Clayton County 700Mhz System

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5B2_BEE00 Czar
Jul 12, 2008
Cobb County, GA Stadium Crime Zone
i think Tusa's point is, that was a document they created a proprietary template for, making it their property which thus Clayton County had no right to take it and turn it in to their RFP sheet, and remove the copyright notifications. t

I hear you. But what I have to question is why Mr. Tusa would register on a forum about government accountability to pop off and try to come across as the alpha dog when it wasn't even that kind of party? Seems rather unseemly and pretentious to me. I am sure their army of lawyers would just serve ClayCo's county attorney with a cease and desist and handle it in another more appropriate venue.

the RFP for Floyd does say "Copyright Tusa Consulting" on several pages. the clayton version does not, yet it has literally the exact same layout, and if i read Tusa correctly, some of the information in 100% Perfect exact wording which was meant for Floyd County. and may cause problems for Clayton if they follow it to the letter.

There is no denying that Clayton plagiarized the RFP using a "find and replace" method. Shame on them, but they obviously did not want the expense of hiring a consultant initially. Of course they later did...and put out a revised RFP.

i very highly doubt Clayton County had the permission to copy and overwrite the information from Tusa's documents for their own Clayton use.

This is Clayton county we are talking about, just another example of the fine festival of corruption that Georgia grown gubment is famous for.

But by no means is this their only bad deed and they are far from the only county full of corrupt bubbas. I can think of 158 more...:)


Dec 27, 2004
100% Granted on the first point...... doesn't look credible on his end. other than yes, a C&D.

like i said in this and other topics concerning Clayton, the entire GOV of Clayton, and about 85% of the population is nothing but mis-guided priorities and corruption.

i spent almost 9 years in clayton, and hated every moment of it
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