I have been able to confirm the five frequencies for the Marshall County Simulcast site, which is now in the database:
1-1208 769.55625 CC
1-1296 770.10625 SCC
1-1364 770.53125
1-1588 771.93125
1-1632 772.20625
1-1716 772.73125
The control channel is not yet broadcasting a neighbors list. All the traffic I've logged over the last week or so has been Phase 1. I've seen encrypted traffic on talkgroup 455 (Radio and Range Testing) and unencrypted calls on talkgroups 33625, 33626 and 33631.
I have observed the control channel sending traffic to one additional frequency that I didn't list: 772.20625. Initially I thought it was an anomaly; that frequency does not appear on
WRKX345 with the others and the only license I have found for that frequency in Alabama is
WQQA287, which belongs to the city of Oxford. However, DSD+ and Unitrunker agree that this activity continues to appear regularly on the conteol channel, although I have yet to actually log any followed traffic on 772.20625.
The decoding has been good from Cullman so I'll continue to monitor for mew developmemts.