Accountability on the fire scene? CFD's first in Engine Captain is in command and runs the scene, they should have a "accountability board" or something similar to this -
firefighter accountability board - Google Search
CFD could also have a digital one on their computer. District Chiefs for sure have something similar to what's pictured in the link. The first in Captain (unless they pass command to the second Engine) will be the Incident Commander and coordinate with the first arriving District Chief once they arrive on scene. Then the DC will then do a 360 of the scene and take command. The Captain will then become their assistant (keeping accountability, updating dispatch, etc..)
CFD does not have a lot of ff's on a scene until the working fire assignment is completely filled out.
I do imagine there is a "management" to ff ratio at an type of working fire scene.. so in theory I guess 1 Captain + 2 DC's (1 DC is a safety officer which is part of the command structure) to (currently average) 17-ish other ff's on a working fire.
Of course each unit operates on their own or teams up with other units to complete a task and there are Captains/Lieutenants in each of those teams of firefighters. These include teams like Fire Attack, Vent Control, Search, etc..
Each has again a Captain/Lieut in charge and reporting to Command.
Every fire department in North America is similar, but VERY different in how things are done and accomplished on a fire scene.
What staffing is like, what techniques are used, and sometimes what tools may be used. I find it very interesting studying what Edmonton, Vancouver, Ottawa, Toronto, LAFD, FDNY and so on do at a simple working fire scene all the way up to a 4th alarm plus fire scene