Continuing the series on COVID-19 confirmed infections in Maryland, we saw a significant increase in cases overnight, including the first confirmed cases in several counties. Note that these numbers do not necessarily represent hospitalizations. The total confirmed case count increased 23% to 244, with the majority of cases in the NCR region, mostly in Montgomery and PG counties. The Central MD region unsurprisingly has the second highest caseload, Southern MD the third, the Eastern Shore the fourth, and Western MD has the least, recording their first case in Washington County. In the NCR, Montgomery County has 83 cases, PG 40, and Frederick with one. In Central MD, Baltimore County has 28, Howard increasing sharply with 24, Anne Arundel increasing by three to 18, with five cases in Harford and four in Carroll. The Eastern Shore picked up a few cases, with first cases in Cecil, Caroline and Somerset counties. All Southern MD counties now have confirmed cases, with the most in Charles County at five, and a first case in St. Mary's County. And as mentioned above, Western MD's only case in Washington County.