Buena Vista police

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Feb 21, 2020
My Police is no longer on my scanner it just makes funny noises anyone no how to fix this? I paid alot of mony for my scanner.


Premium Subscriber
May 23, 2006
Clifton Forge Virginia
The idiots have encrypted as of today ALL law enforcement and Med 10 that I've found so far. This includes Buena Vista, Sheriff and Lexington. Just another place screwing over the public being able to listen for no good reason other than the nebulous "Officer Safety" BS.


Premium Subscriber
Oct 7, 2008
Buena Vista,Virginia
Scanner listeners always helped the police by calling in tips and being the eyes on BOL and pursuits. Hiding corruption is what's it's all about.


Premium Subscriber
May 23, 2006
Clifton Forge Virginia
I really don't think corruption is it. They just don't want people listening in. I ran into two deputies out here a couple months ago and asked about their new P25 system that is going up and the fact they were encrypting everything. The response was they were happy because they couldn't stand people hearing them. When I mentioned all the help citizens provide in tips etc. Their response was they said they didn't care but they didn't want people hearing what they said. They felt that people shouldn't be listening to them and what they were doing.

Sad but that's is the reality. Rockbridge's system was already set up with tac channels for each LE department and their tac secure channels were one channel up from their main dispatch channels. When they needed to discuss something secure they'd just say "Go up one" to the secure tac channel. They used them routinely while keeping the main dispatch channels clear. Until now......

There was no "Need" to encrypt fully other than they wanted to. There never is.


Apr 22, 2018
Ohh I saw it coming a few months ago when they released a local news paper article about it. I paid close to $400 for my scanner and now its pretty worthless. I'm not sure there is anything to do to revert the changes aside from get a large amount of people to raise hell and sign a letter about it. Thing is they maybe had what 20-30 people if that in the area that could afford the expensive scanner and set it up now to begin with so their reasoning was voided when they mentioned security. Hell if I didn't know any better I believe someone posted here a while back that THEY were the ones streaming the content over broadcastify to start with.
You can still hear fire and rescue but that is about it.


Premium Subscriber
May 23, 2006
Clifton Forge Virginia
Oh I know. I saw the article as well. Wasn't happy then and not now. That feed is the issue although we're not supposed to talk about it on here so that's all I'll say other than you're right. The emperor and his clothes don't cha know. One of those who did up the system said it back when the system went live. That they were looking to encrypt it all eventually and it wouldn't be long. Sad but it is what it is. No matter who or how many complain they won't backtrack on it. They never do. The only ones who possibly can get anywhere are the media and from what I heard they're accommodating them with radios to listen in.
They agencies and the media don't care a bit about the rest of us and by the agencies giving the media radios to listen to that is the end of any opposition that could do anything. Doing an end run by giving the media radios it ends any meaningful objection out there.

Every time I hear this all I can say is LAPD, LASO, Chicago, NYC, biggest cities around and guess what? Little to no encryption. That is all you need to know about the BS claims of agencies that encrypt everything.


Premium Subscriber
May 23, 2006
Clifton Forge Virginia
Interestingly their med channel has been back in the clear for the last 2 or 3 hours after having been encrypted all day. Don't know what this means if it'll stay clear or go back encrypted.


Very good looking Member
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Aug 7, 2003
Silver Spring MD
There is also the thought that if they want free money from DHS & FEMA to pay for the upgrades and radios, they are required to encrypt LE communications as part of the deal. Fire & Med is optional, although a lot of systems are now encrypting the unit to hospital comms for HIPPA security.

Don't give up all hope! many systems that go whole hog on encryption are coming back off when they start having interop difficulties with mutual Aid. In Maryland when the FiRST system when up, Dept of Natural Resources (DNR) went fully encrypted only to turn it completely off 5-6 months later when they couldn't talk to each other, and to other users on the system, like State Police.


Apr 22, 2018
I cannot pick up anything. Fire, EMS, or police.

Fire EMS still works but the other does not.
My issue with the locals doing this is BS considering the State police is still broadcasting digital but in the open.
If they have no issues then I don't see why its needed for the locals.
I'm still debating contacting someone. And I'm wanting to know if the media outlets have the encryption codes, if they do then I think as a public entity I should be able to request it all the same.


Premium Subscriber
May 23, 2006
Clifton Forge Virginia
I cannot pick up anything. Fire, EMS, or police.

Check your scanner and how you have it set. Fire, EMS dispatch and ops groups are so far in the clear. The fire talk channels are in the clear but have seen some encryption in the last few days on some of them. Off and on as it were. Same for the med channel. It seems like they may be encrypting the fire talk channels. Don't ask me why they'd need or want to encrypt the talk channels though. School talk groups are still in the clear. They only use 7002 right now it seems. Someone entered into the database that all fire talk groups are encrypted which makes me think they will be going there soon.

If you have a Uniden scanner make sure the thing is set to ID search instead of scan or program in the talk groups so it'll pick up in ID scan mode. Whistler/RS make sure you either have the talk groups programmed or have wildcards set to pick up talk groups not entered.


Premium Subscriber
May 23, 2006
Clifton Forge Virginia
Fire EMS still works but the other does not.
My issue with the locals doing this is BS considering the State police is still broadcasting digital but in the open.
If they have no issues then I don't see why its needed for the locals.
I'm still debating contacting someone. And I'm wanting to know if the media outlets have the encryption codes, if they do then I think as a public entity I should be able to request it all the same.

You can if you want but it'll be a waste of your time. The media is the only issue in these situations and basically the agency has bought them off by providing radios that will receive the traffic which is now encrypted for the rest of us. At least that's what they said they planned to do in the news article I read. The media would have a fit but this way they are fine with the encryption being implemented as they not affected by it. As to the rest of us we're just SOL on the subject as they don't care what the public likes or doesn't like.

As to codes, the media isn't given that. They are given radios that are capable of receiving things in the clear set to receive only and on the channels the agency decides to allow them to hear which would probably be the main dispatch channels. No one but system admins get the codes as you call them.


Premium Subscriber
May 23, 2006
Clifton Forge Virginia
Looks like they made some more decisions. The Med channel is encrypted except for some rare occasions when someone broadcasts in the clear and the Fire talk channels (Fire Private) all seem to be encrypted now.
Fire and schools are all that's left. State must love it as they had a pursuit last night and it had to be relayed from Rockbridge to VSP back and forth as to what was going on.
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