• To anyone looking to acquire commercial radio programming software:

    Please do not make requests for copies of radio programming software which is sold (or was sold) by the manufacturer for any monetary value. All requests will be deleted and a forum infraction issued. Making a request such as this is attempting to engage in software piracy and this forum cannot be involved or associated with this activity. The same goes for any private transaction via Private Message. Even if you attempt to engage in this activity in PM's we will still enforce the forum rules. Your PM's are not private and the administration has the right to read them if there's a hint to criminal activity.

    If you are having trouble legally obtaining software please state so. We do not want any hurt feelings when your vague post is mistaken for a free request. It is YOUR responsibility to properly word your request.

    To obtain Motorola software see the Sticky in the Motorola forum.

    The various other vendors often permit their dealers to sell the software online (i.e., Kenwood). Please use Google or some other search engine to find a dealer that sells the software. Typically each series or individual radio requires its own software package. Often the Kenwood software is less than $100 so don't be a cheapskate; just purchase it.

    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

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Anytone Tech (aka Baofeng Tech) is deliberately misleading consumers.

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Jun 13, 2012
The land of broken calculators.
Why then would the FCC approve this?
Very fishy indeed...

Those images were very helpful/ Thanks for posting that. That is in fact how a legitimate certification looks like. Everything is on one authorization.
It does look a lot like they made two separate applications. One for MURS and one for GMRS to try to sneak it through as someone else suggested.

And obviously, they didn't bother to get one for part 90 since they were just going to borrow one of those from a different radio.

Someone on another forum contacted Anytone Tech to inquire about their part 90 id number and why the power level for murs was only 0.19.

Here are the responses they got from anytone tech...

Its 1.9w - the FCC made a typo from our application, and instructions to update it are already submitted.
Part 90: T4K-QZQX3318

So they're lying and blaming their (or the manufacturers) perjured application on the FCC! :lol: That's a riot.
This reminds me of a cascading waterfall on SDR Sharp, only they're cascading waterfalls of lies.


May 29, 2010
the far east
Looks like they made a typo on that form as well...
See it?


these crazy zeros and decimal points are so difficult...


Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Our Nation's capitol
it helps if you look at the actual grant


  • FCC - OET TCB Form 731 Grant of Equipment Authorization.pdf
    118.3 KB · Views: 407


Premium Subscriber
Jun 30, 2006
So Cal - Richardson, TX - Tewksbury, MA
I agree if the radio is hard coded to comply with specific GMRS and MURS rules and general Part 90 by selection at turn on, then there should be no issue with FCC certification. If that's the way the radio is designed to work then its a simple but brilliant idea.

So what if the radio could do 100w in some other mode, when you select MURS and its locked to 2w or less and has the appropriate deviation and frequency stability that cannot be altered while in that mode it should be acceptable to the FCC and they should approve it.

I'm not a certification expert but if the radio is submitted for multiple use and approved it could certainly be issued one number for all testing related to the same radio.

Why didn't you mention the other specifications, such as:

And according to the manual (also from your link above) the radio has three separate modes, Normal, GMRS, and MURS. To switch modes, you must hold the [PF2] key while turning on the radio and press a key code to select the desired mode. They also indicate that you won't be able to modify many of the settings in the GMRS and MURS modes (although you can set/change PL tones).

I know that this is in stark contract to your outrage, but perhaps these modes are programmed in strict adherence to the FCC rules for these services and since they can't be modified, the rules you quoted are indeed being followed. It's also possible that since the radio knows about the GMRS and MURS rules, it prevents them from being accessed in Normal mode, where it would be quite easy to program the radio to violate these rules (unlike many other Chinese, Japanese, and other radios that aren't certified for Part-95).


Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Our Nation's capitol
do you have an example of one that has more than one? While you may see multiple lines listed for each FCC ID, if you click on grant, they will all show the same grant document for that FCC ID. If it has had a change, the most current one is the valid one.


May 29, 2010
the far east
do you have an example of one that has more than one? While you may see multiple lines listed for each FCC ID, if you click on grant, they will all show the same grant document for that FCC ID. If it has had a change, the most current one is the valid one.

So which is the valid one for the T4K-8RSERIES ?

And what exactly does "This product must not be sold to the general public" mean?


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May 29, 2010
the far east
Which is the biggest indicator of these radios being misrepresented by "AnyTone Tech" and why I even care.

Maybe since "AnyTone Tech" or "Greg Wilson" will come on and show us a photo of one of his radios with what exactly is on the rear of the radios he is peddling on their FCC ID label.

(don't hold your breath for that)

someone finally posted up one off of their radio.

here is the comparison between what was submitted to the FCC and what is actually on the radio.



Mar 15, 2010
Anything new or updated about the certification status of these Anytone units?


5B2_BEE00 Czar
Jul 12, 2008
Cobb County, GA Stadium Crime Zone
AnytoneTech Radios are NOT MURS/GMRS certfified

Please take note, the FCC has DISMISSED the OET grants for MURS and GMRS compliance for the three Anytone Tech radios. If you are using these radios on those services, you are NOT in compliance as these radios are NOT FCC certified for MURS/GMRS according to the OET.

The FCC cites the reasons in the letter below which was found on the public record at the FCC OET's equipment authorization search.

Maybe someone can contact the post office in Arlington, SD and ask why? :roll:

View attachment document(1).pdf

Mr. Wilson is probably busy communicating with the FCC and trying to figure out how to unload all those radios now that the FCC has told him "not to market them to the general public", so I doubt he'll be back anytime soon.

Just goes to show in the internet age if you're going to market a product, you'd best be right and not try to get one over on consumers. Nice work to those who went the extra mile.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 30, 2006
So Cal - Richardson, TX - Tewksbury, MA
I was wondering that myself. Its been over a month since this thread was started and I'm sure some people have contacted the FCC with questions or complaints. Nobody hear really knows what information the FCC used to grant the certifications and my opinion is they are probably legal as advertised. We know the FCC can be bought but probably not by a podunk startup radio distributor.

Anything new or updated about the certification status of these Anytone units?


5B2_BEE00 Czar
Jul 12, 2008
Cobb County, GA Stadium Crime Zone
Nobody hear really knows what information the FCC used to grant the certifications and my opinion is they are probably legal as advertised.

My opinion and your opinion aren't what matters. What does is the FCC's, and if the certifications have been dismissed (which according to the FCC OET they have been), then having a sticker on the back of radio referencing an invalid or dismissed certification number on it is no different than using a modified ham radio on GMRS or commercial frequencies.

We will have to see what the FCC has to say, because in the end, their opinion is the only one that matters.


Mar 15, 2010
So, part 95 is out the window. What about part 90? It is interesting they would even market these before any cert grants. They have some balls, I will give them that. Basically, what they are doing now is selling and marketing an illegal product, with plenty of documentation of that. It will be interesting to see what happens...


Millennial Graying OBT Guy
Jun 16, 2013
So, part 95 is out the window. What about part 90? It is interesting they would even market these before any cert grants. They have some balls, I will give them that. Basically, what they are doing now is selling and marketing an illegal product, with plenty of documentation of that. It will be interesting to see what happens...
The letter addresses that as well.
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