Also with my Dept Nashua Police i had most of the UDIDS but the next day its different. So Ie. If I wanted Sector 12 that ID changes, anyone else expierence that?
That will happen alot where radios change hands at shift change.
Example here is that a local PD squad car with the UID of .31233 (731233) will
be Radio Callsign 311 on day shift. Day shift officer leaves and night officer has to use the
dayshift officer's squad car due to lack of extra squad cars. His UID will stay the same
even though his Radio Callsign changes to 411.
Think of the UID as like a cellphone # that can be viewed via Caller ID. One person uses it for day shift and gives it to the night shift person. That phone number will still show the same # on caller ID even though a different person has it.
Marshall KE4ZNR