Individual Amateur radio operators who volunteer for emergencies are less than worthless.
1) Without credentials (A ham license notwithstanding) emergency managers have no way to determine your qualifications or even if you are a looter.
2) Communications personnel and equipment have no purpose without someone with authority on the other end.
3) Gear and antennas set up for the emergency go away when the amateur radio operator has to leave. Communications capability that are only available for a few hours is not very valuable.
4) Most of the official communications in an emergency requires operational security and must protect privacy and HIPAA.
5) Every resource in an emergency consumes management and support resources. If an amateur radio operator is of little value but consumes management resources, they are of negative value to emergency management.
6) There are always safety issues in emergencies. Volunteers with unknown capabilities are at risk because they often are unaware of the unique dangers that are present in emergencies.
There are some things that are obvious. Amateur radio is only of use in teams that can be typed in the National Incident Management System (NIMS) Or as individuals that have specific NIMS qualifications like COMT (Communications Technician) or CUL (Communications Unit Leader).
We recently formed the Communications Volunteer Institute ( A 501(c)3 corporation) to:
- Research why Amateur radio operators and other volunteers who may bring valuable capabilities to bear in emergencies are so poorly utilized, and promote regulatory change to advance the effective use of communications volunteers in emergencies.
- Devise systems to form teams that can be confidently be recognized by emergency managers as able to fulfill emergency communications unmet needs..
- Develop training workbooks and courses to fill in qualifications that are not met by FEMA and other courses.
- Work with jurisdictions and NGOs to identify, recruit, enroll, train and qualify members of their teams, and the teams themselves
- Find methods to facilitate teams from outside an emergency effected area to participate in response when local teams become exhausted or are themselves effected by the emergency.
- Design equipment and methods to fulfill needs that may not be met by day to day jurisdictions. ex. temporary mesh networked environmental sensors, NVIS communicatons, field deployable base stations, temporary campus or emergency area networking connections.
The Institute has a discord server running, (Communications Volunteer Institute) and the beginnings of a website ( (looking for volunteers).
If you are interested, please send a message to and I will send an invitation to the discord server.