Going to chime in here on this, been listening today and have heard all encryption on 8000. 7000 on coweta was p25. Some of the encryption was off but only dispatch and only saying the officers were clear. Im now scanning coweta and BA.
wx5uif- I live in the same area as you. Just north of 101st, right at wagoner/tulsa county line. At my location, i am receiving BA 8000 and 7000(towers i assume?) and coweta is clear as ever on p25!
Having a hard time making this out.
7000 on coweta was p25. Are you talking about the Coweta system???
i am receiving BA 8000 and 7000(towers i assume?) Not towers but ID's on the Wagoner County system, 7000 is Wagoner County Sheriff and 8000 is Wagoner schools.
coweta is clear as ever on p25! What system are you getting Coweta P-25 on????