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A lot of these bizarre PL tones on fire departments are usually a result of falsing on paging tones. Hardwick is 114.8, but I'll occasionally see bizarre numbers on Warren County, PA Fire Dispatch for PL's, when in fact they are a CSQ agency, it's the paging tones.
I use a BCD996P2, I think you're using a BCT15X, not entirely different. I routinely see 123.0 on agencies that are actually 118.8 (Educational Bus Transportation on 33.060 for example). The Uniden decoders aren't exactly a perfect science, and they tend to round to the nearest tone they think is correct.
33.900/136.5 is actually Lancaster County, PA fire. I initially thought it was Radnor (who is in Lancaster County), but after some more in depth research, Radnor just has a base station licensed on it. All of the transmissions come from Lancaster County dispatch, WPRR644. That's why you hear other townships being dispatched on it, it's not exclusive to Radnor.
A lot of these bizarre PL tones on fire departments are usually a result of falsing on paging tones. Hardwick is 114.8, but I'll occasionally see bizarre numbers on Warren County, PA Fire Dispatch for PL's, when in fact they are a CSQ agency, it's the paging tones.
I use a BCD996P2, I think you're using a BCT15X, not entirely different. I routinely see 123.0 on agencies that are actually 118.8 (Educational Bus Transportation on 33.060 for example). The Uniden decoders aren't exactly a perfect science, and they tend to round to the nearest tone they think is correct.
33.900/136.5 is actually Lancaster County, PA fire. I initially thought it was Radnor (who is in Lancaster County), but after some more in depth research, Radnor just has a base station licensed on it. All of the transmissions come from Lancaster County dispatch, WPRR644. That's why you hear other townships being dispatched on it, it's not exclusive to Radnor.