Burlington County 700 MHz Project 25 TRS

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Premium Subscriber
Aug 29, 2009
Burlington County, NJ
SJ NET was active during a LZ assignment in Southampton last week. The medic channel may or may not be used. So far all Medcom activity has been on R1. Definitely looking forward to the F1 patch as 154.22 sounds all crappy again here on the border. I'm having to resort to using the phone app for F1.
Already hearing complaints of Medcom using R-1. Leads me to believe the medic channel will be in operation at some point and they'll be moved off of R-1. Still eagerly awaiting the F-1 simulcast as well. They're still working to upgrade a transmitter supposedly before that happens from what I've heard.


Premium Subscriber
Oct 27, 2015
Willingboro, NJ
Already hearing complaints of Medcom using R-1. Leads me to believe the medic channel will be in operation at some point and they'll be moved off of R-1. Still eagerly awaiting the F-1 simulcast as well. They're still working to upgrade a transmitter supposedly before that happens from what I've heard.
I missed the SJ Net on that call the other night. Was holding on the R channel. My son belongs to that Company. Actually, was Chief until January. He was telling me the volume on the new portables is weak even when turned all the way up. I don't know if there has been other complaints about that potential problem.


Premium Subscriber
Oct 12, 2013
I see there were doing radio checks on the oem channel today


Premium Subscriber
Oct 4, 2003
South Jersey
Virtua medic dispatch has a direct link to the Computer Aided Dispatch from Camden and Burlington Counties. They receive their dispatches that way and then dispatch on their own TG. I'm not aware of them having to monitor any radio channels.

Correct, they have an FTP server that's setup by Camden county, Burlington county and in Medcom. Every second the FTP in medcom is polling the other 2 to see if there are any calls pending. The information is also contained within the FTP script. Medcom also has the older state radio system tied into their consoles so they can hear the statewide MedEvac and Hospital Channels. The consoles also have access to various CC Fire channels and soon will have Burlington ones.

They've been known as Sta 159 on dispatch tones. So, I don't understand the reason for today's dispatch method.

IMO Camden County did a better job than Burlington county, but the old method of dispatching by Grid was no longer efficient. All 13 Medic units in service have GPS tracking and the computer will pick the unit that is closest based on the FTP information. Burlington County, when they dispatched the Medics a few years back didn't really pay attention attention to where a unit was and with the exception of a few dispatchers like the legend Dave Moore, would send based on the grid. So if Medic 31 was clearing out of Cooper you'd hear them send them to Pemberton.. This is one example, but all in all the GPS way of dispatching is more efficient and keeps response times to a minimum. Virtua had setup a computer with a large screen in both Dispatch centers many years back that had Fleeteyes on it, and they could see where units were but for the most part refused to use it. The County dispatchers honestly have their hands full with many other units both fire and EMS, so them monitoring where a single agencies many units were was not practical, and really if you want to do something right you have to do it yourself.

Tones haven't been used for sta 159 since Virtua took over dispatch. 159 is announced when BLS ambulance is dispatched so BLS crew knows they're coming. For information only. Camden County does same announcing "Virtua ALS" with no tones for medics.

Both counties still place the tones into the Dispatch.

Tones HAVE been used forever. Central adds it at the end of the dispatch when needed and announces them as "Station 159". The only thing that was stopped was announcing a specific medic unit because it is now done my Medcom.

Medcom previously utilized the CW Medic TG for dispatching medic units. I'm aware they receive the information through the computer but this is still done regardless. They now use R-1, (even though I see they have their own TG). Not sure how long that'll last as R-1 is a hailing channel for units to call in incidents and be contacted when they recently clear an assignment and have reverted back from R-2, etc.

The new Paremedic TG mentioned for whatever reason wasn't added in. As stated in later threads this is starting to annoy many and I too see a Dedicated TG, Which only makes sense. I can't for the life of me think why some brainiac in Burlington County thought it was a good idea to have them utilize R1.

Also mentioned in later threads is the use of Portables by the Medics. This is true as the county wouldn't buy Mobiles, however because the trucks already have APX Mobiles from Camden County, both systems will be programmed into 1 radio which makes sense. The problem is Burlington has their hands full right now with working out all the bugs, one of which being incorrect ID numbers which is pretty rampant at the moment. So said programming likely won't happen for many months.

Another thing I've noticed mentioned here is the sometimes Muffled sounds from mostly the portables. This is due to the AGC settings being turned up too high in the CPS. IMO Camden County sounds way worse, and if you don't have the mic directly in front of you at a specific distance things sounds a bit crappy. I really think both counties should readjust their settings to let a bit more noise in as the audio would sound more natural,, But I'm just a Peon... :cool:
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Premium Subscriber
Oct 27, 2015
Willingboro, NJ
Correct, they have an FTP server that's setup by Camden county, Burlington county and in Medcom. Every second the FTP in medcom is polling the other 2 to see if there are any calls pending. The information is also contained within the FTP script. Medcom also has the older state radio system tied into their consoles so they can hear the statewide MedEvac and Hospital Channels. The consoles also have access to various CC Fire channels and soon will have Burlington ones.

IMO Camden County did a better job than Burlington county, but the old method of dispatching by Grid was no longer efficient. All 13 Medic units in service have GPS tracking and the computer will pick the unit that is closest based on the FTP information. Burlington County, when they dispatched the Medics a few years back didn't really pay attention attention to where a unit was and with the exception of a few dispatchers like the legend Dave Moore, would send based on the grid. So if Medic 31 was clearing out of Cooper you'd hear them send them to Pemberton.. This is one example, but all in all the GPS way of dispatching is more efficient and keeps response times to a minimum. Virtua had setup a computer with a large screen in both Dispatch centers many years back that had Fleeteyes on it, and they could see where units were but for the most part refused to use it. The County dispatchers honestly have their hands full with many other units both fire and EMS, so them monitoring where a single agencies many units were was not practical, and really if you want to do something right you have to do it yourself.

Both counties still place the tones into the Dispatch.

The new Paremedic TG mentioned for whatever reason wasn't added in. As stated in later threads this is starting to annoy many and I too see a Dedicated TG, Which only makes sense. I can't for the life of me think why some brainiac in Burlington County thought it was a good idea to have them utilize R1.

Also mentioned in later threads is the use of Portables by the Medics. This is true as the county wouldn't buy Mobiles, however because the trucks already have APX Mobiles from Camden County, both systems will be programmed into 1 radio which makes sense. The problem is Burlington has their hands full right now with working out all the bugs, one of which being incorrect ID numbers which is pretty rampant at the moment. So said programming likely won't happen for many months.

Another thing I've noticed mentioned here is the sometimes Muffled sounds from mostly the portables. This is due to the AGC settings being turned up too high in the CPS. IMO Camden County sounds way worse, and if you don't have the mic directly in front of you at a specific distance things sounds a bit crappy. I really think both counties should readjust their settings to let a bit more noise in as the audio would sound more natural,, But I'm just a Peon... :cool:
Peon huh? Don't think so. Thanks for the intelligence. Learned a lot with this.


Premium Subscriber
Oct 27, 2015
Willingboro, NJ
The new system has been given a workout today. Most of or all of the R channels were opened up after Central went into Storm Mode.


Jan 27, 2011
I was only able to jump on for a structure fire this afternoon, how did everything go? Seems like this would be a worst case scenario. Hopefully everything went relatively smooth


Premium Subscriber
Oct 27, 2015
Willingboro, NJ
I guess okay. My son told me that they've been assigned a specific R channel prior to today.so, I guess ongoing. This is when the fire stations are to be manned like today.


Premium Subscriber
Aug 29, 2009
Burlington County, NJ
I guess okay. My son told me that they've been assigned a specific R channel prior to today.so, I guess ongoing. This is when the fire stations are to be manned like today.
Storm talk-around channels for units to communicate with their own EOC's. These are on the dispatch console but not directly monitored/answered by Central during Storm Mode.

R-7 [11, 12, 20, 23, 24, 70, 80]
R-8 [30, 32, 33, 40, 60, 90]
R-9 [13, 16, 27, 34, 39, 50]
R-10 [18, 19, 21, 26, 38, 41, 46]
R-11 [10, 22, 25, 31, 36, 37]
R-12 [17, 28, 29, 42, 43, 45]

Priority calls are still dispatched over F-1 and assigned a channel R-2 through R-4.
R-5 and R-6 are left open in case there is an extra operator or a mutual aid patch needs to be established.


Feb 28, 2020
Gloucester Township, NJ
I know this thread is not about scanner devices but I am amazed on how well the Unication G5 picks up the new Burlington County P25 system. I live in Gloucester Twp Camden County and it is crystal clear here where as my Uniden SDS will not pick up any of the response channels at all. Only the VHF F1 dispatch channel. When I was not picking anything up on the SDS100 after the system went live, I thought I was too far away until I programmed the G5 with the new system and heard it crystal clear. Has anyone else in Camden County had the same issue with an SDS trying to pick up the new Burlington County system? Just looking forward to when they start simulcasting F1 dispatch on the P25 dispatch talkgroup.


Premium Subscriber
Oct 27, 2015
Willingboro, NJ
That's interesting to hear. I haven't ventured at all out of Burlington County to try that out. I have the SDS 100 and here in Willingboro it's been pretty good. Like you I'm waiting for the other TGID to turn on.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 5, 2007
Berlin, NJ
I know this thread is not about scanner devices but I am amazed on how well the Unication G5 picks up the new Burlington County P25 system. I live in Gloucester Twp Camden County and it is crystal clear here where as my Uniden SDS will not pick up any of the response channels at all. Only the VHF F1 dispatch channel. When I was not picking anything up on the SDS100 after the system went live, I thought I was too far away until I programmed the G5 with the new system and heard it crystal clear. Has anyone else in Camden County had the same issue with an SDS trying to pick up the new Burlington County system? Just looking forward to when they start simulcasting F1 dispatch on the P25 dispatch talkgroup.
Yes I've programmed G5 pagers for FFs in Gloucester Township and Deptford and most can get it just fine from there. With my G5 (I cheat and used a magmount antenna on my car) I have received it as far south as Paulsboro. In parts of the area my SDS100 works ok. Other parts the SDS100 gets nothing or the audio is poor quality. The SDS100 is a little more sensitive to interference from cell towers which operate close to the public safety band. I'm in Berlin about 1 mile from the Evesham Township line and reception isn't great on my SDS100. I've discovered that the closer I get to the NJICS tower at Rt 73 and Walker Ave, the worse it does. I believe that the strong 700mhz signals from that system can interfere with the signals from the Burlington County system when you're within a mile of the NJICS site. I have yet to try that near the Camden County sites.


Premium Subscriber
Oct 27, 2015
Willingboro, NJ
I've been hearing most, I think, from Willingboro even though some are muffled as if they have masks on. Also,there were a lot of radio checks this morning from Browns Mills area on R1.


Active Member
Feed Provider
Nov 20, 2003
West Creek,NJ
Ocean County was testing with Burlington on R5 and patching multiple other channels across their fire interoperability TG earlier.


Premium Subscriber
Apr 15, 2020
Pemberton NJ
I've been hearing most, I think, from Willingboro even though some are muffled as if they have masks on. Also,there were a lot of radio checks this morning from Browns Mills area on R1.
Funny thing is, the best reception I get is from Evesham (Dist 22).


Premium Subscriber
Dec 26, 2005
Medford, NJ
Funny thing is, the best reception I get is from Evesham (Dist 22).

I'm hearing most everything loud and clear with the exception of a few people who like the taste of the new RSM's. This using a 996P2 and discone. I'm receiving the sites around the Medford and Evesham area.


Premium Subscriber
Oct 27, 2015
Willingboro, NJ
I'm pretty sure that all of what I get is from the tower at Central since I'm only about 5 air miles away. Generally pretty good. Even from New Gretna.
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