Well, if a true SHTF situation occurred, nobody would care about the FCC regs or any other laws, regulations and ordinances. And why should they? That would be a survival situation. Eff the FCC in that situation. And everything else that interferes with survival.
Maybe so in a global/nationwide disaster.
Public safety professionals have a different idea what constitutes an emergency compared to the guy who passed the 35 question multiple choice test and the bought the top of the line $18 CCR with the military looking blade antenna.
Having been through a few local disasters, the last thing public safety needs is some whacker 'trying to help'.
Hams have no business on any frequency allocations than those provided in part 97. They aren't going to benefit from accessing anyone else's system. If they want to help, volunteer with the agency and deploy when asked, not when they feel scared because the wind is blowing and Waffle House is closed.
Ham radio operators, GMRS users, MURS users, CB users all have roles they can play with the equipment and authorizations they legally have. There's zero justification to start hacking radios or trying to access trunked radio systems. That's just whacker dreaming, and it needs to be addressed swiftly and forcefully.