Yeah, the multi-deck option is clever and elegant but I do understand it's a little different from a single multi-band unit. Also remember seeing on a video some interesting stuff like being able to one-touch turn it into a cross-deck repeater.I have used the HHCH it is ok but if you have the chance go with a kch-20 control head as it has sdcard and bluetooth data (for programing) built in and you don't need to add it to the decks this way and has more keys to be able to program in a clean and user friendly way. when using the HHCH in multi deck view it is very tiny and hard to use. it is better to uses it in single deck view on a multi deck system as it give you more information. and not sure if it has really been talked about but the 5k mobiles are not multi band that are multi deck unlike a lot of other brands and radios that are multi band. multi deck allows you do do a config like 3 vhf radios or 3 uhf radios or a V-U-V setup and hear traffic from all 3 at the same time. a multi band radio you only hear traffic from one ch at a time so 5k is like having up to 3 independent radios on one control head.
So I can do two control heads (for example, a HHCH + a KCH-20) and program each independently? Can both heads operate both decks or does one have to end up being fixed to a single?
I also assume audio routing can get funky. I've been digging through the "Common Funcs" manual and from what I understand, a HHCH or the handheld speaker/mic attached to a KCH-20 will only output the selected deck. And I don't see any reference to a mechanism to auto-switch between decks when the unselected deck receives a transmission according to some priority order. So effectively I need an external speaker on each decks if I want to monitor both for traffic (even if I don't care about hearing two transmissions simultaneously).
Meanwhile on the Bluetooth side, I'm seeing both the deck itself has Bluetooth and a KCH-20 has Bluetooth, a distinction of which I assume only matters when doing multi-deck?