Does anyone know what preconnected hose diameters and lengths are on a typical (new) CFD engine? I guess what other non-preconnected hose is on there as well?
Excellent question!
First off, you must know CFD like every other fire department with its fleet, strives to keep everything simple and uniform across their fleet. So every Engine, Ladder, Rescue, Sqaud, etc.. should be
ROUGHLY laid out the same and have the same tool assortment and such.
With all CFD Engines, 2008's, 2010's, 2016-2021's They all carry the same hose, all the same pre-connects and are mainly laid out the same. Obviously, the 2010's are way bigger then the newer style of Engines on the streets, so some things may vary.
ALSO, some Engines maybe laid out
SLIGHTLY different from others in the fleet. Like Engine 1's Highrise pack might be in a different compartment than Engine 35's, because 35 doesn't see that many Highrise calls, but sees more auto accidents instead.
Some Engines might carry more wild lands hose, etc..
What I'm saying is that all Engines have the same stuff and tools. They are usually in the same place, except for an Engine here or there, depending on their District.. Some things might be slightly changed.
For hose size though, its been a hot minute since I've had the privilege of going through an Engine, so I'll do my best and please someone. Correct me if I'm wrong, but starting at the front bumper - what's know as a "Trash line" 30M or 100ft of 44mm or 1 3/4" attack line with a straight bore nozzle?
Above the pump, again - ALL ENGINES: 2 - 61M or 200ft of 44mm or 1 3/4" attack lines (I don't know what nozzles are used) and 1 - 61M or 200ft of 65mm or 2 1/2" attack line.
In the compartments you will find 4 - 15M or 50ft lengths of 77mm or 3" hose - used for connecting to Ladders/Tower Ladders and FDC standpipe systems, and smaller lengths of 65mm/ 2 1/2" and 125mm/5" lengths of hose to connect to a hydrant or Engine that is close
There are also Highrise packs, 1 or 2 lengths of 1 3/4' and 1 or 2 lengths of 2 1/2"
You will also find a "wildland" pack, I think it was 30M/100ft of 3/4" hose or 1" forestry hose for wildland/grass fires. I wish and hope that CFD will add to this and maybe add more packs or come up with a new pack for wildland/grass fire calls
Rear bed, 305M or 1000ft of 125mm/5" supply hose and what I LOVE, a split bed of 366M or 1200 feet of 65mm/ 2 1/2" hose which consists of 700ft flat load and 300ft which is set up as a horizontal standpipe/blitz fast attack line. It's not preconnected, but you know what you have and what you're pulling when you go for it. I hope this helps!