DFW Area TPI P25


Premium Subscriber
Apr 9, 2003
Van Alstyne, TX
As some of you are aware I started a new job recently where I'm visiting an office just North of Downtown Dallas about once a week. Since I don't have a permanent office to set a monitoring rig, I leave the mobile rig logging away in the parking garage. When I got there today and parked, I conducted a test to see what I could pick up 3 levels underground. To my surprise the TPI P25 system came in, but it had a new System ID (but still a Phase 1 only). In looking at the logs, it now shows neighbors (although 2 have invalid frequencies, and the 3rd shows "Isolated").

There was encrypted traffic on Talkgroup 500 logged during the afternoon, and a few affiliations on other talkgroups. It also is broadcasting a BSI of WKM78 which is a license for James Childers.

Here's the raw data dump from DSDPlus:

Network: DEE00.911

Bandplan #0: Base=851.00625 Offset=-45 Spacing=6.25 BW=12.5

Site: 1.20

Channel 3-1776: CC
Channel 3-1932: CC

Site: 1.99

Channel 3-2328: CC

Site: 3.1 NAC=911 BSI=WKM78

Neighbor: DEE00.911-1.20
Neighbor: DEE00.911-1.99
Neighbor: DEE00.911-3.7

Channel 0-649: 855.06250 CC
Channel 0-1417: 859.86250 DATA BSI
Channel 0-1441: 860.01250 SCC
Channel 0-1577: 860.86250 VOICE DATA

Site: 3.7

Channel 0-1943: 863.15000 CC

I'll try and gather more information on subsequent visits, but if anyone else that's closer wants to investigate as well.