Unknown DUID?
I've started tinkering with this software, as it would seem to do what I've been trying to do since, well, forever
Anyway, I have installed the software on Debian 5.0.4 (Lenny?)... I'm running mbelib 1.2.3 and DSD 1.4.1. For reference it's running on a Via C7 1.5GHz with 1GB of RAM. X install is minimal, so overhead is pretty low.
For testing I've installed a discriminator tap on my Pro-2028. I did not use a resistor on the tap, as i've found online that most scanners don't need it. I didn't have one here, and I'm trying to do a proof-of-concept.
I have it all hooked up through the line-in on the sound card. From what I can tell, it's working, except I'm not getting any audio out of it, and I seem to be getting... errors?
Here's an example line:
Sync: +p25p1 mod: QPSK inlvl: 88% nac: D55 src: 0 tg: 0 duid:32 *Unknown DUID*
Sync: no sync
The +p25p1 is always the same
mod is always the same
inlvl varies from about 85% to 97%
nac changes all the time. D55, D46, C75, E55, 856... The list goes on and on...
src is always 0
tg is always 0
duid changes... 31, 32, 02, 20, 01 are common ones... 31 and 32 are the most common...
What is a duid?
Can someone explain to me what's wrong? VERY occasionally I'll get a blip saying voice, and the sound card will make a plunk noise, but I'm not getting anything but that out of it... Certainly no voices...
EDIT: Finally found a transmission that did... something?
Sync: +DMR mod: QPSK inlvl 51% [SLOT0 slot1 VOICE e:====R====E===========R========R======R=====T======R==
Sync: (+DMR) mod: QPSK inlvl: 75% slot0 [slot1] VOICE e:============R=====R=============R==============
Sync: no sync
I got blurbs from the soundcard, but nothing recognizable...