut, Tolland CT
33.5800 179.9 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Ledyard CT
33.6200 131.8 KBT465 South Worcester County Fire Net, MA
33.6200 136.5 Fire Dispatch - Lower Providence Fire Dept, Montgomery Co PA
33.6400 114.8 KNAW393 Fire Dispatch - Bourne MA
33.6800 114.8 WNWQ580 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Mashpee MA
33.6800 127.3 KBQ744 Fire Dispatch, Northbridge MA
33.6800 179.9 KNNT266 Fire Dispatch - Stonington CT
33.6800 203.5 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Pembroke MA
33.7000 114.8 Fire Dispatch - Farnsville, Chatham
33.7200 82.5 WNQU666 Fire Dispatch - Redding CT
33.7200 136.5 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Greenville NH
33.7200 141.3 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to Central/South America>
33.7400 107.2 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Barre MA
33.7400 136.5 WPZB382 - Fire/EMS Dispatch, Greenville NH
33.7400 192.8 Fire Dispatch - Lambertville, NJ
33.7600 186.2 KCF310 Fire/EMS Dispatch, Chelmsford MA
33.7800 77.0 KCF415 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Cheshire Co NH
33.7800 114.8 KNGE459 EMS dispatch - Falmouth MA
33.8000 77.0 " LZ is 40 24 28.139 N, 75 55 8.95117 W" This is 4800 Kutztown Rd, Temple PA and likely Berks County Department of Emergency Services
33.8000 179.9 KXV431 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Windham Co CT
33.8200 103.5 KEF984 Fire Dispatch - Woodbridge NJ "report for the Woodbridge Christmas Parade"
33.8200 141.3 KCO372 FD/EMS - Calvert County, MD
33.8400 114.8 KCD760 Fire Dispatch - Centerville/Osterville/Marstons Mills, MA
33.8400 131.8 KCF918 Fire Dispatch - Uxbridge, MA
33.8600 94.8 KCE518 Fire Dispatch - Shelton Fire Dispatch, CT
33.8600 131.8 Fire/EMS Dispatch - East Brookfield MA w/ voice ID
33.8800 127.3 Fire Dispatch - Possible Litchfield CT
33.8800 167.9 Fire Dispatch - Possible Princeton MA
33.8800 179.9 EMS Dispatch - CT
33.9000 91.5 KKL552 Fire Dispatch - Broome Co NY w/ voice ID
33.9000 131.8 EMS Dispatch - Rockville Centre NY.
33.9000 136.5 KGB393 EMS Dispatch - Radner PA to "101 Abderdeen Terrace"
33.9000 179.9 EMS Dispatch - Possible CT
33.9400 77.0 KNBX247 Fire Dispatch, Berks PA
33.9400 114.8 Possible KCJ825 - North County Dispatch, County Fire, Somerset NJ
33.9400 179.9 WNHR373 Fire Dispatch - Waterford CT
33.9600 179.9 WQF238 Fire Dispatch - Lyme/Old Lyme, Middlesex County CT
33.9600 206.5 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Westchester Co NY
34.0400 127.3 Taxi - Turrialba, Costa Rica <ID by Paul in Ireland>
34.2000 203.5 Spanish <band open to Central/South America>
34.5000 150.0 US MIL
34.8200 CSQ Portuguese - Brazil
35.0600 123.0 Taxi dispatch - "Kings Highway Hospital, main entrance"
35.3600 127.3 Trucking business
35.4000 79.9 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to northeast US>
35.4400 107.2 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to northeast US>
35.7000 94.8 Spanish <band open to northeast US>
35.7800 192.8 WPPU665 Cibao Express Car & Limo, Queens NY
35.8000 192.8 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to northeast US>
35.8200 114.8 WPNY352 Puerto Rican Car Service, Brooklyn NY
35.8200 146.2 HVAC company
35.8800 131.8 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to northeast US>
35.9400 79.7 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to northeast US>
35.9800 100.0 Unidentified US business
35.9800 146.2 Unidentified US business
37.2200 141.3 "Dunkin Donuts"
37.8200 186.2 Repeater w/ unidentified business
39.8800 136.5 Morse ID "XMM362". Société De Protection Des Forêts Contre Le Feu, Quebec. (ID'd by mbstone99).
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