Mixed 700 / 800 systems frequently run in Phase 1 (or Phase 1 to accommodate older equipment, and Phase 2 for newer equipment - or Phase 1 for Fire and Phase 2 for police and services,) but pure 700 systems are supposed to be 6.25 equivalent by 2024 as the rule was relaxed a few years ago. Building out a new 700 system and not having it 6.25 compliant would be irresponsible. Note that our statewide 700 system runs primarily in Phase 2, but a few channels per site have DDM to accommodate older equipment for mutual aid purposes. New users who join the system must use Phase 2 subscribers.
Well, Ohio has no plans to go to PII at all, especially since the costs of doing so would be astronomical, between replacing/upgrading all of the infrastructure, and replacing nearly all of the user equipment as well. We're talking many billions of dollars. Not happening.
But yes, MARCS is mixed 700/800, and they were one of the first in the country to use 700 MHz. Maybe some sort of grandfathering?