Anyone in the Dothan or Enterprise Alabama using SDS100 to listen to NXDN?

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Premium Subscriber
Sep 29, 2013
Daleville, AL
That looks great, it appears they loaded what you asked for and needed.

What is the status of your scanner? Are you back to SCAN-ID mode for all of the trunk systems?

If you want, I can tell you how to enable Favorite Quick Keys so you can easily turn off scanning the Dale Area favorite list and only scan the Coffee Area favorite list or scan just the Dale area by turning off Coffee. Normally, you want to scan both, but if something BIG is happening Coffee, you may not want to have Dale traffic slowing down hearing Coffee traffic. Enabling the Fav Quick Keys is real easy.

Heck, before long you will be helping other get setup to listen to Coffee and Dale Counties on their scanners.
ok, lets do it.. And yes, on Scan ID, turned off Search ID. Currently the BCT15x is scanning open Dale N Coffee cntys and HP. Since we have been testing IDs, Coffee FList is the only thing being scanned right now on 436.Also stopped HP because they were constantly on the air. I prefer to keep HP on the BCT15x.
I would like to turn Dale cnty back on and do you think you think I need to scan Data Base? If so, there is a lot of stuff i need to void out from fl n ga.
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Premium Subscriber
Nov 20, 2004
Lexington, Ky
OK, let's go for it and we will soon have you being the Wild Scan Man of Dale and Coffee Counties :) :) :)

Currently you have two FAVORITES and each favorites list has several SYSTEMS.

Favorite --> Dale Cnty Area (1)
Systems - > Dale (1)
Alabama First Repond (2)
Al Law Enf (3)

Favorite --> Coffee Cnty Area (2)
Systems - > Coffee (1)
S&P Trunk (2)
City of Ent Trunk (4)
Al Law Enf (3)

The numbers in parentheses are my suggestions only for the Quick Key Number. You will see in the documentation FQK (for Favorite Quick Key) and SQK (for System Quick Key). That is also what you are seeing on the top line of your scanner screen.

F0: ------------
S0: ------------

The fact there are dashes there and no numbers means ---> no assigned quick keys

What that means if you use my suggestions is Dale Area would show as Favorites #1 and the Systems called Dale would be system #1. Coffee Area favorite would be #2 and the City of Ent Trunk would be #4.

You may have noticed the I would assign System #3 to Al Law Enf in BOTH favorites list to help make it easy to remember.

So, edit one Favorite at a time...

Edit Favorite "Dale Cnty Area" - you will see the highlighted area is Dale Cnty Area with several tab to the right plus each of the Systems listed below it. Click on the OPTIONS Tab, you will see an entry called FL Quick Key - click on the box, a dropdown appears, select the number 1 and hit enter. Then click on the Systems Tab. That will take you back to shows each of the Systems in the Favorite (Dale Cnty Area) again. Go over to the right of each system and click on the Quick Key Box for that entry and a dropdown appears and scroll to pick a number such as "!" for Dale". Hit enter and do the same for Alabama First Repond and Al Law Enf

Then save that Favorite and the go edit "Coffee Cnty Area" favorite and follow the same routine for it using the number 2 for the favorite but you will have 4 systems to modify. Save that.

Then edit your Profile to make sure both Favorites are set to Monitor and Download, save the profile.

Write the new information to the scanner.

As you see, if you don't like the Quick Numbers I suggested, it is real easy to change them later on.

I will post how to use the quick keys in the next post.


Premium Subscriber
Nov 20, 2004
Lexington, Ky
To actually use the Quick Keys is very easy and you will come to think of them as one of the best features on a Uniden scanner.

Initially the top line of your scanner should show:

F0: 12---------
S0: 123------- while scanning Dale Area Favorite
S0: 1234----- while scanning Coffee Area Favorite

Basically it is showing what Quick Keys are assign.

How to use....

Lets say you want to turn off the entire Coffee favorites list, make sure the scanner is scanning and NOT on HOLD, then push "2" key followed by the "E/Yes" key and you should get a message confirming what you did. However, what the sequence is really doing is toggling the status from ON to OFF; the next time you enter that sequence, it will toggle the Favorites Coffee from OFF to ON. It is really a toggle switch. After toggling the Coffee system to the OFF status, the top line will look like

F0: 1*---------- the "*" indicates the quick key is defined but turned off, in this case FQK2.

If you toggle off both Dale and Coffee, you will get the NOTHING TO SCAN message. Just toggle one of the favorites back on.

Let's say you want to turn off the AL Law Enf system in Dale Area Favorites, while scanning push "1" key followed by the "./No" (dot key) followed by the "3" key then the "E/Yes" key to turn off just that one system inside of Dale Area Favorite. The rest will keep being scanned as well as Coffee favorites. To turn it back on, same key sequence ---- 1.3 followed by E/Yes.

The screen should the show,

F0: 12------------
S0: 12*----------- while scanning the Dale Area Favorites list.

Very quickly, you will be able to do this as second nature, that is part of the reason to have Al Law Enf using the same SQK (3) in both favorites list. After using the quick keys for a while, you might want to switch or change some of them to something that is easy to remember or just create a small "cheat sheet" and keep near the scanner. For guys how have 20 favorites with each having 10 to 15 systems, you see why the numbering scheme is real important to them and why they create a numbering method that is easy to remember.
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Premium Subscriber
Sep 29, 2013
Daleville, AL
OK, let's go for it and we will soon have you being the Wild Scan Man of Dale and Coffee Counties :) :) :)

Currently you have two FAVORITES and each favorites list has several SYSTEMS.

Favorite --> Dale Cnty Area (1)
Systems - > Dale (1)
Alabama First Repond (2)
Al Law Enf (3)

Favorite --> Coffee Cnty Area (2)
Systems - > Coffee (1)
S&P Trunk (2)
City of Ent Trunk (4)
Al Law Enf (3)

The numbers in parentheses are my suggestions only for the Quick Key Number. You will see in the documentation FQK (for Favorite Quick Key) and SQK (for System Quick Key). That is also what you are seeing on the top line of your scanner screen.

F0: ------------
S0: ------------

The fact there are dashes there and no numbers means ---> no assigned quick keys

What that means if you use my suggestions is Dale Area would show as Favorites #1 and the Systems called Dale would be system #1. Coffee Area favorite would be #2 and the City of Ent Trunk would be #4.

You may have noticed the I would assign System #3 to Al Law Enf in BOTH favorites list to help make it easy to remember.

So, edit one Favorite at a time...

Edit Favorite "Dale Cnty Area" - you will see the highlighted area is Dale Cnty Area with several tab to the right plus each of the Systems listed below it. Click on the OPTIONS Tab, you will see an entry called FL Quick Key - click on the box, a dropdown appears, select the number 1 and hit enter. Then click on the Systems Tab. That will take you back to shows each of the Systems in the Favorite (Dale Cnty Area) again. Go over to the right of each system and click on the Quick Key Box for that entry and a dropdown appears and scroll to pick a number such as "!" for Dale". Hit enter and do the same for Alabama First Repond and Al Law Enf

Then save that Favorite and the go edit "Coffee Cnty Area" favorite and follow the same routine for it using the number 2 for the favorite but you will have 4 systems to modify. Save that.

Then edit your Profile to make sure both Favorites are set to Monitor and Download, save the profile.

Write the new information to the scanner.

As you see, if you don't like the Quick Numbers I suggested, it is real easy to change them later on.

I will post how to use the quick keys in the next post.
Done, Thank you!


Premium Subscriber
Nov 20, 2004
Lexington, Ky
To answer your questions from several post above, with the quick keys, you can turn off things like the State Police (or HP) within the 436 and let the 15Xt handle that but always easily turn them back on. The one "catch" is, every time you write from the computer to the scanner, it will turn all of the quick keys back on.


Premium Subscriber
Sep 29, 2013
Daleville, AL
To actually use the Quick Keys is very easy and you will come to think of them as one of the best features on a Uniden scanner.

Initially the top line of your scanner should show:

F0: 12---------
S0: 123------- while scanning Dale Area Favorite
S0: 1234----- while scanning Coffee Area Favorite

Basically it is showing what Quick Keys are assign.

How to use....

Lets say you want to turn off the entire Coffee favorites list, make sure the scanner is scanning and NOT on HOLD, then push "2" key followed by the "E/Yes" key and you should get a message confirming what you did. However, what the sequence is really doing is toggling the status from ON to OFF; the next time you enter that sequence, it will toggle the Favorites Coffee from OFF to ON. It is really a toggle switch. After toggling the Coffee system to the OFF status, the top line will look like

F0: 1*---------- the "*" indicates the quick key is defined but turned off, in this case FQK2.

If you toggle off both Dale and Coffee, you will get the NOTHING TO SCAN message. Just toggle one of the favorites back on.

Let's say you want to turn off the AL Law Enf system in Dale Area Favorites, while scanning push "1" key followed by the "./No" (dot key) followed by the "3" key then the "E/Yes" key to turn off just that one system inside of Dale Area Favorite. The rest will keep being scanned as well as Coffee favorites. To turn it back on, same key sequence ---- 1.3 followed by E/Yes.

The screen should the show,

F0: 12------------
S0: 12*----------- while scanning the Dale Area Favorites list.

Very quickly, you will be able to do this as second nature, that is part of the reason to have Al Law Enf using the same SQK (3) in both favorites list. After using the quick keys for a while, you might want to switch or change some of them to something that is easy to remember or just create a small "cheat sheet" and keep near the scanner. For guys how have 20 favorites with each having 10 to 15 systems, you see why the numbering scheme is real important to them and why they create a numbering method that is easy to remember.
Yes! I get it! Sure am glad i started with 2 podunk counties.. can you imagine the fun we would have had with Bham and wrong RR info? lol.. I may be slow, but I keep at it.. You have been a blessing in helping make this an interesting and step by step learning process. Again, I thank you for you time and patience. My frustration, especially after SM said they could not help with paid preprogramming was no less than mind-numbing. ALL is well and enjoyable now


Premium Subscriber
Sep 29, 2013
Daleville, AL
To answer your questions from several post above, with the quick keys, you can turn off things like the State Police (or HP) within the 436 and let the 15Xt handle that but always easily turn them back on. The one "catch" is, every time you write from the computer to the scanner, it will turn all of the quick keys back on.
got it


Premium Subscriber
Nov 20, 2004
Lexington, Ky
Keep asking questions plus gives us updates how well it is working especially when you get Diamond antenna.

If you have the quick keys set the way you want ( on or off status ), you can read the scanner information from the scanner into Sentinel on the computer and then it will remember your preferences. Just make sure you haven’t updated something new in Sentinel that the scanner doesn’t know about because it will get replaced by what was in the scanner. From that point on, it will write to the scanner latest status it knows about quick keys.


Premium Subscriber
Sep 29, 2013
Daleville, AL
BTW: There are 2 other Thread Titles besides this 1 I was seeking help from.. NXDN No Transmission and 436/NXDN I went back and posted a note pointing anyone that was in my position to this thread for a wealth of information that could help newbees like me to much needed help. I know the feeling of 'Lost' when nothing seems to help or work. Believer me, I watched almost 2 weeks of you tube and read till i thought i would go mad. I tried to program with RR and understand the trunking and all with no real success. So i relied and paid for 'professional' help. When I loaded and still got NOTHING, I was nearly ready to send my wife's Christmas present to me back. If you had not responded, with the help you did..I would not be enjoying my scanner right now. I will try not to be too redundant in accolades, but I'm sure you know..And that goes for all those who contributed to this adventure!:giggle:


Premium Subscriber
Sep 29, 2013
Daleville, AL
Keep asking questions plus gives us updates how well it is working especially when you get Diamond antenna.

If you have the quick keys set the way you want ( on or off status ), you can read the scanner information from the scanner into Sentinel on the computer and then it will remember your preferences. Just make sure you haven’t updated something new in Sentinel that the scanner doesn’t know about because it will get replaced by what was in the scanner. From that point on, it will write to the scanner latest status it knows about quick keys.
got it..


Premium Subscriber
Nov 20, 2004
Lexington, Ky
And once you get the Diamond antenna and it works well, your wife's pots and pans are safe in the kitchen and her living room won't have an antenna farm in the middle of it. So she should be happy for two reasons, you like her Christmas present she gave you plus the house is the way she likes it. :)


Premium Subscriber
Sep 29, 2013
Daleville, AL
And once you get the Diamond antenna and it works well, your wife's pots and pans are safe in the kitchen and her living room won't have an antenna farm in the middle of it. So she should be happy for two reasons, you like her Christmas present she gave you plus the house is the way she likes it. :)


Premium Subscriber
Sep 29, 2013
Daleville, AL
I just tried to write to scanner and keep getting nothing to scan. I tried clearing users data, reload again replacing fl and updating data base. transferred ok, but got nothing to scan again...:oops:
F0:12 shows on top of scanner window..


Premium Subscriber
Nov 20, 2004
Lexington, Ky
Do you have any avoids set? Post a picture of what is on your computer screen in Sentinel with stuff expanded. Also post a picture of your scanner screen where it says NOTHING TO SCAN. If the S:0 shows all "*", that means the system quicks are all turned off and thus nothing to scan (not likely the problem, just want to look at).
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Premium Subscriber
Sep 29, 2013
Daleville, AL
Do you have any avoids set? Post a picture of what is on your computer screen in Sentinel with stuff expanded. Also post a picture of your scanner screen where it says NOTHING TO SCAN. If the S:0 shows all "*", that means the system quicks are all turned off and thus nothing to scan (not likely the problem, just want to look at).
ok..And Scan Selection and Dload are both On.No Avoids...I have been doing this all week..Wazzzup?? pics to follow..have to move to tablet to send pics..wait..


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Premium Subscriber
Nov 20, 2004
Lexington, Ky
Edit one of the two favorites list. When it first comes up, take a picture of that screen, doesn't matter which favorite, then click on the tab called System Quick Key Status and take a picture of that.


Premium Subscriber
Sep 29, 2013
Daleville, AL
Do you have any avoids set? Post a picture of what is on your computer screen in Sentinel with stuff expanded. Also post a picture of your scanner screen where it says NOTHING TO SCAN. If the S:0 shows all "*", that means the system quicks are all turned off and thus nothing to scan (not likely the problem, just want to look at).
Also, if I go to menu.. shows fl there but will not scan


Premium Subscriber
Sep 29, 2013
Daleville, AL
Edit one of the two favorites list. When it first comes up, take a picture of that screen, doesn't matter which favorite, then click on the tab called System Quick Key Status and take a picture of that.
ok wait


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Premium Subscriber
Sep 29, 2013
Daleville, AL


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