Looks like July 1st will be the day. Various tweets about it saying that it will be that day.
PhotoGuy.... July 1st as the day/date that encryption starts for Balt City ?
Looks like July 1st will be the day. Various tweets about it saying that it will be that day.
Yea, so that Citizen app outsources its transcription service to non-native speakers in Nepal, then those transcribers cannot interpret what is real, and what is a training exercise. Perfect.Interesting article on Motherboard: Citizen App Says It Will Get Access to Encrypted (Baltimore) Police Comms
Thanks for the update!!Just heard the call go out, deployment of new radios has been postponed...15:14 if anyone is using a recorder or SDRTrunk or similar...
Still unencrypted...
Possibly an intermediate step... Rekeying seems likely, and / or a change in encryption protocol. Anyone know if BPD was using ADP or an older AES flavor previously?Weirdly, for some reason, TGs that were previously encrypted are coming through in the clear. The last few days I've been hearing detectives, executive protection, etc.
Also, anyone within range running control channel monitoring software like Unitrunker2? You can watch to see if any of the system channels is being used to reprogram / rekey radios - It would show data calls. Another way is to use a spectrum monitoring software like SDR# to watch if any of the city's assigned channels show constant transmission (not including the current control channel.)
Any word yet? I haven't been in the city all week.