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    If you are having trouble legally obtaining software please state so. We do not want any hurt feelings when your vague post is mistaken for a free request. It is YOUR responsibility to properly word your request.

    To obtain Motorola software see the Sticky in the Motorola forum.

    The various other vendors often permit their dealers to sell the software online (i.e., Kenwood). Please use Google or some other search engine to find a dealer that sells the software. Typically each series or individual radio requires its own software package. Often the Kenwood software is less than $100 so don't be a cheapskate; just purchase it.

    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

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Commercial radio for listening to P25 trunking? NOT INTERESTED IN NAS.

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Jan 3, 2003
Balt Md
Hi all,
What are my options to be able to program a commercial radio to listen to my local PD and Fire.I AM NOT INTERESTED IN ANY RADIO THAT SOFTWARE NEEDS A SYSTEM KEY TO PROGRAM.
Besides the BK KNG P800(Hard to find and very expensive) and older Harris radios XG100P that will allow a simple check never affiliate are there any other radios out there.I have owned a unication G4/5 and it wasn't loud enough for my taste and moving through the menus was slow and painful.


Active Member
Jul 3, 2003
I am guessing your PSPC system is VHF conventional. The MaCom M7100/P7100 will do that nicely.
Anything P25 phase1 or 2, there is no getting around the system keys which is moot anyway.
Something like a Motorola XTS3000 or 5000 works good with phase 1 but you would need something like XPR6550 or better for phase 2
The catch is NAS programming would be mandatory. I hear it all the time: Why is the TX light blinking ? The radio is trying to affiliate and if you hammer a site with those pings, it draws attention to officials including the FCC.
Consumer turnkey setup may be the way to go. A good SDR and DSD+fastlane will fill the bill and many have put together portable packages.


Premium Subscriber
Aug 29, 2012
Silver Spring, MD
You do NOT want to draw any attention to yourself at all by using a radio in NAS mode because not only with the TX light blinking and it must might give you the attention you do not want by the local PD and FCC. You could be looking at a serious cash shortage and mabe jail time as well. If you affiliate to a system you just might put a public safety responder life at risk or worse yet a police officer calling for help and no one hears his call because your radio interfered with his if your radio affiliates to that system. Besides the KNG P800 radio their is public safety grade radio that I know of that you can just turn on and listen. Since you are up in Baltimore County , I am down here in Monkey, besides SDR a Uniden SDS200 would work but once again they are some serious money. Sorry but what you are asking for does is not on the market and with Baltimore County being in the 700/800band and yes they are trunking you do need the a radio that does both phase 1 and phase 2.


Oct 13, 2015
Isle of Wight County
I am guessing your PSPC system is VHF conventional. The MaCom M7100/P7100 will do that nicely.
Anything P25 phase1 or 2, there is no getting around the system keys which is moot anyway.
Something like a Motorola XTS3000 or 5000 works good with phase 1 but you would need something like XPR6550 or better for phase 2
The catch is NAS programming would be mandatory. I hear it all the time: Why is the TX light blinking ? The radio is trying to affiliate and if you hammer a site with those pings, it draws attention to officials including the FCC.
Consumer turnkey setup may be the way to go. A good SDR and DSD+fastlane will fill the bill and many have put together portable packages.
He stated he wanted to listen to P25 trunking. Which is not conventional. If it’s VHF trunking, the XTS3000 will not work. And, if it’s Phase II, the XPR6550 will not work, either. The 6550 is DMR, not P25.


Forums Manager/Global DB Admin
Staff member
Forums Manager
Jun 26, 2001
Oot and Aboot
Please ignore everything in this post as it has no basis in reality.

I am guessing your PSPC system is VHF conventional. The MaCom M7100/P7100 will do that nicely.
Anything P25 phase1 or 2, there is no getting around the system keys which is moot anyway.
Something like a Motorola XTS3000 or 5000 works good with phase 1 but you would need something like XPR6550 or better for phase 2
The catch is NAS programming would be mandatory. I hear it all the time: Why is the TX light blinking ? The radio is trying to affiliate and if you hammer a site with those pings, it draws attention to officials including the FCC.
Consumer turnkey setup may be the way to go. A good SDR and DSD+fastlane will fill the bill and many have put together portable packages.


Jan 3, 2003
Balt Md
I am guessing your PSPC system is VHF conventional. The MaCom M7100/P7100 will do that nicely.
Anything P25 phase1 or 2, there is no getting around the system keys which is moot anyway.
Something like a Motorola XTS3000 or 5000 works good with phase 1 but you would need something like XPR6550 or better for phase 2
The catch is NAS programming would be mandatory. I hear it all the time: Why is the TX light blinking ? The radio is trying to affiliate and if you hammer a site with those pings, it draws attention to officials including the FCC.
Consumer turnkey setup may be the way to go. A good SDR and DSD+fastlane will fill the bill and many have put together portable packages.


Jan 3, 2003
Balt Md
The KNG or KNG2 are what folks have talked about. Have a friend with one on a UHF P25 system. (Sorry RELM/BK are now one in the same now.)
The KNG 1 and 2 P800'S are hard to find at least on Ebay.Dealers have them but are asking crazy prices especially if you want TDMA.


Feed Provider
Jul 29, 2012
East of the Mississippi
The KNG 1 and 2 P800'S are hard to find at least on Ebay.Dealers have them but are asking crazy prices especially if you want TDMA.

KNG-P800 - Here

But agree. VHF and UHF have more than 800. My guess is guys who have them dont want to give them up. The XG seems to be online alot around $1000 but never played with one.


Premium Subscriber
Aug 29, 2012
Silver Spring, MD
Ditto here with my XG-100P. No trouble at all and works in all 3 bands here in the DC metro area. I need 700/800 for MD and DC, VHF for Virginia, UHF for West Virginia and even tho it will not do Smartzone in Delaware in the 700/800band Sussex County in Delaware does use VHF and UHF as well so no matter which way i travel to within a 150 radius from my home I have everything covered.


Getting tired of all the stupidity.
Sep 8, 2002
Somewhere between the Scylla and Charybdis
You do NOT want to draw any attention to yourself at all by using a radio in NAS mode because not only with the TX light blinking and it must might give you the attention you do not want by the local PD and FCC.

NAS, done RIGHT, DOES NOT AFFILIATE OR ATTEMPT TO DO SO. Let's just get that cleared up. Properly done, it IS safe.

For the OP, either use a Harris radio or get a scanner. Maybe a BK radio would do, too. (I have no personal experience with them, but apparently they have true RX only capacity in trunking.)


Feed Provider
Jan 10, 2003
Autauga County, Alabama
For the OP, either use a Harris radio or get a scanner. Maybe a BK radio would do, too. (I have no personal experience with them, but apparently they have true RX only capacity in trunking.)

BK Radios will do non affiliate scan. I actually talked to the BK technical rep at a trade show four years ago, and he had helped a user set up a BK radio for NAS.

As far as the XG-100P radios, I was researching using one of them for NAS earlier this year. I learned that Harris made an update in a firmware version to require a system key. I don't remember what the firmware version is, but the fella who posted here on rr.com appeared to know his stuff. Also, the P7300 radios will do NAS as well.

Right now, my city is changing over to a Harris P25 Phase II system. I'm waiting to see if they encrypt the PD and FD dispatch channels before I spend the money on a Unication G4. Even though I use commercial radios as scanners and ham radios, I decided not to use a commercial P25 portable for monitoring trunked systems.
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