ok, lets do it.. And yes, on Scan ID, turned off Search ID. Currently the BCT15x is scanning open Dale N Coffee cntys and HP. Since we have been testing IDs, Coffee FList is the only thing being scanned right now on 436.Also stopped HP because they were constantly on the air. I prefer to keep HP on the BCT15x.That looks great, it appears they loaded what you asked for and needed.
What is the status of your scanner? Are you back to SCAN-ID mode for all of the trunk systems?
If you want, I can tell you how to enable Favorite Quick Keys so you can easily turn off scanning the Dale Area favorite list and only scan the Coffee Area favorite list or scan just the Dale area by turning off Coffee. Normally, you want to scan both, but if something BIG is happening Coffee, you may not want to have Dale traffic slowing down hearing Coffee traffic. Enabling the Fav Quick Keys is real easy.
Heck, before long you will be helping other get setup to listen to Coffee and Dale Counties on their scanners.
I would like to turn Dale cnty back on and do you think you think I need to scan Data Base? If so, there is a lot of stuff i need to void out from fl n ga.
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