BCD396T - Digital Questions

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Jan 15, 2006
Witness Protection Program
I just picked up one of these units and would like to bounce a few questions off you...

For starters, conventional frequencies sound great - no complaints. Love the computer hook-up, too.

Digital, however, has me concerned. Using only the pre-programmed frequencies for MPSCS and picking up a few local PD's , I notice a lot of distortion - almost an "underwater" sounding reception. Compared to conventional frequencies, it's almost barely worth listening to. I have read and applied the settings that Shawn has posted in the Uniden forum.

Here's my questions:

- Is this what P25 normally sounds like on a BCD396T?
- Does anyone else have the same problem?
- Are there settings that I'm just not aware of from the manual or postings in the Uniden section of RR?
- and lastly, is it possible I have a bad unit?

Advice would be appreciated.


Jul 22, 2005
It's possible to have a bad unit. No it's not a bad unit, You gotta tweek it sometimes...
Set your decode rate and 1st thing DOWNLOAD THE LATEST FIRMWARE FROM UNIDEN.COM. Read the instructions on how to change the rev time and rev gain. Those will cure your blues.

But first The underwater sound is caused by having the agc turned on. Turn the agc off on the scanner. This most likley means that your agenies are using agc on there radio's already and agc on the scanner is only going to make it wors unless you download the latest firmware and change your agc "rev time and "rev gain" perameters.
Good scannin to ya.


Jan 15, 2006
Witness Protection Program
jimyleg said:
It's possible to have a bad unit. No it's not a bad unit, You gotta tweek it sometimes...
Set your decode rate and 1st thing DOWNLOAD THE LATEST FIRMWARE FROM UNIDEN.COM. Read the instructions on how to change the rev time and rev gain. Those will cure your blues.

But first The underwater sound is caused by having the agc turned on. Turn the agc off on the scanner. This most likley means that your agenies are using agc on there radio's already and agc on the scanner is only going to make it wors unless you download the latest firmware and change your agc "rev time and "rev gain" perameters.
Good scannin to ya.

Thanks for the quick reply. I've downloaded the latest firmware and have turned AGC off (both Analog and Digital).
I've toyed around with the Rev time and gain settings - not much difference.
When setting the decode rate, I'm assuming you change the setting from Auto to Manual, but then what do you do? Or are you talking about the threshold level?

UPDATE: I'm getting there. I now realize that the scanner "learns" as it listens to P25.

Thanks for your help.
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Jul 22, 2005
In order to engage the new settings you must press "hold" and "on" at the same time. Then you must have agc turned on for whatever type of frequencie your trying to hear. You have to have your decode threshold set to auto as well in order for your scanner to engage the "rev time" and "rev gain". First i'd just set my decode where I like it then i'd move on to the rev, gain.
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