In relation to the first comment, I have the 256 pre-programmed keys for both Motorola and Hytera in BP, so I only do a search for the first frame to tell me if it is on the list or not, as you well know, there is a repetition of this frame in Motorola at the beginning, in Hytera I have seen that it repeats this frame from bit 128 from the start of the first frame (as long as the key matches one of the 256), if the key is modified it does not perform this repetition.
That sounds more like an Auto BP function, which I will not be implementing. As far as using BP, you have to enter the decimal value of the key id for DMR for 'normal' BP, and enter the 10/32/64 char value for Hytera BP if you want to use one of those. See the -h output or read the example usage, or check the premade bat files, it'll have examples of all of those. Again, BP does not convey a key id over the air, so no key loader functionality.
Regarding the second comment, I have found all these combinations in which LRRP or IP data appear.
Then you should probably check my last post again, it has a 'combination' that you don't have on your list - 0D 18 23.
From my understanding, and this much seems to hold up, the first hex value after the 0D is the message length in octets. I'm not sure what the second value indicates, but from all my samples it always seems to be a 0x22 or an 0x23. Usually, what I look for is the 0x1F flag to start parsing for LRRP tokens.
On a similar manner, if anybody has samples with LOCN in it, I would be interested in viewing those. I have some with the A, N, and E markers in it for Time, North, and East. Would be interested to see if there are others as well. I presume that there must be a S and W marker as well. I found this old post and used it to model code for LOCN protocol.
Hello, have DSD+ Fastlane and run well. In Italy when I listen a service I red always LOCN (please look attach) and look the position, the number etc but no direction and speed. I have seen on web (please look attach) LRRP and it's possible look position, number but also direction and speed...
Slot 2 Data Header - INDIV - Short Data: Defined - Response Requested - Source: 114 Target: 1
SD:D [DD_HEAD] - SAP 10 [Short DT] - AB 05 - DD 00 - PDb 88 - FMT 00 [Binary] - Confirmed Data
LOCN Report - Source: [114]
2021/05/02 13:03:25 Lat: N 53°08'4509" Lon: E 23°06'5141"
Slot 2 - Multi Block PDU Message
[00][00][00][00][97][61][94][EB] CRC - EXT 976194EB CMP 976194EB
Short Data: ASCII
8 r A130325020521N5308.4509E0
2306.514127.021 a
Seems to always come off of a Short Data: Defined Header with Binary Format. Not sure if it has any other formats or not.