Do you plan to continue in the hobby? Just be prepared to lose all your spectrum because the ARRL has folded. Without support and continuing membership, that's what's going to happen.Looks like I wont be renewing. Too many ads and old school stuff I could care less about.
And I am no kid newbie at 67 years old
The ARRL is so much more than just QST, although you wouldn't know that from reading some of the posts on various forums. We discussed the dues increase at my club meeting yesterday evening. Our Section Manager, who is also a member of the club, made the point that the cost of printing the magazines skyrocketed during the pandemic and it's apparent advertising revenue isn't covering the expenses. I predict that within the next ten years one of two things will happen. The magazines will go completely electronic or the quality will go downhill. I saw this happen with a quality and well respected motorcycle publication years ago. The editors decided they were going stop accepting advertising revenue so they could do unbiased reviews of motorcycling merchandise. Well, the magazine went from a slick, glossy color publication to a black and white newsletter printed on plain paper. And they were gone within five years.
"Citizens, hear me out. This could happen to you."