Correct, they have an FTP server that's setup by Camden county, Burlington county and in Medcom. Every second the FTP in medcom is polling the other 2 to see if there are any calls pending. The information is also contained within the FTP script. Medcom also has the older state radio system tied into their consoles so they can hear the statewide MedEvac and Hospital Channels. The consoles also have access to various CC Fire channels and soon will have Burlington ones.
IMO Camden County did a better job than Burlington county, but the old method of dispatching by Grid was no longer efficient. All 13 Medic units in service have GPS tracking and the computer will pick the unit that is closest based on the FTP information. Burlington County, when they dispatched the Medics a few years back didn't really pay attention attention to where a unit was and with the exception of a few dispatchers like the legend Dave Moore, would send based on the grid. So if Medic 31 was clearing out of Cooper you'd hear them send them to Pemberton.. This is one example, but all in all the GPS way of dispatching is more efficient and keeps response times to a minimum. Virtua had setup a computer with a large screen in both Dispatch centers many years back that had Fleeteyes on it, and they could see where units were but for the most part refused to use it. The County dispatchers honestly have their hands full with many other units both fire and EMS, so them monitoring where a single agencies many units were was not practical, and really if you want to do something right you have to do it yourself.
Both counties still place the tones into the Dispatch.
The new Paremedic TG mentioned for whatever reason wasn't added in. As stated in later threads this is starting to annoy many and I too see a Dedicated TG, Which only makes sense. I can't for the life of me think why some brainiac in Burlington County thought it was a good idea to have them utilize R1.
Also mentioned in later threads is the use of Portables by the Medics. This is true as the county wouldn't buy Mobiles, however because the trucks already have APX Mobiles from Camden County, both systems will be programmed into 1 radio which makes sense. The problem is Burlington has their hands full right now with working out all the bugs, one of which being incorrect ID numbers which is pretty rampant at the moment. So said programming likely won't happen for many months.
Another thing I've noticed mentioned here is the sometimes Muffled sounds from mostly the portables. This is due to the AGC settings being turned up too high in the CPS. IMO Camden County sounds way worse, and if you don't have the mic directly in front of you at a specific distance things sounds a bit crappy. I really think both counties should readjust their settings to let a bit more noise in as the audio would sound more natural,, But I'm just a Peon...