
Oct 21, 2021
Thank you lwvmobile for the comment, sorry my English is not very good, the ASL data that I indicate is associated with the location, the sample is presented in the event window in which it indicates the typical data of a location such as latitude , longitude, speed and azimuth, but I have observed that in a NXDN signal it also showed me the altitude data (59m ASL) and I have read that ASL can also be presented in D-Star and DMR.

Here I show the graphic captures that I caught, unfortunately I was not recording at that time, if they come out again I will send you an audio of it.


In relation to the second part, I understand then that if I indicate the -Z command, it will save a log with the information that the DSD FME captures, like that of the sample.


Thank you for your patience and work, best regards.


Apr 26, 2020
Lafayette County, FL
In relation to the second part, I understand then that if I indicate the -Z command, it will save a log with the information that the DSD FME captures, like that of the sample.

The -Z part doesn't save a log file, that simply dumps the extra payload information to the console. If you want to route the console to a file, and in essence, create a log, then you will need to do a dsd-fme -Z -N 2> log.ans and log.ans will be the log file, you can name it whatever you want to.

Also, worth mentioning, looks like that screenshot is from the older windows precompiled binary. I updated that a few weeks ago, now its on par with the main branch, all features intact, you'll want it for sure, it'll dump a ton more NXDN PDU stuff.



Oct 21, 2021
Thanks lwvmobile for the information, I'll download the latest version and try it out, thanks again, best regards.


Apr 26, 2020
Lafayette County, FL
Sorry for the delay on this guys (vacation got in the way!). Here is a DSD+ raw recording of a few Capacity Plus private calls (and one with Basic Privacy enabled just for fun).
Thanks. I'm guessing you didn't hold the TX button long enough to talk, got lots of VLC and TLC, but no voice sync in-between.


Jun 8, 2003
To Lwvmobile, quote in remote " I appreciate all your help, I think its important to remote into another system to get more samples and to improve on dsd-fme. " Even thou the 2 of us did are work remotely, I know I solved a few problems and also shared NDXN96, P25, DMR(CAP+) systems and will continue whenever I can. Mudary


Apr 26, 2020
Lafayette County, FL
To Lwvmobile, quote in remote " I appreciate all your help, I think its important to remote into another system to get more samples and to improve on dsd-fme. " Even thou the 2 of us did are work remotely, I know I solved a few problems and also shared NDXN96, P25, DMR(CAP+) systems and will continue whenever I can. Mudary

Yeah, I always find myself finding new little quirks about different systems that I hadn't encountered before when looking at new systems, that's for sure. Always something else to try to add in or account for in FME that I hadn't seen before.


Oct 21, 2021
I've been tinkering away, a little here and there, adding some more decoding for things like CSBK info, and LC opcodes like aliases, etc. If anybody has any DMR samples that have embedded GPS information in it and could provide a sample, that would be splendid.

Currently on the lookout for:
  • DMR with GPS
  • dPMR Unencrypted

Hello Iwvmobile, I apologize for my comment about the DSD-FME, a few days ago they sent me an image of a DSD-FME capture in which the data captured from a location where the longitude appears as 276.673343, I think that this data is wrong because its formula is imcomplete since in the case of latitude greater than 90, 180 must be subtracted from the result and in the case of longitude, if it is greater than 180, 360 must be subtracted.


I would like to know if my approach is wrong or, if not, I am right and this can be corrected, thanks for your understanding, greetings.


Oct 21, 2021
Ok, thanks for clarifying the information, I really miss the content of the image because the coordinates it presented did not have any logic.

I have another question about your software: do you have any command to make it display the 196 x 96 bits of the BPTC? It would be very interesting to be able to show it for the study of the different plots, thanks again, greetings.


Apr 26, 2020
Lafayette County, FL
I have another question about your software: do you have any command to make it display the 196 x 96 bits of the BPTC? It would be very interesting to be able to show it for the study of the different plots, thanks again, greetings.

You can dump the deinterleaved/decoded payloads (including BPTC) to the console with the -Z command. If you are using the ncurses terminal, you can shortcut key 'z' or the menu to activate it and find it in your log file, the file specified after the 2>.

So, for example, if your start up script is dsd-fme -N -fs -Z 2> log.txt, the log.txt will contain the payloads arranged as hex byte values. This is what a typical payload would look like on DMR with -Z enabled.

16:00:15 Sync: +DMR   slot1  [slot2] | Color Code=03 | VLC
SLOT 2 TGT=21001 SRC=21002 FLCO=0x07 FID=0x10 SVC=0x00 Cap+ Private Call  Cap+ R-Ch 3
DMR PDU Payload [07][10][00][00][52][09][03][52][0A][ED][FD][71]
16:00:15 Sync: +DMR  [slot1]  slot2  | Color Code=03 | CSBK
Capacity Plus Channel Status - FL: 3 TS: 0 RS: 0 - Rest Channel 3 - Single Block
PB2: 80 Private or Data Call Ch4: TGT 21001;
  Ch1: Idle Ch2: Idle Ch3: Rest Ch4: Priv
  Ch5: Idle Ch6: Idle Ch7: Idle Ch8: Idle
CAP+ PDU Payload [BE][10][C3][00][00][80][10][52][09][00][00][00][00][00][00][00][00]
DMR PDU Payload [BE][10][C3][00][00][80][10][52][09][00][09][9A]
16:00:15 Sync: +DMR   slot1  [slot2] | Color Code=03 | VLC
SLOT 2 TGT=21001 SRC=21002 FLCO=0x07 FID=0x10 SVC=0x00 Cap+ Private Call  Cap+ R-Ch 3
DMR PDU Payload [07][10][00][00][52][09][03][52][0A][ED][FD][71]
16:00:15 Sync: +DMR  [slot1]  slot2  | Color Code=03 | CSBK
Capacity Plus Channel Status - FL: 3 TS: 0 RS: 0 - Rest Channel 3 - Single Block
PB2: 80 Private or Data Call Ch4: TGT 21001;
  Ch1: Idle Ch2: Idle Ch3: Rest Ch4: Priv
  Ch5: Idle Ch6: Idle Ch7: Idle Ch8: Idle
CAP+ PDU Payload [BE][10][C3][00][00][80][10][52][09][00][00][00][00][00][00][00][00]
DMR PDU Payload [BE][10][C3][00][00][80][10][52][09][00][09][9A]
SLCO Capacity Plus Site: 1 - Rest Channel 3 - RS: 08
SLCO Completed Block [F1][00][30][87][70]
16:00:15 Sync: +DMR   slot1  [SLOT2] | Color Code=03 | VC1*
AMBE F801A99F8CE000 err = [0] [0]
AMBE F801A99F8CE000 err = [0] [0]
AMBE F801A99F8CE000 err = [0] [0]

16:00:16 Sync: +DMR  [slot1]  slot2  | Color Code=03 | CSBK
Capacity Plus Channel Status - FL: 3 TS: 0 RS: 0 - Rest Channel 3 - Single Block
PB2: 80 Private or Data Call Ch4: TGT 21001;
  Ch1: Idle Ch2: Idle Ch3: Rest Ch4: Priv
  Ch5: Idle Ch6: Idle Ch7: Idle Ch8: Idle
CAP+ PDU Payload [BE][10][C3][00][00][80][10][52][09][00][00][00][00][00][00][00][00]
DMR PDU Payload [BE][10][C3][00][00][80][10][52][09][00][09][9A]
^[[6~16:00:16 Sync: +DMR   slot1  [SLOT2] | Color Code=03 | VC2
AMBE F801A99F8CE000 err = [0] [0]
AMBE F801A99F8CE000 err = [0] [0]
AMBE F801A99F8CE000 err = [0] [0]

16:00:16 Sync: +DMR  [slot1]  slot2  | Color Code=03 | CSBK
Capacity Plus Channel Status - FL: 3 TS: 0 RS: 0 - Rest Channel 3 - Single Block
PB2: 80 Private or Data Call Ch4: TGT 21001;
  Ch1: Idle Ch2: Idle Ch3: Rest Ch4: Priv
  Ch5: Idle Ch6: Idle Ch7: Idle Ch8: Idle
CAP+ PDU Payload [BE][10][C3][00][00][80][10][52][09][00][00][00][00][00][00][00][00]
DMR PDU Payload [BE][10][C3][00][00][80][10][52][09][00][09][9A]
SLCO Capacity Plus Site: 1 - Rest Channel 3 - RS: 08
SLCO Completed Block [F1][00][30][87][70]
16:00:16 Sync: +DMR   slot1  [SLOT2] | Color Code=03 | VC3
AMBE F801A99F8CE000 err = [0] [0]
AMBE F801A99F8CE000 err = [0] [0]
AMBE 9802B94FB4D300 err = [0] [0]

16:00:16 Sync: +DMR  [slot1]  slot2  | Color Code=03 | CSBK
Capacity Plus Channel Status - FL: 3 TS: 0 RS: 0 - Rest Channel 3 - Single Block
PB2: 80 Private or Data Call Ch4: TGT 21001;
  Ch1: Idle Ch2: Idle Ch3: Rest Ch4: Priv
  Ch5: Idle Ch6: Idle Ch7: Idle Ch8: Idle
CAP+ PDU Payload [BE][10][C3][00][00][80][10][52][09][00][00][00][00][00][00][00][00]
DMR PDU Payload [BE][10][C3][00][00][80][10][52][09][00][09][9A]
16:00:16 Sync: +DMR   slot1  [SLOT2] | Color Code=03 | VC4
AMBE AC31029447C100 err = [0] [0]
AMBE 4821DA3A335D00 err = [0] [2]
AMBE 4815AA1F0BF000 err = [1] [0]

16:00:16 Sync: +DMR  [slot1]  slot2  | Color Code=03 | CSBK
Capacity Plus Channel Status - FL: 3 TS: 0 RS: 0 - Rest Channel 3 - Single Block
PB2: 80 Private or Data Call Ch4: TGT 21001;
  Ch1: Idle Ch2: Idle Ch3: Rest Ch4: Priv
  Ch5: Idle Ch6: Idle Ch7: Idle Ch8: Idle
CAP+ PDU Payload [BE][10][C3][00][00][80][10][52][09][00][00][00][00][00][00][00][00]
DMR PDU Payload [BE][10][C3][00][00][80][10][52][09][00][09][9A]
SLCO Capacity Plus Site: 1 - Rest Channel 3 - RS: 08
SLCO Completed Block [F1][00][30][87][70]
16:00:16 Sync: +DMR   slot1  [SLOT2] | Color Code=03 | VC5
AMBE 48124147835B80 err = [1] [0]
AMBE E81D680187B000 err = [1] [0]
AMBE E803994DAB0280 err = [0] [0]

16:00:16 Sync: +DMR  [slot1]  slot2  | Color Code=03 | CSBK
Capacity Plus Channel Status - FL: 3 TS: 0 RS: 0 - Rest Channel 3 - Single Block
PB2: 80 Private or Data Call Ch4: TGT 21001;
  Ch1: Idle Ch2: Idle Ch3: Rest Ch4: Priv
  Ch5: Idle Ch6: Idle Ch7: Idle Ch8: Idle
CAP+ PDU Payload [BE][10][C3][00][00][80][10][52][09][00][00][00][00][00][00][00][00]
DMR PDU Payload [BE][10][C3][00][00][80][10][52][09][00][09][9A]
16:00:16 Sync: +DMR   slot1  [SLOT2] | Color Code=03 | VC6
SLOT 2 TGT=21001 SRC=21002 FLCO=0x03 FID=0x00 SVC=0x00 Private Call
DMR PDU Payload [03][00][00][00][52][09][00][52][0A]
  SB: 00000000000 - 000
AMBE D819A6A2421C80 err = [0] [0]
AMBE D812D28E524300 err = [0] [0]
AMBE B819D4BD80F980 err = [0] [0]


Oct 21, 2021
Ok, thanks for the information, you are creating a very interesting tool, congratulations, regards.


Jan 31, 2023
Hello, the information that DSD-FME sends to DSD.LRRP, I have this sample, LRRP is not able to apply to show position.

2023/02/02 09:29:34 03008404 -70.19588 255.42367 6.750 178
2023/02/02 13:46:16 03008404 -78.65682 254.72685 10.688 142
2023/02/02 14:01:25 03008417 -50.46852 194.23256 5.850 32
2023/02/02 14:19:42 03008404 82.23442 281.20803 3.403 0
2023/02/02 14:21:45 03008404 12.96327 160.94553 5.231 232
2023/02/03 18:39:40 00000119 -44.55974 133.59375 5.484 150
2023/02/03 18:50:48 00000030 -84.71504 96.27145 8.888 92
2023/02/03 22:40:51 00000001 73.22027 198.57952 9.562 0



Mar 23, 2014
Remember somewhere very long time ago in the past there be issue with gps program decoded wrong position because windows/linux in US use decimal " , " and in Europe use " . " but i have no idea if this the same causing and just mention it.
FME become better programm during period


Oct 21, 2021
Remember somewhere very long time ago in the past there be issue with gps program decoded wrong position because windows/linux in US use decimal " , " and in Europe use " . " but i have no idea if this the same causing and just mention it.
FME become better programm during period

This problem that you indicate appears when representing that data on a plane, not showing the coordinates in UTM. It must be remembered that for latitude measured from the equator, its values are +- 90º, so if it gives us coordinates greater than 90 we will have to subtract 180 and they would be negative, for longitude, longitude 0 would be the Meridian of Greenwich and its values are +-180º, so if the result is higher, 360 will have to be subtracted and a negative longitude will come out.


Apr 26, 2020
Lafayette County, FL
Again, I can't fix things if you don't provide sample wav or capture bin files of the activity occurring frequently enough to replicate it and look for the root cause. I can think of several reasons why that lrrp data didn't come out correct, including bad trellis decoding from 3/4 rate data, message with a bad crc being passed to the lrrp decoder, the lrrp decoder calculation being incorrect, the lrrp decoder finding a second random serialized token in the message and accidentally using it to calculate the lat and lon, etc.