NOTE: I decided to copy this message I posted on the Antique Radio Forums to here, in case anyone here knows what's going on.
Yesterday, I once again opened the radio up. This time, I noticed that one of the slug racks wasn't moving. After some further examination, it appeared that the clamp holding the drive gear to the shaft had come loose. I tightened it, and it started moving normally. I also noticed that another slug rack was binding at the very top of its movement, and wouldn't go back down. Oddly, it was only the front end that did this. The other end goes down normally. It seems that something is holding it up. It didn't seem like a lube issue because it took some force to get it to return to the down position. I couldn't see any sort of bend or deformity in the frame, so I don't know what is going on there.
After adjusting every slug plunger, I still haven't picked anything up. I do notice that occassionally there will be a burst of static that starts off faint and then builds up in volume before suddenly disappearing. I also noticed that on certain frequencies there is a louder hiss, but nothing else. When I turn on the BFO, there's a loud squealing sound. The odd thing is is that I'll find this hiss as I go up and down the frequency dial, but seems to vanish if I try to zero in on it. Then it'll start over again on either a lower or higher frequency, and again goes away if I try to zero in on it. I am not exactly sure what this means.
I fixed the slug rack problem (something was out of alignment). Now, every time the PTO hits the 900 kHz mark, I'll get loud static and, suddenly, everything starts working. I noticed that there is a change in static every time I touch the antenna, and the ANT TRIM switch starts working. Any other frequency, and it stops working again. An interesting note is that it's only the kHz and NOT the MHz. I tried adjusting more of the slugs, but that didn't seem to do much except make the static quieter on the 900 kHz band.
Apparently, it isn't the PTO that's working here. It appears that it's just the slugs. I spun the PTO a couple times with my hand and it didn't appear to make any difference. Oddly, the volume of the 900 kHz static changed every time I adjusted the MHz dial. The exact frequency that the static is the loudest on is 955 kHz. It is also the strongest on 11955 kHz. I also noticed something else with the PTO: despite having the radio on for 10+ minutes, the tube on the PTO assembly wasn't even warm, while all the other tubes were very hot. However, disconnecting the wiring harness to it caused the static to stop.