Really sad I'm gonna miss listening to the police,I've been listening since i was 5 years old,so what do we have to do now? Download the new 700 mhz system to hear ems and fire now?
I absolutely agree with you, for some of us it can be absolutely devastating and for others they don't care, a lot of monitors don't even listen to police, they have their specialty area and for some, for specific reasons, listen to Fire and EMS only. I can appreciate that.
Although I have a very firm belief about why encryption is spreading like the virus I will keep that to myself.
I've been listening since I was 11 when I listened to one VHF low simplex 39.18 frequency on a tunable to hear the police in Abington PA and that was in the mid-60s. Never stopped listening since. It led to a lifetime career as a newspaper reporter and now I'm retired.
I've been listening to P1 and the Burlington Bridge Commission police P48 a long time. I live on the PA side of the Burlington-Bristol Bridge.
When the civil unrest started Bucks County went to full encryption with the promise they would return and they did but now we have partial encryption. Only dispatch channels in the clear and they go encrypted anytime they want when things get good. Often the cars forget to turn encryption off and leave it on for the whole shift, dispatchers try to remind them that they are on encryption as per radio room guidelines. When they were fully encrypted during the civil unrest it was pretty traumatic for me. I tried listening to the Fire and EMS and this just left me wanting more information.
I feel your pain, I'm sorry this has happened to you guys.