I think I may have answered my own question. By looking at the page dedicated to the specific system (
Utah Communications Agency Network (UCAN) Trunking System, Various, Multi-State - Scanner Frequencies ) , and paying attention to the "System Type" and "System Voice", I was able to reference the wiki for the value in that table, and understand if Digital was available on that system or not, where I lived. Does this seem accurate?
From what I gathered, with the system known as "UCAN" being a "Analog and APCO-25 Common Air Interface", I understand it to be that Digital is available, but analog is also available, to ensure compatibility between analog and digital systems.
P25 CAI - The RadioReference Wiki - To me, this means that Digital Voice is available on an analogue trunking system. Does my BCT15X receive digital voice on an analogue trunk?
I'm a bit confused, and trying to understand and learn. Please correct me where I may be wrong. Unfortunately, this is not my profession, nor do I have anyone to show me the ropes.